"The Thousand Character Classic" is the longest popular calligraphy book in my country since the Six Dynasties. It is used to teach school children and is an enlightenment book for reading and literacy. Before the popularity of the Thousand-Character Classic, similar calligraphy books had appeared. During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, "Shi Zhou Pian" came out and was popular in the territory of Qin State. Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, and Li Si's "Cangjie Pian", Zhao Gao's "Yuanli Pian", and Hu Wujing's "Bo Xue Pian" spread throughout the country. During the Western Han Dynasty, Sima Xiangru's "Fanjiang Pian", Yang Xiong's "Exunciation and Compilation" and Shi You's "Jijiu Pian" were circulated one after another. In each period, they helped schoolchildren learn literacy and promoted the development of culture. Have a certain enlightenment effect.
Of the calligraphy books that have been passed down through the ages, only the "Jijiupian" written by Shiyou of the Western Han Dynasty and the "Thousand-Character Essay" written by Zhou Xingsi of the Six Dynasties were left. And for more than a thousand years, only the Zhou family has had the most far-reaching influence. "The Thousand Character Essay". As a product of the ideology of feudal society, the content reflected in the "Thousand Character Classic" must contain the ethical and moral concepts of loyalty to the emperor, filial piety, and righteousness, but when it involves natural science, humanities, history, daily utensils, etc. , although it only talks about some phenomena, it does have a certain understanding of simple historical materialism. After all, it is gold mining in the sand, and it has some merits. There is another version of the so-called Ancient Thousand-Character Inscriptions. Although no engravings have been circulated, there are indeed ink traces that have been passed down to this day. It is the so-called "Wei Taiwei Zhong Yao's Thousand-Character Inscriptions" written by Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The title says: If it was compiled by Cao Wei Zhongyao of the Three Kingdoms, if it is true, then the thousand articles written by Liang Zhou Xingsi of the Southern Dynasties must have been plagiarized. However, after repeated deliberation and various investigations, the copyright should belong to Zhou. However, the name Zhong Yao was forcibly imposed on him by later generations. Who is the descendant? It is inconvenient to arbitrarily judge that the era should be after the Zhou Dynasty, and no later than the end of the Tang Dynasty. As far as calligraphy is concerned, it is already the style of the Five Dynasties period, which is far from the calligraphy style of "Lanting Xu" and "Holy Teaching Preface". It is difficult to understand that Long Dayuan and his like actually included it in the "Xuanhe Shupu". Perhaps it was published based on the fact that the original title was signed by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. This volume of "Thousand Character Essay" has been circulated since the Xuanhe period of the Northern Song Dynasty, through the imperial palace of Jinchang and Ming Dynasties, and then transferred to Jia Sidao, the power minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Mansion of Ming and Jin Dynasties, Xiang Yuanbian, and Liang Qingbiao in the early Qing Dynasty. It has been collected by Zhuangtao Pavilion in modern times. , and recorded in the records, there is no recommendation for it, but it is a strange thing. The reason why I briefly examine the volume that was passed down as Wang's on the issue involving thousands of texts is for reference, and it is not to add redundant words.
This volume of "Thousand Character Essay" was written by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty. The calligraphy belongs to the wild cursive category. Judging the author from the perspective of a generation of emperors, he undoubtedly cannot be compared with his ancestor Zhao Guangyi. If we evaluate this volume of cursive script alone and analyze its artistic quality and role in the history of calligraphy, it still has practical significance. Therefore, from the perspective of the evaluation of calligraphy art, Zhao Ji's cursive "Thousand Character Essay" is worth recommending to the majority of readers. It represents an author's artistic achievements and the style of the times, so it is very necessary to study the development of our country's Kuang cursive calligraphy and to detect the signs of its evolution.
Zhao Ji was good at calligraphy and painting, with a unique style, which had a considerable influence on later generations. In the artistic practice of calligraphy, he once studied the handwriting of his contemporary Huang Tingjian in his early years, and then switched to studying the calligraphy of brothers Xue Ji and Xue Yao from the Tang Dynasty. Through practicing the calligraphy of the Xue brothers, imitating it with heart and hands, and persevering, around the age of 20, the real calligraphy had formed a "new" appearance. Later generations did not notice it, thinking that it was created by Zhao Ji himself, and glorified it. The name "Thin Gold Body" or "Thin Muscle Body" comes from Xue Yao's "Summer Tour to Stone Cong Poems". Since it has been out of circulation for four to five hundred years, once it was written by Zhao Ji, it seemed new. The running script retains Xue Ji's previous rules, with tight spacing and vigorous brush strokes. The black marks of the handed down "Fangqiu Edict" and "Cai Xinge Edict" have this kind of style. As for Zhao Ji's cursive calligraphy, it is rare in the world. From the cursive calligraphy round fan collected by the Shanghai Museum with the fourteen-character inscription "Zhi Qi Jue" and two sentences "The swallow feathers skimming the water are cold, they are heavy with the wetness of the mud flowers", together with this volume, we can see that it is Fa Dang comes from the Kuangcao school of Zhang Xu and Huai Su. He is thin, strong and straight, and his movements are unrestrained. He does not deviate from the rules and is closer to Huai Su. In addition, his cursive script has never been seen handed down again, and it can be said that it is the only unique copy.
