Xu Hao's "Epitaph of Li Xian's Wife Dugujun" was inscribed in the 13th year of Tang Tianbao's reign (754) and written by Li Xian. It was unearthed in Guodu Town, Chang'an District, Xi'an in 2000. At the same time, "Li Xian's Epitaph" was also unearthed, both of which are now Hidden in Chang'an District Museum.

    "Li Xian's Epitaph" and"Epitaph of Li Xian's Wife Dugujun"The unearthed discovery can not only correct some problems in the historical materials of the Tang Dynasty, but more importantly, it provides extremely precious physical data for our study of Xu Hao's calligraphy. Xu Hao was a very famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. His courtesy name was Ji Hai. He was born in Yuezhou and was born in the third year of Chang'an (703 AD). "The Eighty-Seventh Biography of the Old Book of Tang Dynasty" states: "Hao Shao cited Ming Jing, Gong Cao Li, Zhang Shuo valued literature, mobilized Lu Shanzhu Bo, and recommended Shuo to be the school director of Li Zhengdian." Zhang Shuonai Xuanzong was an important minister at the time, as described in "The Forty-Seventh Biography of the Old Tang Book": "He held great political responsibilities three times before and after, and he was in charge of literature for thirty years. His writing was handsome, his thinking precise, and his writings were generous and written in accordance with the central purpose. All the poets in the world are full of satire. He is especially good at inscriptions and epitaphs, and is incomparable to those of the contemporary generation. He likes to accept the latecomers, and makes good use of his talents. He introduces scholars and Confucian scholars to assist the transformation of kings..." Being valued by Zhang Shuo proves that Xu Hao had extraordinary talents at a young age, which laid a good foundation for him to become a great calligrapher of the generation. At the time of Emperor Suzong, "the governor of Xiangzhou called him to teach Zhongshu Sheren. There were many powerful hands in issuing edicts from all directions, and his speeches were quick and fast. His teaching skills were excellent, and the emperor was very pleased with him. He was also included in the great records of the Supreme Emperor, and he was favored for a while. "This period was an important period in Xu Hao's official career. Suzong was in Tianbao's 15th year (AD 756). Xu Hao was 54 years old, which was the mature period of his calligraphy. Therefore, it is not enough to say that his calligraphy was "unparalleled for a while". Strange.

    Xu Hao wrote many inscriptions in his life, but Ouyang Xiu's "Collection of Ancient Records" only collected one seal script and one inscription on the stele written by Xu Hao, and compiled and combined one on the inscription on the stele. The "Inscriptions and Stones" recorded by Zhao Mingcheng of the Song Dynasty recorded Xu Hao's writing, writing or inscription on the forehead inscriptions. There are 37 passes. He also lived a long life. He was 78 years old (the second year of Jianzhong) when he wrote "Monk Bu Kong's Monument", but not many have been handed down to this day, especially in regular script. The only ones known are "Monk Bu Kong's Monument" and "The Monk's Monument of Dade Dazheng". ", "Chen Shangxian's Epitaph", etc., as well as "Li Xian's Epitaph" and "Li Xian's Wife's Epitaph". The two epitaphs were 12 years apart and they were husband and wife. They were all written by Xu Hao. This is rare among the records of the epitaphs written by him. Yes, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.