This is a page written by Wang Duo for Tang Ruowang, a foreign missionary in China.
Tang Ruowang (also known as Daowei) arrived in China in 1622. Later, at the request of Xu Guangqi, he was recruited by the imperial court to participate in the compilation work of the Calendar Bureau, beginning his thirty-eight-year career in the Ming and Qing dynasties of China. service career. In the first year of Kangxi (1662), Tang Ruowang was finally awarded the title of Guanglu Doctor after eighteen years of official service as Guan Qintian Supervisor. He was able to mend his uniform with a first-grade top belt and embroidered crane, becoming the highest-ranking official in China's history. One of the most famous Europeans, and one of the very few who has been granted a title for three generations and a distant minister who has been favored by others.
Wang Duo surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Nanjing in the second year of Shunzhi (1645), and arrived in Beijing with Duduo, the general of the Qing army. Perhaps because he heard that his old acquaintance Tang Ruowang had taken over the Qingqin Tianjian in December of the previous year, he decided to write a volume in handwriting as a gift. The content was selected from four seven-character rhymed poems that he gave to Tang Ruowang during the Chongzhen period (1628-1644). . Although the purpose of his writing was never clearly stated in this album (a bound volume of calligraphy works), since Wang Duo was poor and ill at the time, he obviously hoped that this old work would remind the upstart Tang family of their previous friendship. , and provide relief.
There are two seals on the page of the poem volume: "Collection of Ye Family in Yungu" and "Collection of Ye Family in Nanhai Yungu Family". It can be seen that this piece was once collected by Ye Menglong (1775-1832), and was collected by Ye's friend Weng Fanggang (1733-1818) and money.嫫(1744-1806) has received a lot of money. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, this volume belonged to Pei Jingfu (1854-1926). In 1914, Shanghai Civilization Book Company published "Wang Juesi's Poetry Album and Ink Blossoms" and borrowed this work. In 1936, it was originally acquired by Ye Gongchuo and was added to the Erxuanshe edition as " Tibetan seals such as "Ye family in Panyu" and "Gongchuo longevity". Chen Yuan, later the tutor of Chinese Studies at the Peking University Institute and the director of the Capital Library, borrowed the original from Ye Gongchuo, traced the word frame with a fine brush, then copied it with thick ink extensions, and changed the original album format into a banner for circulation.

Click to download and browse the full version of Wang Duo's "A Poem to Tang Ruowang"
I visited Mr. Dao Weitang, visited the pavilion, and heard about various wonders from overseas.
The wind blows, the bells and flags slant, the shadows of the trees slant, and the lacquer calligraphy changes to a deplorable state.
The princes of birds and beasts from other mountains gather together, and the family of Emperor Linqiu from a foreign country.
But if Tianshu is connected to the eye of the sea, then you will know Xiaoguawa on the way to the sun.
If I need time, I'll explore the West with you. The vastness of Kunlun has no end.
Different directions have their own smoke and mountains, and the appearance of a leaf is different from the world.
The earth turns to quicksand and things are numerous, and people are poor and the stars are wading through waves.
The medicinal color between the eyebrows is filled with three rays of light, and the dragon shape in the box is filled with coldness.
I would like to accept the urn from Ju Guanyan, knowing that you will not be stingy with Qiongdan.
(The word "Xingwan" falls)
While I was writing, two young children were playing in front of me. They were chirping in confusion, so they dropped the words "..", such as "dragon-shaped and ten thousand valleys", which can also be used as a joke. Calligraphy and painting must be carried out deep in the mountains, among the shadows of pines, waves and clouds. Is it happy and peaceful? Wang Duo's comic knowledge.
Among the eighty thousand journeys of Yanji, disciples like clouds asked Hongmeng.
I am used to removing the breath of the wind from the python, and I have repeatedly bound the male □ to the miasma and fog in the sky.
When the elixir is applied, it will cure the physical disease, and the jade and hengqi will be the work of heaven for future generations.
There is a secret of longevity left in the secluded room. When you smile, you must meet the wind in the garden.
Pictures are taken in the kitchen, and there are many different levels of pavilions to bow to the true immortals.
Drunk and chanting, my heart is reflected under the flowers, and I lie down leisurely and travel to ancient prehistory.
The harp and harp play in the autumn solo, and the strange lights and phoenixes hang together at night.
If you want to ask for spiritual liquid from the dragon's brush, you will only be afraid that the luan's car will fill the sea with smoke.
Mr. Dao Wei (Tang Ruowang, also known as Dao Wei) has learned a lot about heaven and has cultivated many mysteries, and he is convinced that he is a dragon and an elephant among people. I once wrote a volume, but it was stolen. Because I wrote it again, I have it framed now and offer it again to atone for the loss. I know that I will laugh out loud. Wang Duo of Henan Province sought rectification. I was sick in the past month, and I was struggling to write books. When I was short of food, I sold a few books to get five bushels of grain. I bought ink, but the ink was not good. What can I do?