Like all calligraphers, Zhao Ji also liked to write the "Thousand-Character Essay". He wrote an unknown number of volumes in his life, and only two volumes have survived to this day. One is a thin book, now in the Shanghai Museum, written in the third year of Chongning (1104 AD), when he was twenty-two years old. The inscription "Giving Tongguan" at the back of the volume must have been written by him for Tongguan, who was enshrining the Mingjin Bureau at that time. The scroll is made of red silk, on plain paper, with characters about an inch larger than each other, with crosses on each line and hundreds of lines before and after. The calligraphy has been basically finalized. However, it is too thin and restrained in this fashion, not as good as the plump, strong and strong mind and hand in old age. This cursive calligraphy is strange and strange, large and small. Some are like "a soaring ape passes through a tree, escaping to get water"; some are "continuous or incomplete, like flowers flying around"; some are like a withered pine lying on a high mountain, "It's like a giant rock cutting into a chasm"; some are "like birds emerging from the forest, frightening snakes into the grass"... there are so many. This volume was written in the fourth year of Xuanhe (AD 1122), when the author was just forty years old. He was close to his old age in his short life, and it was the time when his calligraphy was perfected. The two volumes of Qianwen written in Zhenkai and Kuangcao are all based on Zhou Xingsi's version. Apart from changing a few words in the middle to avoid taboos, there are no differences. There is no trace of the so-called Wei Zhongyao Qianwen.
由於草书在书写中的制约较大,因此,历代书家在草书方面所作的建树,除 王羲之父子和张旭、怀素诸人外,很少有自辟蹊径,突破前规的,唐宋以来的草 书,尽管名家辈出,他们师法传统, “非王即张”。至於章草的书写,皆法皇象 《急就篇》,未闻有独创新意之说,却有画虎类犬之讥。故我们对於草书的评 价,以应著重观察作者运腕、使笔以及气势如何而定高下。所谓“草即纵心奔 放,复腕转蹙,悬管聚锋……起伏连卷,收揽吐纳”,“或体雄而不可抑,或势 逸而不可止,纵於狂逸,不违得寸进尺意。 ”此处所说的“纵心奔放”和“纵於 狂逸,不违得寸进尺意”,对草书来说,极为重要,是我们据以评论它的准则。 也正由於草书与楷书在书写上不尽相同,“真以点画为形质。草乖使转不能成 字,真亏点画犹可记文。”所以草书的书写较难,求工尤难,其症结所在,正在 於“使转”这一点上面。
此卷草书《干字文》,其所以可贵,在於作者掌握了狂草的基本法则,“使 转”不违笔意,基本上达到了“纵心奔放”,所谓“『意先笔後,潇洒流落”的艺 术效果。有人以为这卷草书写得如此精妙,怀疑它不是赵佶自运之作,有可能是 临写怀素之本。他们的根据认为此种草法出自怀素和尚,兼之宣和内府藏有怀素 《千字文》有四轴之多,完全有条件从事临摹,我们以为这种怀疑不是毫无根据 的,但不一定完全符合实际情形。可以肯定,赵佶草书出於怀素,不仅平时临摹 过怀素的草书《千字文》,而且还临过其它有关的草书帖。从时代风格上讲,两 宋的草书,大都师法张旭、怀素,不但名家黄庭坚、赵佶是如此,就是南宋的大 诗人陆游诸人,亦莫不如是。凡属临写之本,不管其技巧如何精到和高超,一经 深入观察,会多少流露出矜持、板滞的运笔痕迹。再说草书难摹,尤其是狂草更 是如此。此卷草书行笔飞动,全长数丈,一气呵成,几无败笔可寻。值得提出留意的地方,卷中草书的字裏行间,夹了少数几个行书字,如“伊尹”、“圆”、
“用”诸字书法。已露出薛稷的影响,与怀素的面貌迥然有别,倒是赵佶本人原 有的特色。明末孙承泽在所撰《庚子消夏录》中,著录此卷时,指出“徽宗千 文,书法怀素”,这裏用的“书法”两字,意义相当明显,是师法而非临摹,不 好理解为“临摹”之意。这一点,想必不会引起读者对它有甚麽误会的。

