Da Chongguang (1623-1692), the word Zai Xin, named Junyi, Youhao Changuang, Jiangshang Waishi, Yugang Snow Sweeping Taoist, etc., from Dantu Jurong Dongjing (now Baitu Town, Jurong, Jiangsu), Shunzhi In the 9th year (1652), Jinshi was supervised by the Xingbu Langzheng Yushi, who dared to speak frankly as an official, and abandoned the official to return to the court because of the impeachment of the pearl of the power minister. Painting and calligraphy, fine appreciation, Qing Wu Xiu's "Zhao Dynasty Ruler Biography (《昭代尺牍小传》)": "The book goes in and out of Su and Mi, and its verticality is the most praised by Wang Menglou.". His running script had a certain influence on Wang Wenzhi's early calligraphy, but few inks were handed down to the world. Together with Jiang Chenying, Wang Shirong, and He Zhuo, he was called the Four Great Masters in the early Qing Dynasty, also known as the "Four Great Masters" in calligraphy, and Qianlong in the history of calligraphy. It used to be the "post semester", and then the "stone semester". Kangxi was good at Dong Qichang's calligraphy, and Qianlong was good at Zhao Mengfu, and the style of calligraphy was fierce. Formed the "Four Great Masters": Tao Chongguang, Jiang Chenying, Wang Shirong, and He Zhuo. The light can also be used for poetry, and the style of poetry is clear and beautiful. He painted landscapes, orchids and bamboos, and his handed down works include "Autumn Rain and Solitary Boat (《秋雨孤舟图》)" and "Xingshu Qilu Poetry Axis (《行书七律诗轴》)", both of which are collected in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Author of "Shu Raft (《书筏》)", "Hua Yun (《画筌》)" and other monographs on the theory of calligraphy and painting art. "Manuscripts of Qing History (《清史稿》)" volume 282 has a biography. Emperor Kangxi accompanied him when he went to the south of the Yangtze River.