Li Bai's Ancient Style Poems in Cursive Script 25.3X310cm Collection of Shanghai Duoyunxuan

Attached is the original book description:

In the calligraphy world of the mid-Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yunming (1460-1526), ​​Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Chen Chun (1483-1544), and Wang Chong (1494-1533) of Wu were the most famous. They lived at the same time and in the same region. They have made great achievements in the art of calligraphy and have far-reaching influence. They are a wonder in the history of calligraphy. Among these four people, Zhu Yunming and Chen Chun are known for their vigorous and indulgent calligraphy style, while Wen Zhengming and Wang Chong are more vigorous and steady in their calligraphy style. The similarity lies in "vigor", which emphasizes strength in the brushwork and correct structure. Even Zhu and Chen's wild cursive styles cannot escape this style. Among them, although Zhu and Wen were well versed in the Wei, Jin, Tang and Song dynasties, they were heavily influenced by the Huangshan Valley. Both Zhu's Cao and Wen's practices were born out of the Valley, and they were not as gentle and elegant as the Valley, but they could still be praised for their great opening and closing. Chen Chun was born out of Wen Zhengming and indulged in indulgence to achieve his own appearance, but his dignity was inferior to Wen's and his posture was beyond that. Wang Chong focused on the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the Song and later Song Dynasties had slightly less habits. Compared with the first three, they lacked personality but had higher charm.

  Wang Chong was originally named Luren, later changed to Luji and named Yayishanren. Suzhou native. He was frustrated in his official career and failed in eight examinations. Only Yi Xusheng was sent to Nanjing Imperial College to become an imperial student, known as "Wang Gongshi" and "Wang Taixue" in the world. He devoted his whole life to poetry, calligraphy and painting, and paid attention to landscapes. He was talented and ambitious, and achieved high achievements in many aspects. Among them, calligraphy was the most famous. He was good at all styles, and was best at small regular script, running script and cursive script. He adopted the method of Wei Dynasty. In the Jin Dynasty, he was immersed in Zhong and Wang, and his calligraphy style tended to be dignified and elegant. Among the Wu disciples, his calligraphy was particularly interesting. This is because his heart was not lower than that of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and his hands were familiar with the Within the rules, there is no crazy or strange disease in his writing. The stipples and textures all have their origins. The broad-minded mood makes the calligraphy open and upright, and there is no trivial habit. His small regular script is based on Zhong Yao's method, which is in harmony with the two kings and is light in the elegance; the cursive script, "Seventeen Posts", "Holy Teaching Preface", etc. are both beautiful in form and spirit. In the history of calligraphy, Mi Fu and Zhao Mengfu are the outstanding scholars of Wang Youjun. He and Wang Duo are the only ones who have their own strengths. Mi Fu has the king's speed, Zhao has the king's integrity, Wang Duo has the king's strength, and Wang Chong has the king's strength. Xiao San. In terms of spirit and rhyme, Wang Chong is the best, but it is a pity that he died young and failed to be harmonious and harmonious, so he went further.

  This cursive script is "Li Bai's Poetry Volume". The book was written on the sixteenth day of the first month of Wuzi (1528), when Wang Chong was thirty-five years old. The work is 25.3 centimeters wide and 310 centimeters long. It is part of the collection of Duoyunxuan. The content is composed of four poems from five ancient poems by Li Bai. The poems have a vast and lofty scenery, with the meaning of ghosts and gods, and are full of expressiveness in creating landscapes. At this time, Wang Chong's calligraphy style had developed into his own, with a calm and relaxed writing style, flying strokes and smooth energy. The signature says "I am writing Li Hanlin's miscellaneous works at leisure", which shows that there is a smooth cooperation between mind and hand. As a masterpiece of Wang Chong's cursive script, Wang Chong's calligraphy can be used as a precious material for studying Wang Chong's calligraphy, and as a reference for studying the calligraphy of Er Wang. , a little dull), which is of great enlightenment to those who study calligraphy today.

  This work is written on "Jinsu Mountain Sutra Paper", which is a rare thing in the world, which increases the precious value of this work. This volume was contributed by Duo Yunxuan. "

Wang Chong's Poems by Li Bai/Ink Faxes of Famous Masters from Past Dynasties (The information is for study and reference only)
Author: Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House

Sun Chu was playing in the moon in the west of Jinling City. He arrived at the restaurant and sang songs and rode the sun in the evening. He was drunk with purple fur and bird gauze. He sang songs about Qinhuai with several wine guests. He stayed in a stone to visit Cui Sishiyu.

