How many of these awesome posts by Wang Xizhi do you know?

Wang Xizhi's "You Can't Post It Again"

"You Can't Tie" is also called "Wu Xin Tie" with 6 lines and 48 words. Engraved "Chunhua Pavilion Tie" and so on.

Explanation: We cannot help but feel sorry for Xi Jian's death. Why should we ask for it, if we are in charge of government? We should ask for the internal affairs of government. There are endless reasons, but if you have any hope, do you want to find one? Believe in the future and wish for one by one. Teach them to understand their minds.

Wang Xizhi's "Xunhou Tie"

"Xunhou Tie" is also known as "Xunhou Jiatie". "Xunhou Tie" is recorded in the catalog of Wang Xizhi's cursive calligraphy in Volume 15 of "Xuanhe Shupu". In the second line of the post, under the word "ER", some interpret it as "An Hao", and some interpret it as "Anxi". The word "Ming Gong" at the beginning of the third line is also recognized as "Nake". The "Chunhua Pavilion Tie", "Daguan Tie" and "Baoxian Tang" were engraved.

Interpretation: Is Xunhou good? If you don't get the result, I'll be there for you. With good news from An, Ming Gong will have to return to Luoye. The solution to the plan is suspended and he is looking for it.

Wang Xizhi's "One Chao Tie" 

Explanation: However, I am afraid that if we let each other be fooled, we will lose sight of the big plan and talk about it for a day. The girls will have no news and they are worried.

Wang Xizhi's "You Bu Tie"

"Ru Bu Tie" has 6 lines and 29 words.

Interpretation: You can't say it, you don't know the date of the gathering, but you can sigh. Take care of everyone. I asked my sister-in-law for a screen, but I couldn't get the answer.

Wang Xizhi's "Yu Anji Tie"

Wang Xizhi's "Yu Anji Tie" has 7 lines and 56 words. Cursive writing. "Secretary of the Right Army" records. "Yu Anji Tie" is the 29th Tongchi Shou in the "Seventeen Tie" series, and is the last Dharma Tie in the order. A letter written by Wang Xizhi recommending Yu Anji to Zhou Fu, the governor of Yizhou, as Zhou Fu's subordinate. This letter reflects one aspect of Wang Xizhi’s social interactions and behavior in his later years.

Interpretation: Yu Anji, whom I worked with in the past, is often remembered. Now he is the general in the palace. Qian Guo said: "I would like to live with you as a shack, not because I am old." Do you think you can get a small county with your capital, and you can think about it with just one step? As you think about it, you can reach it far away.