Huairen's Collection of Wang Xizhi's "Holy Religion Preface" The Beginning of "Collection of Characters" High Definition is More Convenient

   Huairen collected Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Holy Religion" because seven Buddha statues are engraved on the head of the stele, which is also called "The Preface to the Seven Buddhas and the Holy Religion". In the third year of Xianheng (672), it was built at Hongfu Temple in Chang'an, the capital. "The Preface to the Holy Teachings of the Tripitaka" was written by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in recognition of Master Xuanzang who went to various countries in the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist scriptures and translated the essential texts of the Tripitaka after returning to China. Prince Li Zhi (Gaozong) also wrote the appendix, Zhuge Shenli cut the stone, and Zhu Jingzang engraved the words. The stele is 9.4 feet high and 4.2 feet wide. There are 30 lines in total, ranging from more than 80 words per line. Now the Forest of Steles in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

  For the "Ji Wang" category, the "Preface to the Holy Religion" is the first to be recommended. The inscriptions on the stele were collected and collected by Huairen over a period of 25 years, borrowed from the original works of Wang Xi stored in the inner palace, so they are highly regarded by the world. The inscriptions on the stele are selected from various inscriptions written by Wang Wangxi, such as Zhi, Qu, or, Qun, Ran, Lin, Huai, Jiang, Feng, Lang, Shi, Chong, You, Tuo, Wei, Lan, Shi, Ji, etc., all taken from " "Lanting Preface". Due to Huairen's profound knowledge and rigorous attitude towards calligraphy, the stipples on this stele are vigorous, ups and downs, and subtle, fully embodying the characteristics and charm of Wang's calligraphy, achieving a natural position, orderly structure, peace and simplicity. realm. "Of course, this method of collecting characters also has considerable limitations. For example, there are few changes in repeated characters, and the structure of characters combined with radicals lacks echo. Since this monument, collections of characters written by Wang Xizhi or other great calligraphers have been used for inscriptions. Others continue to appear, such as the "Xingfu Temple Stele" collected by Monk Daya, and the "New Translation of the Diamond Sutra" prefaced by Tang Xuan, all of which are excellent works, but "The Preface to the Sacred Teachings of Wang Xi" is still the most successful.

The origin of the Preface to the Holy Doctrine:

  Master Xuanzang, a monk in the Tang Dynasty, traveled west to seek Buddhist scriptures. He went through untold hardships and risked his life before reaching India. When he returned to Chang'an to study for Buddhist scriptures, the whole country was shocked. Taizong was very moved by Xuanzang's great spirit of arduously studying for Buddhist scriptures, and called him "a great event in the dynasty". He also highly praised his achievements in Buddhism, so in the 19th year of Zhenguan, he On February 6, he was ordered to translate Sanskrit scriptures at Hongfu Temple in Chang'an. He also gave him a preface to his translation of "Yoghishastra", which is the origin of "Preface to the Sacred Teachings".

  After the "Preface to the Holy Religion" was written, in order to immortalize it for posterity and make it known to the world, preparations were made to engrave it on a stele for circulation. And because Emperor Taizong loved Xi Zhi's calligraphy, everyone believed that this stele was not "not valuable enough" but the calligraphy of the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi. However, Xizhi was from Jin Dynasty and could not write again, so he asked Huairen, a monk from Hongfu Temple, to do the work of collecting calligraphy and spelling. Shi Huairen was originally a monk who was good at Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. It is said that he was also a descendant of Wang Xizhi. Huairen used the method of collecting calligraphy to spell out the full text of "The Preface to the Holy Religion" in Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. In order to facilitate Huairen's calligraphy collection work, Taizong specifically agreed to provide a large number of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy collections in the palace for the collection of calligraphy and copying. 

   Huairen, a calligrapher and monk in the Tang Dynasty, lived in Hongfu Temple in Chang'an (today's Xi'an, Shaanxi Province). He once copied Wang Xizhi's handwriting into the Preface to the Holy Teachings of the Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty, which is unique among the inscriptions. Zhou Yue of the Northern Song Dynasty recorded in "Ancient and Modern Dharma Script Garden": "The Preface to the Sacred Teachings was made by Emperor Wen. At that time, various Buddhist committees in the capital, Hongfu Temple, Huairen, gathered the Youjun running script and laid stones. It took many years to complete, and Yishao's authentic works were collected among them. ." The contemporary Kang Youwei said in "Guang Yi Zhou Shuang Ji": "The Youjun books collected by Huairen in the Preface to the Holy Religion are of natural position and orderly writing. They can be described as extraordinary talents."

