"Da Meng Ding Ming"arts" is a famous inscription on Meng's tripod. The Meng Ding was an important ritual vessel during the reign of King Kang of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was named because the maker was a minister named Meng during the reign of King Kang, and it was also called the Great Meng Ding. It was unearthed in Qishan County, Shaanxi Province in the early years of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty. The inscription inside the abdomen contains 19 lines and 291 words. Now in the Chinese History Museum.

    "The Great Cauldron"Also known as the Yu Ding, the reason why it is named "big" is to distinguish it from the small Yu Ding. These two tripods were produced at the same time, but the original small cup tripod has been lost, and only the inscription rubbings remain. Its calligraphy style is rigorous, the shape and layout of the characters are very simple and plain, and the brush strokes are both square and round. It has a solemn and solemn artistic effect. It is a representative work of gold calligraphy in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

    The inscription records that King Kang described to Yu the experiences of King Wen and King Wu of Zhou in founding the country. It is believed that King Wen and King Wu were able to establish the country with outstanding achievements mainly because their subjects never drank too much and were serious and respectful during sacrifices. The lesson of King Shang's fall was that he was addicted to alcohol. From this, Yu was warned to follow the example of his ancestors and loyally assist the royal family, and was given military uniforms, chariots and horses, wine, state officials, and people. Yu's inscription explains that this tripod was also made to worship his grandfather Nangong. The inscriptions on the Great Meng Ding are important historical materials for historians to study the feudal system of the Zhou Dynasty and the relationship between the Zhou king and his subjects. They have always been valued by historians.

The inscriptions on the "Da Yu Ding" are magnificent and majestic in style, with square and straight strokes, some strokes have obvious ripples, dense lines, and a complete layout. It is an excellent model for learning bronze inscriptions.

    The inscriptions on Dameng Ding are beautiful and vivid, solemn and solemn, with a large number of characters, making them the best in bronze inscriptions. The bronze vessels used as drinking vessels are exquisitely made and decorated with patterns and inscriptions, indicating that drinking was an important part of real life in ancient society. The inscription on the Great Meng Ding mentions that one should not drink too much wine, and that the Yin Dynasty subjugated the country due to drunkenness. Wine is mentioned twice. From this, we can see how profound and serious the understanding of wine was in ancient times, and even the rise and fall of the country was related to wine. Connected.

    The large tea tripod has a majestic shape and exquisite craftsmanship. It is an important historical material for studying the slavery system of the Western Zhou Dynasty. When the original instrument was unearthed, it was owned by Song Jinjian, a wealthy gentry in Qishan. Later, due to the family's decline, the tripod was transferred to Xi'an by his descendants for 700 taels of silver. Later, it was once owned by Zuo Zongtang. A few years later, Zuo Zongtang gave this tripod as a gift to Pan Zuyin in gratitude for his kindness. Since then, the Big Menu Cauldron has become a treasure passed down from generation to generation of the Pan family and is kept in the lobby of the Pan family in Suzhou. In 1952, it was dedicated to the country by Pan's descendants.

