Li Yong (675-747), courtesy name Taihe, was born in Jiangdu, Yangzhou. My father was kind and elegant, and he was remembered throughout the past and present. He cannot be dismissed, so he was nicknamed "Shu Lu". He is good at teaching students through "Selected Works", and Yong can supplement his meaning. Young Master Yong was well-known. After he was crowned, he met Li Qiao and asked for leave. Not long after, the secret chapter was hidden, and the distinction was like a ring. Qiao sighed and said, "You are a famous person!"
  Qiao was the internal historian, and Zhang Tinggui, the supervisory censor, recommended Yong Wen as a man of high moral integrity and uprightness. Five kings were executed, Zhang Jianzhi was promoted to Nanhe, and he was demoted to Fuzhou Sihu to join the military. Wei Shiping summoned the imperial censor in Zuotai Hall and impeached him to take office, which made people quite afraid. King Chongfu of Qiao rebelled, and Cui Rizhi, the Sima of Yong and Luozhou, arrested the branch and moved him to Wai Lang, a member of the household department.
  When Xuanzong was in the East Palace, Yong, Cui Yinfu and Ni Ruoshui were treated with courtesy. Cen Xi and others were tabooed and demoted to Yongshe Chengcheng. Xuanzong ascended the throne and was called a doctor in the household department. Zhang Tinggui was the minister of Huangmen, and Jiang Shen was fortunate enough to support Yong as the censor Zhongcheng. Yao Chongji moved to Kuozhou Sima on his left and became the assassin of Chenzhou. Enemies will accuse Yong of violating the law, and he will be thrown into prison and sentenced to death. Kong Zhang, a man from Xuchang, wrote to the emperor and sparse memorials. Yong De was reduced to death, demoted to Zunhua Wei, and exiled to Lingnan.
  After the Yong Dynasty, Yang Sixu, a middle-aged man, was successful in defeating the Lingnan bandits and moved to Sima, Fengzhou. In the 23rd year of Kaiyuan, he became the assassin of Kuozhou, and he was fond of bringing benefits and eliminating harm. If he sits down again and makes false accusations and offends, the emperor knows his name and orders not to impeach him. Later, he went through the history of assassination in Zi and Hua prefectures, and planned the capital. In the beginning, Yong Flea was famous for being a lover of righteousness, scorning foreigners for a long time, and not being associated with scholar-bureaucrats. After entering the dynasty, people said that his eyebrows and eyes were different, and he would gather to watch on the streets. Later generations would watch the wind and pay homage inside, and fill the narrow gates and alleys. When someone asks a question, ask for the article and make progress. Because of the slander, the concubine was not allowed to stay, and she became the governor of Jijun and Beihai.
  In Tianbao, Zuo Xiao's guard Cao joined the army and Liu Ji was convicted and imprisoned, and Yongchang left Jima. Therefore, Ji Wen's envoy led Yongchang to apologize and bribed Yongchang. Prime Minister Li Linfu Su Ji Yong, because of the crime. Qi Shunzhi, a member of the imperial edict and punishment department, and Luo Xishi, the supervisory censor, were seventy years old when they were killed by the county staff. During the reign of Emperor Daizong, he was given as a secretary and supervisor.
  Yong's writings and odes on monuments were his specialty. People offered him gold and silk to invite him to write, and he received huge rewards. Although Yong failed to advance, he was famous throughout the world for his literary work, and was called Li Beihai at that time. Lu Zangyong said: "Yong is like a capable general, Mo Xie, it is difficult to compete with him, but Yu is injured and missing an ear." The latter died as he said. Du Fu knew that Yong was responsible for slandering his death, so he wrote "Eight Poems of Sorrow", which was offended by readers. Yong's capital is bold and unrestrained, but he can't manage it carefully. He bribes and refuses wherever he goes, and he wanders freely, and eventually he is defeated.
