Wang Fan (?-1425) was born in Ruzheng, named Qingcheng Mountain, and was born in Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu) in the Ming Dynasty. Work in poetry and writing, good at calligraphy. People from Zhongshushe. There is "The Collection of Qingcheng Mountain People (青城山人集)".


Wang Cuan "Shoubi Tie and Poems (手毕帖并诗)" on paper, running script, 18.1 cm in length and 38.7 cm in width, collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing

"Shoubi Tie Bing Poems (手毕帖并诗)" is a letter and three poems written by Wang Cuan to the "Master of Baimao Mountain", expressing the nostalgia for friends and the desire to meet each other. The first one is in the fourth volume of Wang Pan's collection of poems "Qingchengshanren Ji (青城山人集)", titled "Shiyu Official Affairs (寄虞公务)"; the third is included in the sixth volume, entitled "Send Friends"; the second is an off-set work. The calligraphy is natural and pale, and the mood is desolate and peaceful. He learned from Zhong Yao and Wang Xizhi, and has the charm of Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy, which is a common appearance in lower case letters in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty.


答山中见示韵二首。春色雨中归,春芳渐复稀。常因听林鸟,却忆在岩扉。月夜诗空赋,花时约又违。几逥愁不寐,孤枕远钟微。 莺歇江乡杜宇悲,故人西望久乖离。梦因春尽归常切,书为山遥寄每迟。踈雨林边寻远寺,夕阳岭下谒丛祠。忩忩已负瑶华约,别有西风桂子期。

The section is“林间樵人王璲”。 鉴藏印有“仪周鉴赏”、“南海伍氏南叟斋秘笈印”、“顾崧之印”、“张珩私印” and so on.