"The Story of Three Tombs" was written by Li Jiqing of the Tang Dynasty and written in seal script by Li Yangbing. It was established in the second year of Dali of Tang Dynasty (767). There are 23 lines of inscription on both sides of the stele, with 20 characters in each line. The original stone was lost early, but a reprinted version was produced in the Song Dynasty and is now in the Stele Forest in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

  This stele "Three Tombs Stele" inherits the jade tendon writing style of Li Si's "Yishan Stele", which is won by thinness and strength. The structure is vertical and slender, the lines are powerful, and the strokes are consistent in thickness from beginning to end, and are graceful and graceful. "The Story of Three Tombs" is Li Yangbing's masterpiece. Among the seal scripts of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yangbing had the highest achievement, which is called "iron line drawing." Zhao Huan Guangyun of the Qing Dynasty said: "Yang Bing got the roundness of the big seal script but is weaker than the bone, and the softness and slowness of the small seal script." Yu Jin." Sun Chengze of the Qing Dynasty also said: "Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Li Yangbing has been regarded as the first person to write seal scripts. Looking at "The Story of Three Tombs" now, the writing and fortune-telling are so profound that it is difficult to match the sincerity. However, I once explored in Lu. The "Golden Teng Picture" painted by Wei was later read in Yang Bing's handwriting. It is vigorous and graceful, and it is beyond the reach of stone carvings." ("Gengzi Spending Summer").