
The full name is "The Epitaph of the Beauty Dong's Family", also known as "The Epitaph of the Beauty Dong's Family". Names of those without books on the stele, carved in the 17th year of Emperor Kaihuang (597) in Sui Dynasty. The writer of "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" is Shu Wang Yang Xiu, the fourth son of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty. Dong Meiren was his beloved concubine. She died at the age of nineteen. Yang Xiu wrote an article to express her condolences. Line 21, line 23 words.

Artistic value and characteristics:

 Sui people's calligraphy is the Jinliang from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty. "The Epitaph of the Beauty Dong's Family" just reflects this. It is the top-grade epitaph of the past dynasties. The calligraphy layout is neat and meticulous, the knots are respectful and rigorous, and the brushwork is delicate and subtle, elegant and graceful. Judging from the face of the font, the script is pure, and the official meaning is exhausted. It is very different from the lower case letters of the Jin people and the epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties. The unconscious feeling. Qing Luo Zhenyu spoke highly of him: "It was Dabei from Kaifa to the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In recent times, the Sui Dynasty engraved to "Dong Meiren", "Wei's Girl" and "Zhang Guinan" three Zhishi, especially exquisite."

  This chronicle can be called a masterpiece among the original works of the Sui Dynasty. It is the Jinliang between the Northern and Southern Dynasties and Tang Dynasty. "Dong Meiren Epitaph" is the first in Sui Zhi's lower case. It is the top grade of epitaphs in the past. The layout of his calligraphy is straightforward, sparse, neat and meticulous, with respectful and rigorous knots, good bones and muscles, fine and reserved brushwork, and elegant and graceful. Those who learn this will be able to get rid of the dust and tackiness.

  Although Dong Meiren's epitaph is based on square brushes, its turning hooks and corners do not show the corners, giving people a sense of warmth. If beginners use the Tang stele as the basis and the north stele to seek change, this will be somewhere in between. , Can be used as a transitional work from Tang to Wei. "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" is intact, and there is no trace of official script in the pen. It is a fairly mature regular method. The structure of this book is well-formed, and it is moderately short. This chronicle can be called a masterpiece among the original works of the Sui Dynasty. Qing Luo Zhenyu's evaluation: Kaifa to Sui and Tang Dynasties was Dabei. In modern times, it has been handed down to "Dong Meiren", "Wei's Daughter" and "Zhang Guinan" Three Zhishi, especially exquisite.

 "Dong Meiren's Epitaph" shows the beauty of bones and beauty, but also reflects the upright and dignified style. Although this inscription is not big, it is exquisitely written and looks like a beautiful woman. It is actually a wonderful flower in the Sui Dynasty Shuyuan. The pen is serious and the words are rigorous. Throughout the text, the grasp of the characters and the characters, the lines and the lines is neat and tidy, and the pen obviously inherits the traditional techniques, combining the radius and the circle, and both hiding and revealing.

The original monument and rubbings are circulated:

The original stone was unearthed in Xi'an, Shaanxi during the Jiaqing and Daoguang reigns of the Qing Dynasty. It was obtained by the official of Shanghai Lu Junqing, Shaanxi Xingping, and returned to Shanghai Xu Weiren. In the third year of Xianfeng (1853 AD), during the peasant uprising war of the Shanghai Small Sword Society, the original stone was destroyed and lost. The Xu's rubbings are rarely circulated, and the unearthed rubbings are especially rare. The selected books on this site are Beijing Library, Peking University Collection, Japan Mitsui Library, and Xu Weiren's Rubbings.

"Dong Meiren Epitaph" Collected by Lin Baishui, Fujian, Beijing Library

《董美人墓志》 北京大学藏本

《董美人墓志》 日本三井文库藏本

"Dong Meiren Epitaph (董美人墓志)" Rubbings of Xu Weiren's Family

The original text of "Dong Meiren Epitaph (董美人墓志)":


  美人姓董,汴州恤宜县人也。祖佛子,齐凉州刺史。敦仁愽洽,标誉乡间。父後进,俶傥英雄,声驰河渷。美人体质闲华,天情婉嫕,恭以接上,顺以乘亲,含华吐艳,竜章凤采 ,砌炳瑾瑜,庭芳兰蕙,既而来仪鲁殿,出事梁台,摇环佩於芳林, 袨绮缋於春景,投壶工鹤飞之巧,弹棊穷巾角之妙,妖容倾国,冶咲千金,妆映池莲,镜澄窓月;态转回眸之艳,香飘曳裾之风;飒洒委迤,吹花回雪。以开皇十七年二月感疾。至七月十四日戊子终于仁夀宫山。苐春秋一十有九,农皇上药,竟无救於秦医;老君灵醮,徒有望於山士怨此瑶华。忽焉雕悴,伤兹桂蘂,摧芳上年,以其年十月十二日葬於龙首原,寂荒陇陇 幽夜茫茫,埋故爱於重泉,沉馀娇於玄*(土遂);惟镫设而神见,空想文成之术 弦管奏而泉濆 弥念姑舒之魂 触感兴悲 乃为铭曰:






