The ink version of "The Master's Guide", passed down as Li Yong's book, National Palace Museum, Taipei

Published in "Calligraphy" Issue 6, 1986

  "Shishi Biao" is written in ink, running script, and unprinted on silk. It is divided into volumes. It was originally kept in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. In front of it are the treasures of the Emperor Jiaqing, the treasures of the Emperor Xuantong, and the seals of Shiqu Bao. The second half and the signature are all incomplete. The name of the calligrapher cannot be determined. The style of the calligraphy is similar to Li Yong's "Zi Hui" in the Qing Dynasty. "Tang Tie" was once engraved, signed directly by Li Beihai, and later Wang Zhuang compiled it into "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" and certified it as authentic. There are no records from the Song and Ming dynasties in this volume. The writing and writing are solemn and methodical, which is superior to the "Four Character Ancient Poems Volume". It is compared with Li Shu's "Fahua Temple", "Li Sixun" and other steles, and the charm is similar. However, there are one or two strokes that are not satisfactory. If it is not Yong calligraphy, it should be a good person who learns Yong calligraphy.