   The full text of "Holy Religion Preface" has a total of 1,904 words, including three parts: a preface by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, a note by Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi, and a sutra translated by Xuanzang himself. Huairen went through a long process Twenty-four years of collecting, piecing together, and painstaking efforts finally resulted in this monument. This shows that "Preface to the Holy Religion" is the culmination of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. This stele draws heavily on the strengths of Wang's writings, pays great attention to changes and connections, and is also quite precise in imitation. Therefore, it can be said that the "Holy Calligraphy" was selected and synthesized from Wang's writings, which is enough to represent the essence of Wang's writings. It can be called the best example.

   Jiang Heng, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said in "Inscriptions and Postscripts of Zhuocuntang": "Shamen Huairen is the grandson of Youjun, and he got his family law, so the "Preface to the Holy Religion of Jizi" is full of energy and energy, and it goes hand in hand with the "Preface to Lanting". He is the ancestor of calligraphy through the ages." After the publication of "The Preface to the Holy Religion of Collection of Characters", calligraphers of all dynasties since the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties spoke highly of this work, calling it "a model for a hundred generations. The imitation of Xi's calligraphy must begin with Huairen." Indeed, this is This inscription fully demonstrates the elegance and variety of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy art. The merits of this stele are immeasurable, and it is still a rare and precious inscription for us to learn calligraphy.

   "Huairen Collection of Wang Xizhi's Preface" is a reflection of the Tang people's respect for Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. It is also the most successful and influential of the many collections of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy inscriptions.

Its main features are:

(1) There are many words. There are more than 1,900 words in the stele. The words are elegant and elegant, and the styles complement each other. There is a lot of room for learning and copying.

(2) There are many fonts. The whole stele is a mixture of Wang Xizhi's regular script, running script and cursive script. It boldly matches, combines and integrates, combines movement and stillness, and expresses it freely. It has an important enlightenment effect on later calligraphy, especially contemporary calligraphy.

(3) There are many changes. Firstly, the writing techniques are very rich, including regular script, running script, cursive script, official script and seal script. Secondly, the knotting of characters is novel and vivid, finding surprises in the ordinary, opening and closing in a measured way, and the straight and straight lines depend on each other, and are flexible and colorful; Repeated characters and radicals all reflect changes and innovations. In the history of calligraphy, it can be said that "collection of characters" began with Huairen.

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Explanation of "The Holy Preface to the Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty":

    Emperor Taizongwen's system

    The collection of Shamen Huairen in Hongfu Temple.

    Written by Wang Xizhi, the right general of Jin Dynasty.










    Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. I have been practicing deep Prajnaparamita for a long time. See that the five aggregates are all empty. Overcome all hardships. Relics. Color is not empty. Empty has no different colors. Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. The same goes for feeling, thinking and doing. Relics. All dharmas are empty. Neither birth nor death. Not dirty, not clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. It is in the sky. Colorless. No thoughts, no thoughts, no knowledge. No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind. Colorless sound, fragrance and touch. No vision. Even the unconscious realm. There is no ignorance. There is no end to ignorance either. Even without old age and death. There is no old age and death. Wu Ku Ji Ruan Dao. There is no wisdom and no gain. To gain nothing. Bodhisattva. According to Prajna Paramita. The heart is innocent. There is no reason for this. There is no terror. Stay away from upside-down dreams. Ultimate nirvana. Buddhas of the three generations. According to Prajna Paramita. Obtain Anuttara Samyak Sam Bodhi. Therefore, we know Prajna Paramita. It’s the Great God Mantra. This is the Great Ming Mantra and the Supreme Mantra. It's a curse without waiting. Able to eliminate all pain. It's true. To say the Prajnaparamita mantra is to say the mantra

    Reveal the Emperor, Reveal the Emperor, Prajna Reveal the Emperor, Prajna Reveal the Emperor, Bodhi Sengshaha

    Prajna Heart Sutra

    The Crown Prince, Tai Fu, Shangshu Zuo Pu, shot the Duke of Yan at Zhining.

    Zhongshu ordered the founder of Nanyang County to come to Ji

    Xu Jingzong, the founding father of Gaoyang County, Minister of Rites

    Xue Yuanchao, the minister of Huangmen and his concubine

    Li Yifu, the minister of the Shou Zhongshu and his concubine on the right, and others

    imperial edict

    On December 8, the third year of Xianheng, the capital was established by the Dharma couple.

    Wen Linlang Zhuge's magical power to pull the stone

    Engraved by Wuqi Lieutenant Zhu Jingzang