  2. Collection review
  Dou Meng of the Tang Dynasty: Shi Yiyun said: "When it comes to poetry, it is Wang Wei and Cui Hao; when it comes to writing, it is Wang Jin and Li Yong; Zu Yong and Zhang can't predict it." ("Notes on Shushu Fu")
  Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu: I got Li Yong's book, but it was not very good. However, it is doubtful that Yong named himself after a book, which must be of profound interest. After looking at it for a long time, I found that he was the last one to get the book, and the best one was especially sincere. For example, it is difficult to make a friendship, but it will take a long time to get together. Although I got my calligraphy skills from Yong calligraphy, the characters are absolutely not similar. How could it be wrong to get the meaning and forget the shape? Because of the Yong calligraphy, the pursuit of calligraphy since Zhong and Wang can be understood, but the Yong calligraphy may not be unique. Anyone who studies calligraphy can understand the rest if they get one of them, and the rest can be learned from Yong calligraphy. ("Test Pen")
  Mi Fu of the Song Dynasty: Li Yong took off his son and respected his body, lacking in slenderness. ("Haiyue's famous sayings")
  Liu Youding of the Yuan Dynasty: In the early days of cursive writing, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, only bamboo slips were used, and the writing must be corrected when it is inscribed. Therefore, Zhong Yao Zhengshu calls it the inscription stone, and the princes of Yu and Chu must guard it and not lose it. When he arrived at the Yong Dynasty, he began to change the way of the right army. His strength fluctuated and he was proud of his ability. ("Yanji Notes")
  Xiang Mu of the Ming Dynasty: Li Yong first learned from Yi Shao, got rid of old habits, renewed his writing power, and straightened his hand, but finally lost his embarrassment. ("The Elegant Words of Calligraphy")
  Ming Xiang Mu: Once Yi Shao comes out, he will connect the past and the present. Li Yong gained his heroic spirit, but lost his embarrassment. ("The Elegant Words of Calligraphy")
  Qing Dynasty Feng Ban: King Dong Zongboyun's right army is like a dragon, and Li Beihai is like an elephant; not as good as King Yun's right army is like a phoenix, and Li Beihai is like an eagle. ("Bi Yin Shu Yao")
  Qing Dynasty Wu Dexuan: If you cannot learn from Zhao Songxue's original works, you will never know how to start. Even if there is a copy of the original work, it must be rooted first. In the past, the only scholars who studied Zhao were Zhu Xizhe and Wen Zhengzhong. Xizhe had his roots in Henan and Beihai, and Zhengzhong had his roots in Ouyang and Bohai. ("Chuyuelou Essay on Books")
  Zhu Lvzhen of the Qing Dynasty: Li Beihai's formal calligraphy has beautiful strokes, and the characters are often wide and uneven; his running calligraphy has uneven horizontal strokes, and the outlines are heroic and superb, and they are not limited to the shape and ear. ("Essentials of Calligraphy")
  Qian Yong of the Qing Dynasty: In ancient times, those who wrote on steles must use official script in the Han and Wei Dynasties; in the Jin, Song, and Six Dynasties, they must use real scripts; those who wrote on steles in running script began with the "Jin Temple Inscription" written by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and were followed by Li Beihai. ("Book Studies")
  Qing Dynasty Ruan Yuan: Li Yong and others are also from the Northern School, so they are similar to the steles of Wei and Liu. ("On the Northern and Southern Schools of Calligraphy")
  Qing Dynasty: Bao Shichen: When he came to Tang Xian, he knew that his talents were not as good as those of the ancients, so all the running script tablets had horizontal grids. Xu Kuaiji, Li Beihai, and Zhang Langzhong are the three most closely related schools in the Jiugong School. They have all passed down their books, and they have carefully examined and verified them, so I believe that they are correct. ("Art Boat Shuangji")
  Qing Dynasty Bao Shichen: The North Sea is as fast as a bear's fat. ("Yi Zhou Shuang Ji"
  Liu Xizai of the Qing Dynasty: Li Beihai's calligraphy is of high quality, and the difficulty lies in the fact that every bit of his painting is like a brick thrown to the ground, making people dare not imitate it with false meaning. Li Beihai's writing is characterized by being cunning and cunning, but does not involve any action. Those who don't understand it intentionally have a low attitude and walk on the path of cleverness. This is what Beihai calls "Those who are like me are vulgar, and those who imitate me will die." Li Beihai and Xu Jihai have many books, but they all rely on their writing skills. Dongpo said in his book "It is better to guard a horse than to be lame", and I also said that it is better to use a lame than to guard a horse. ("Art Concept")
  3. Works passed down from generation to generation
  "Mr. Ye Youdao's Stele", "Duanzhou Stone Chamber", "Lushan Temple Stele", "Donglin Temple Stele", "Fahua Temple Stele", "Yunhui General Li Sixun's Stele", "Yunhui General Li Xiu's Stele" .