Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, was born in Chengji, Longxi, and was the third son of Emperor Ruizong. He was first named King of Chu and later King of Linzi County. In the first year of Yanhe (712), he accepted Zen as emperor. He reigned from 712 to 756 AD. His temple name was Xuanzong, and his reign names were Xiantian, Kaiyuan and Tianbao.

Gongshu, who is especially good at Bafen and Zhangcao, is one of the famous imperial calligraphers in the history of Chinese calligraphy. "Old Tang Book·Benji" said that Xuanzong was "versatile in arts, especially in music and rhythm, and good at Bafen calligraphy". The calligraphy is neat, clear and beautiful. It occupies a certain position in calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty. "Shu Shu Fu" written by Dou Xuan of the Tang Dynasty said: "Kaiyuan Yingqian, the gods and warriors are smart, the character is magnificent, the tablets are majestic, the thoughts are like springs and blow out the wind, and the pen is like the sea and swallows whales." "Ancient and Modern Dharma Book Garden" says: "The imperial work of the Tang and Ming dynasties has eight chapters of grass, which are rich and luxuriant." There are many handwritten books handed down from ancient times, among which "Ode to the Wagtail", "Ji Taishan Inscription" and "Shitai Filial Piety Sutra" are the most famous.