这卷笔翰飞舞的《千字文》,是写在全长达三丈以上的整幅描金云龙笺上 的。一幅长达三丈余的手工麻纸,今天看来,似乎不算是多麽新奇。可是,在八 百年前的北宋时期,已经制造出这样长尺度的精美用纸,不能不使我们为之惊 讶。从纸的质量考察,主要原料以麻的成分为主,表面光滑而无帘纹,吸墨的效 果很好。造纸技术创始於我国西汉,即两千多年前。文献记载说是东汉蔡伦造纸 不足为据。我国考古学界在陕西省西安近郊灞桥折柳送别的地方,发掘出西汉时 期使用过的纸张,说明我国造纸技术历史悠久,并且随著时间的推移,在使用材 料的精挑细选,根据使用性质的各种加工,都在不断地改进中。北宋的造纸术已 相当发达,而此卷用纸,固然属於特制一类,据专家推算,可能在江边把船舶排 列成行,然後浇上纸浆使之均匀,自然乾燥而成。由於历代收藏家对它倍加珍 惜,得以纸墨保持完整如新,给我们提供北宋造纸技术空前发达的宝贵资料。元末明初的曹仲明在他所著《格古要论》裏,有以下一段记载:“予尝见宋徽庙御书千文,其首尾长五丈有奇,信乎匹纸三丈也”。《格古要论》中所说“五丈有奇”,当是“五”为“三”之误,即指此卷而言。由此可知,就元明之际的人看 来,对这幅整张长三丈余的宋纸不能不感到惊奇。还值得我们珍视的,在这长达三丈有余的描金云龙笺上,那种精工的图案,不是用的雕板印刷而是以能工巧匠 就纸面一笔一笔地描绘出来的。据实物原卷观察,描金图案的能工巧匠,就是宫中不知名画师用尖毫画笔蘸金粉描绘而成。从整体画面的完整看,不可能分段拼 接,而是由一人自始至终一气呵成,如此高头长卷,如此繁缛的云龙图案,所花 的精力之巨大,可想而知!云龙图案的组织形式是这样的:每组由四条龙和二十 四层云纹组成,每组前後连绵不断,显得特别紧凑,表现出整体划一的效果。尽 管图案精工有余,但毫无板滞之弊,这是北宋图案装饰承唐代之余绪,从而有所 发挥的一个特点,在同一时期的《营造法式》和《博古图》的—一些器物中,却是 难於看到的,值得我们加以珍视!因此说,不仅赵氏狂草千文具有极其珍贵的艺术价值,同时有关的各项工艺,也几乎是空前绝後的希世杰作!

释 文(按每行注释)
There was Yu Tao and Tang Dynasty. hang
The people crusaded against crime, Zhou Fa Shang
Soup. Sitting in court and asking, he bowed his head.
Gong Ping Zhang. Aiyu
At the head of Li, the ministers subdued the Rong and Qiang.
Far and near one body,
Lead guests back to the king. Ming
Phoenix in bamboo, white horse
Food court. tufted grass
Wood, depends on everything. build
This body and hair, four big and five
often. Gongwei Juyang, ·
How dare you damage it. female admirer
Qingxu, male effect talent
good. If you know your mistakes, you must correct them.
Don’t forget if you can. No talk
He is short and relies on his own strength.
The messenger can be overturned, the vessel
Desire is hard to measure. ink
Sadness, poetry and praise
Lamb. Jing Xing
Weixian, Kenian
Be a saint. De Jianming
Standing upright, the shape is upright.
Sounds are heard in the empty valley,
I am accustomed to listening in empty halls. disaster
Because of evil accumulation, blessing
Good luck. ruler bi
It's not a treasure, it's a competition.
The father serves the king and is strict every day
With Qin. Filial piety should do its best,
Loyalty means fulfilling your destiny. Linshen
Walking on thin ground, long-awaited and warm. ·
Like orchid, like pine
The prosperity. The flow never stops, the abyss
Clear and reflect. Calm and thoughtful,
The words are stable.
Be sincere and beautiful at the beginning, be cautious in the end
Yi Ling. The foundation of prosperity,
The borrowing has no end. study
Youdenshi, Photographer ·
Enter politics. Save the sweet tang and go
And (get rid of "Yi" Wang Yong. Music is rich and simple,
Courtesy does not distinguish between superiority and inferiority. up and down
In harmony, the husband sings and the wife follows. External reception
Fu Xun entered the ceremony of worshiping his mother.
All the aunts and uncles are like sons and daughters.