inscription:In the ninth month of Quan (Tongwei, Fa Yuci), Wang Cai (Tong Zai) Zong Zhou ordered (Tong Ming, the order of registration) Yu. Wang Ruo said: "Yu, Bu (tongpi pī, xunweida) Xian (xunweiming) King Min received the great order (order) from Tianyou (blessing, bless), in (Zai, past) King Jui's heir Mincha state, [ Outer gate and inner Pi] (Tong Pi, remove) Ye (Tong Jue, pronoun, referring to the Yin and Shang Dynasties) Nie (Tong Miao, teach evil), crawling in all directions, [Tian Yun] (Tong Wei, long-term) Zheng (Tong Yu, long-term) Government) Ye (Jue, referring to the four directions) people, in [Shangyuxiayu] (Tongyu) [Wuyi] (Tongyu, training for use) things, [虘youcuó] (interjection), You (tong) Liquor) Wudao [left you, right upper tongue, right lower fire] (Tongzhen, meaning to enjoy wine), there is [left bow, middle, upper, middle lower fire, right bow] (Tongqi, burning wood to offer sacrifices to heaven) [Shangmi] Zhongdou Xiaji】(Tongsteaming, the Emperor sacrifices in winter) Sacrifice Wudao【酉咒】(Tongnuo), Ancient (Tonggu) Heaven is different (Tongyi, training is to protect) Lin (training is to watch) son, waste ( Xun is the great) protector of the late king,? (the word is cast bad, suspected to be creeping) in all directions. I heard that Yin Shu (tong falls, Xun is mourning) orders (orders), 鹹 (only) Yin Bianhou Tian (Tongdian) 【Rain from above】(Tongyu) Yin Zhengbaipi, led by Yi (Tongsi) in You (wine), ancient (old) mourning teacher (people), Si (suspected to be an interjection). Female (Tongru) Me (tongmei) Chen (tongchen) and (tongyou) dafu (meaning to be appointed an official), Yu Xun (wei) is my primary school, female (ru) don't (no) Ke Ke Yu is the only one. Now I鹹 (only) that is (training is done) well (general type, imitation) [upper and lower] Yu Min is righteous, if King Min orders (order) two or three are righteous. Now I 鹹 (only) orders (order) female (ru) ) Yu, [super complex character ①] (call, assist) [Shang Ke and Xia Yi] (Tong Rong, a person with a high status in the Zhou royal family), [Shang Xia Xia Yi] (Tong Jing, recognition, respect ) [Left 鹹, right upper, right lower Lu] (Tongzong, training to protect, maintain) De (virtue) Wei (Tongjing, principles), quick to admonish day and night (Tongjing), enjoy running, fear of heaven and fear (Tongwei) )." The king said: "【上二四】(I don’t know this character, I suspect it is an interjection)! The order (order) female (ru) Yujing (type) is the heir to (Tongzu) Nangong." The king said Said: "盂, is [super complex character ①] (call) clamp death (tongshi, training is the main) [super complex character ②] (tongsi, management) Rong, Minzhi (tongchi, governance) punishment lawsuit, Su Xi called me one person [rice above and beans below] (tonghao) from all directions, [rain from above] (tong with) me. He (will) escape (tour hunting) of the province, the former king accepted the people and received the territory. Yi (reward) female ( Ru) 鬯 (chàng) Yi卣 (yǒu), 冂 (通裳), clothes, Xi (xì), chariot and horse. Yi Nu (Ru) and (ancestor) Nangong Banner (a kind of flag), with [辶dan] 】(Tong Zhan). Yi Nu (Ru) State【Super complex character ②】(Si) Sibai (Tong Bo) was a man of Li, and he controlled himself to the common people, six hundred and fifty and nine men, Yi Yi【Super complex Zi ②】(Si) The king’s ministers are ten and three white (uncle) people, and they have a thousand and fifty husbands. 【辶亟】【Super Complex Zi ③】(Tongbi) 【Super Complex Zi ④】(Tongqian) Ziyi (Jue) soil." The king said: "Yu, if [上卄下勹] (reverence) is the correct (chief), do not invalidate my order (order)." Yu Yong faced Wang Xiu, and used Zhaqie (ancestral) Nan Gong Baoding. The king of 鹹 (only) offered sacrifices three times.


In September, the king registered his fortune in Zongzhou. The king said this: "The great and wise King Wen accepted the great mission of God's help. When he came to King Wu, he succeeded King Wen and established the Kingdom of Zhou. He eliminated the evil, generally preserved the land in the four directions, and governed the people for a long time. The people who do things No one dares to get drunk during the drinking ceremony, and no one dares to get drunk during the sacrifices such as chai and yang. Therefore, the emperor of heaven protects the late king with his loving heart and vigorously protects the late king and makes him universal. I heard that The Yin Dynasty lost its great destiny given by heaven because the Yin Dynasty, from distant princes to officials of all sizes in the court, often drank too much, so it lost the world. You inherited the prominent position of your ancestors when you were young, and I asked you to Studying in my noble primary school, you must not betray me, but assist me. Now I will imitate King Wen's decrees and virtues, and appoint two or three ministers to appoint you just like King Wen did. You must coordinate the rules and disciplines respectfully, and work diligently morning and evening. Serve admonitions, perform sacrifices, attend to the king's affairs, and fear the majesty of heaven." The king said, "If I order you, Yu, you must imitate your ancestor Nangong." The king said, "Yu, you must assist me in managing the army, and be diligent and diligent. Handle the cases of rewards and punishments in a timely manner, and assist me in governing the four directions from morning to night, and help me govern the people and the territory according to the system of the previous kings. I will reward you with a bottle of fragrant wine, a turban, a knee cap, wooden shoes, a cart, and a horse; I will give you the flag of your ancestor Nangong to use for hunting patrols. I will give you four officials from your country and 659 people ranging from masters to common people. I will give you thirteen kings and ministers from foreign races, including barbarians. There are a thousand and fifty people, and we should try our best to let these people work hard on the land they cultivate." The king said: "Yu, you must treat your ministry respectfully and do not disobey my orders." Yu praised the king. Due to his virtue, he made a tripod in memory of his ancestor Nangong in the 23rd year of King Kang's reign.