The yang seal forehead of the stele and the yin regular script forehead of the stele

It was built in the first year of Jianzhong (780). Regular script, one inscription and one essay. 338×176×40 cm. The four sides are engraved, with 24 lines and 47 characters on each side of the yin and yang sides; 6 lines and 52 characters on each side of the stele. Li Yangbing's seal script has 3 lines and 6 characters on the forehead, and the inscription on the Yin forehead has 10 lines and 9 characters in each line. The stele is stored in the Forest of Steles in Xi'an, and the Song rubbings are in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing.

The full name of the stele is "The Inscription of the Tang Dynasty, when the official Xing Xue, King Youzhu, presented the secretary, the young supervisor, and the prince to offer wine to the prince, Shaobao Yanjun." It was published by Yan Zhenqing for his father, Yan Weizhen. He wrote this article in June of the first year of Jianzhong (780), and also wrote the "Notes on the Stele" in October. He was 72 years old. At that time, Yan Zhenqing was full of ambitions, and his calligraphy was elegant and brilliant. It was the representative work of Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy art in his later years. Together with Li Yangbing's seal forehead, it is known as the "double gem" in the world. The first line of this stele is engraved with the postscript written by Li Zhun when it was re-erected on August 29, the seventh year of Taiping's reign in the Song Dynasty (982). According to the postscript, this stele was lying in the dust in the countryside after the Tang Dynasty was in chaos. It was not moved to the Confucius Temple in Fucheng until Li Yanxi discovered it in the seventh year of Taiping and Xingguo in the Northern Song Dynasty. According to records such as "Essays on the School Stele" and other books, the word "ancestral hall" in the third line of the inscription is in hook strokes. However, the Song rubbing is intact and it was roughened in the Ming Dynasty. For example, in "Li Yang Bing Zhuan Fore", the third stroke of the character "Yang" is not damaged, the character "Bing" is intact, and the right "page" of the character "E" is intact. This is a top-grade version of the Song Dynasty inscription of the character "ancestral temple" that is intact. Although this stele is still in good condition, it has lost its charm due to the excessive expansion of the characters and the gradual change of the characters.