Zhang Jizhi's Letters to the Imperial Scholars of the Yuan Dynasty, volume, paper, running script, 30.7 x 53.6 cm, collected by the National Palace Museum, Taipei

  Zhang Jizhi is good at running script and regular script. Among the surviving calligraphy works, Buddhist scriptures written in regular script have the largest number and the highest achievements. In addition to the influence of his uncle Zhang Xiaoxiang, his calligraphy origins were also influenced by the Kaifa of the Tang Dynasty and Su Shi, Huang Tingjian and Mi Fu of the Northern Song Dynasty. But because he was able to come up with new ideas, such as writing large characters with a bald pen, and creating his own unique calligraphy style, he eventually became a master.

  This "To the Master of Yuan Dynasty" ruler slip, also known as "The Follower Comes and Returns", is written in cursive on tooth-colored printed paper. Judging from the sentences in the letter such as "Wild clothes and yellow crowns, embracing the lazy fire of simmering taro", it seems that Zhang Jizhi retired to his home in his later years (around 1245, the fifth year of Chunyou, when Zhang Jizhi was sixty years old). Made at the time. This piece of ruler-slip paper has a sparse and graceful structure, and the brushwork is clear and elegant, showing no signs of decay and old age.