Yesterday I was playing in the West City, the moon was hanging from the blue sky, hanging with jade hooks, I was drinking in Jinling, singing and playing Sun Chu Tower. I suddenly recalled the people in embroidery clothes, taking boats, wrapping black gauze (people) on the stones and grass. The scarves were scratching the purple fur, and the banks were clapping and laughing. They were suspected to be Wang Ziyou and dozens of drinkers. When the public collapsed and was drunk, he wandered away from the sea, and the guests shouted loudly at Aoyang Hou. On the way, Wu Ji rolled up the curtain and came out to tease me. Yijun arrived.

This ignorant and shameless person meets each other in a month, and you return to the boat with three cups of wine. Together, we go to the south to cross the bridge, singing songs about the green water, and Qin's guests come to greet you.

Qing Banquet, Yunxiao gave me hundreds of words, on the clothes and furs of Lingfeng Biao, recalling each other's long ballads, replying to my nephew, Zhongfu, who gave me Yuquan Xian, Renzhang Tea, I often heard about Wangquan Mountain

There are many breasts in the cave. The fairy mouse in the cave hangs upside down like a white crow. In the deep stream, the moon is born, and the stone king is born. The spring flows continuously, and the roots are sprayed with fragrance. The old rolls of the muscles and bones are moistened (fat) and the green leaves and branches are collected.

The branches are exposed one after another. The cactus is like a slap on the shoulder of the cliff. The name has never been seen in the world. Who will inherit the ancestral line? Ying Nai Zen Bo has a good poem. The clear mirror candle has no salt on the forehead and is ashamed of Xizi.

Yan Chao was sitting in the imperial court for a long time, and he was so excited that he sang to all the heavens. He went to Lingyang Mountain to climb the Tianzhu Stone to reward him. Han Shiyu saw that he was hiding in Huangshan. The Han people rode white deer to the west to Hua. There were more than a thousand beautiful girls in the mountain.

Accompany you, see me in the clouds and pass on the secret spirit. What do you mean by Tiantong to arrive at Lingyang? You see the Feihong Emperor retreat in the past. Di and Jun also ride on the Chong to support the five troops. Under the mausoleum, the strategy is effective.

(Control) Hu Rong Shitai undresses his embroidered clothes and takes off his body like a flying hood. Luan and phoenix flutter their wings and peck at millet and sit down. The sea guest in Fan Cong smiles and misses his return. He crosses the stone pillar towards Huangshan Mountain in Liaodong and accumulates on the ridge.

Cong Yin's nest is green, Wang Zhu (tree) suddenly sees Fuqiu Gong and leads him again. Prince Qiao plays the sheng and dances on the pines. The wind is bright. In the poem about purple clouds, please open the pistil beads. The palace steps go around the green falls and lean on the trees. Recruit young boys.

When can we join hands and leave our remains in infinity? Seeking the north of Lu City, the layman Fan lost his way. I saw Fan Zhi among the fallen cockleburs. I picked the cockleburs with wine and made wild geese in the autumn scenery. The distant sun is quiet and there are no clouds.

My heart is not content with the vast generals. Why do I suddenly recall the wild people wandering around, enjoying their secluded posture, feeling confused and happy, but I am afraid that I will arrive late and lose my way to the city. The horse's head is lost in the deserted countryside, and he does not hesitate to care about the green clouds.

Qiu Sui deceived the door because of Xanthium. He smiled and held his arms for who was the drinker. He loved the autumn vegetables and recommended frost pears in the mountains. He could not give chopsticks at the banquet. He forgot the hunger this night. The wild dates hung down in the north and the cold melon vines

The east fence still pours four or five cups of wine and sings about its fierceness. The tiger's poem is written recently. Ten days of joy are far away for a thousand times. The wind and waves are tossed and teased by each other for a long time. The waves are in full swing with each other. They come and go, but they laugh at Gaoyang Pool when they go.

In the first month of Wuzi, I was busy writing Li Hanlin’s miscellaneous works on Yayi Mountain, Renwang Chong