Yan Zhenqing's "Huzhou Tie" (Song Dynasty imitation), collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing, paper, length 27.6 cm, width 50.2 cm

There is no date or month written on this post. Tie Yun said: "Outside the Yangtze River, only Huzhou is the most humble. This year, the water from all the states has merged with this state into Taihu Lake. The field seedlings are very poor. I rely on Liu Shangshu to calm people's hearts. Otherwise, I will not be able to calm my ears. True Qing Bai "Kaoyan Zhenqing was appointed as the governor of Huzhou in November of the seventh year of Dali. He took office in January of the following year. He stayed in Huzhou for six years until he resigned in August of the twelfth year of Dali. He was called the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. "Old Tang Book" Volume 37 "Five Elements Chronicles" records: In the tenth year of the Dali calendar, "On the night of July 28th, there was a strong wind in Hangzhou, and the sea water turned tidal, and more than 5,000 houses and more than 1,000 boats fell down in the prefecture. , more than a hundred families drowned, and more than 400 people died, as did Su, Hu, Yue and other prefectures." Regarding the floods caused by the tsunami in Hang, Hu, Su, and Yue, the old and new "Tang Shu Daizong Ji" and "Ancient and Modern Books Collection·Flood Disaster Department" has various detailed records. Liu Shangshu is Liu Yan. Liu Yan held the post of Shangshu from the eighth to the twelfth year of the Dali calendar. The word "Liu Shangshu" is unclear, so it should be "appeasement". Therefore, it can be seen that Yan Zhenqing wrote this post from after July to before the end of the tenth year of the Dali calendar (775).

This post was collected by Xuanhe Neifu and Jia Sidao of Song Dynasty, Xiang Yuanbian and Zhang Zezhi of Ming Dynasty, Qingbiao, Anqi and Neifu of Qing Dynasty. There are appreciation seals in the seals such as "Zhenghe", "Shaoxing", "Qiuhe Books", "Ouyang Xuan", "Xiang Yuan Bian Seal", "Liang Qing Biao Seal", "An Yi Zhou's Calligraphy and Painting Seal". There is an engraved version of "Zhongyi Tang Tie" by Liu Yuangang in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was also engraved in "Kuaixue Tang Tie" of Ming Dynasty.  

This post is also called "Jiangwai Post" and is first recorded in "Xuanhe Shupu". Xu Bangda, a modern person, said that the writing used in this post is charming and colorful, which is not at all like the "house leakage marks" in the front part of Yan Shu, but it is very close to Mi Fu's running script. From the style of the calligraphy, it can definitely be classified as Mi Shu.