The content of this book is about the cultivation of human nature and involves Buddhism. The writing method is based on the character Wang, and the knots of many characters are similar to those in "Holy Teaching". However, the use of brushstrokes has its own characteristics, which is completely different from the continuous cursive writing method of calligraphers in the late Ming Dynasty who liked to follow the trend with one stroke. The overall characteristics of this book are tranquility yet agility, stability yet beauty. Adopting the regular script method, each word is independent to draw momentum by leaning on the side, changes are obtained by staggered sizes, and rhythm is shown by thickness and weight. Where it is stretched, it shows its potential, and where it is restrained, there is no lack of charm. There are always some heavy words in the whole article to make them stand out, and some light words to show their agility. The whole article adopts a low-left and high-right style. The writing is very natural, just like a clear spring slowly flowing down from the mountain, with absolutely no anger or warmth. The noisy spirit reads like clouds and flowing water, with both ancient meaning and contemporary interest. The ancient meaning takes the elegant charm of Da Wang, while the contemporary interest uses Xiao Wang's inner brushwork to circle the lead to eliminate the fire energy and not pursue it too much. The changes in twists and turns make it look charming. Of course, individual strokes will also appear not very tough but a little floating. From the point of view of his approach, Hanshan has a very high level of understanding and intelligence, so his works have little shadow of his predecessors, but have a lot of his own personality. Sometimes he is also good at using official ideas in individual point paintings, which is reflected in his works. Yanmei's style is mixed with a bit of clumsiness.