Brother Kong Kang, we share the same sentiments
Lianzhi. Dating score, cut
Grind the rules. kindness hidden
Sorry, it’s hard to leave this time. Festival
Retreat with justice and integrity, be in trouble
What a loss. Sexual discord and love,
Excited and tired. Keep the truth
When you are full of ambition, you will chase things and change your mind.
Adhere to elegance and be good at self-discipline
"City in China, East"
West Erjing. dorsal surface
Luo, floating on the Wei River and occupying Jing. palace
Looking around, the view of the building is startled.
Illustrations of animals, day color
Faeries. Bing's house is next to Qi, A's
Account to couplet. A feast is prepared,
Play the drums and the harp. Get promoted to the next level,
The suspicious star turns around. Youtongguang
Inside, left against Cheng Ming. already set
The grave ceremony also gathers many heroes. Du
Gao Zhongli. Qihuijing
wall. Fu Luo, General and Prime Minister, Lu Xia (without the word "槐")
Sir. The household was sealed in eight counties, and the family was given thousands of soldiers.
The high crown accompanies the chariot and drives the hub
Zhenying. Shilu is extravagant and wealthy, and his car
Driving fat and light. Make great achievements,
The inscription is engraved on the stele. Baoxi
Yi Yin, Zuoshi Aheng.
Amazhai Qufu, Huizhou
Dan and who camp. Huan Gongfu
Together, we can help the weak and support the weak. Qi
Returning to Hanhui, he said that he was grateful to Wu Ding.
Junyi is secretive, but many scholars are in embarrassment
rather. Jin and Chu were more dominant, Zhao
Wei is sleepy. false journey
Kill the trumpet and make an alliance on earth.
How to comply with the contract law, Han
Disadvantage and punishment. start cutting
Animal husbandry is the best in military use. announce
Wei desert, famous
Pictures. Traces of Yu in Kyushu,
Hundreds of counties were merged with Qin.
Yue Zong Taidai, Zen Master Yun
pavilion. Yanmen purple plug, chicken
Tian Chicheng. Kunchi Jieshi,
Juye Dongting. far away
Mianyu, Yanxiu Yaoming.
Treating the root cause of the problem is based on agriculture.
Crops. Proudly carrying Nan Mu,
I am good at millet and millet, and I am good at taxation.
Pay tribute to new people and encourage them to reward and depose Zhi.
Meng Ke (without the word "Dun") Su, Shi Yubing
straight. The common people are mediocre,
Lao Qian sincerely gives this order. Listen to the sound and observe the reasoning, and discern the appearance and color. Yi
Jue Jiayou, encourage him
Just plant. Save yourself from ridicule,
Favor increases resistance. almost
Humiliation is close to shame, Lin Di is lucky
Right now. See the opportunity and solve it
Who forces the group? sojourn
Leisure place, silence
very few. Seeking ancient times and seeking theories, scattered
Think about freedom. Enjoy playing
Tired of sending, thank you and welcome to recruit.
Quhe's calendar, garden
Take the strip recklessly. Loquat
Late green, sycamore
Wither early. Chen Genwei
The fallen leaves are falling.
You Hao is alone in his luck, Ling
Mo Jiangxiao.譭
Read and play the market,
Watch the bag box.
Yi Fu Youwei,
belongs to the ear
Wall. tableware
Cang rice, delicious and filling
intestinal. Cooked until full
String, hungry and tired
Chaff. relative
Old and old, young and old
Strange grains. concubine
jifang, turban
Curtain room. fan circle
Clean, silver candlewei
Brilliant. Sleeping during the day and sleeping at night,
Blue bamboo shoots like bed. string
Sing, drink, and drink
Lift the cup. Pretentious
Sufficient, happy and healthy. direct descendant
Heirs continue, sacrifice
Steam and taste. Ji
I bow again, fearful
Fear. The note (without "ultimatum") is brief,
Gu answered carefully. skeleton
Dirty wants to take a bath, hold on to heat
May it be cool. donkey mule calf
Special, leaping beyond leaps and bounds.
Kill thieves and thieves, arrest them
Gained rebellion. cloth
Sheliaowan, Ji
Qin Ruan Xiao. Tianbi
Lunzhi, fishing for Qiao Ren
fishing. Dispel conflicts and benefit customs,
All wonderful.
Mao Shi Shuzi, Gong Xian
Research. Every time the year comes,
Xihui shines. Spin
Ji hangs in the air,
Dark soul shines all around. refers to salary
Xiu Hu, Yongsui Ji Shao.
moment step guide
Lead and look down at the corridor temple.
Jinzhuang, a haikuzhan
. Ignorant and ignorant,
Foolishness waits for ridicule. predicate
Who can help me with words?
Hu Ye.
Xuanhe Renyin Yushu