Cai Jing (1047~1126), a traitorous official in the Northern Song Dynasty. Characters are constant. A native of Xianyou (now part of Fujian), Xinghua. He is from the same hometown as Cai Xiang, a politician and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty. Cai Jing was a staunch supporter of Wang Anshi's reform and an effective general. In the second year of Xining (1069), amid the opposition of the conservative ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, Wang Anshi was appointed prime minister by Song Shenzong and implemented reforms; the following year, Cai Jing of Xianyou County, Xinghua Army, went to Beijing to take the exam, and won the Jinshi, and began to advance. Enter official career. Later, according to the "Republication of Xinghua Prefecture Chronicles: Biography of Cai Jing" compiled during the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty, after Cai Jing ascended the throne, he "was transferred to Qiantang Lieutenant, promoted to an official in Shuzhou, and moved to Lilang. He returned Liao Dynasty and paid homage to Zhongshu Sheren. At that time, my younger brother Bian was already a member of the family, and the story of his appointment to the official position is in order of succession. Bian Qiban came to Beijing, and the brothers were in charge of writing orders, and the imperial court was honored." In just a few years, Cai Jing transformed from a local government official to a minister of the central government, and was highly used by Song Shenzong and Wang Anshi.
   With the support of Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi's reform was successfully implemented, and the Green Crops Law, the Recruitment Law, the Farmland Equalization Tax Law, the Farmland Water Conservancy Law, and the Baojia Law were introduced one after another, which solved various crises faced by the Northern Song Dynasty. After the implementation of the new law, social conflicts were alleviated and government revenue increased; agricultural production was promoted, and more than 10,000 water conservancy projects were built across the country. In Putian, there was a marquis (today's Minhou), the "elder" Li Hong responded to the imperial edict and came to Putian with a huge amount of family capital to build Mulan Pi. The construction of this Pi was started in the eighth year of Xining in the Song Dynasty (1075) and took eight years to complete.
  Lenin spoke highly of Wang Anshi's reform and called him China's eleventh-century reformer. But at that time, there were many opponents of the reform, and even the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager came forward to take the lead in opposing it. They regarded the new law as a scourge and described Wang Anshi as a rebellious minister and traitor. They cried and complained to Shenzong: "Wang Anshi is going to use the new law to cause chaos in the world!" Shenzong was shaken and dismissed Wang Anshi from his official position. Later, he regretted it and asked Wang Anshi to come out and take power again.
  After the death of Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Zizhezong was established, and Empress Dowager Gao came to rule. In 1086, Sima Guang became the prime minister, restoring the old people and old laws, and excluding newcomers and new laws. Cai Jing, a capable general of Wang Anshi's reform, became the main target of attack. "Republication of Xinghua Prefecture Chronicles" said that Sima Guang was in charge of the government and restored the military service law for five days, forcing Cai Jing and others to complete it. "As promised, Jingdu has changed all the officials in Ji County, and no one has violated it. When he went to the Zhengshi Hall, Bai Guang, Guangxi said: 'How can it be impossible to make everyone obey the law like a king?' That's it. Taiwan remonstrated that Jing was holding evil in his hands. A bad law turns into a German army..." Cai Jing acted vigorously and resolutely. Even the conservative leader Sima Guang had to be convinced and praised him face to face. However, in front of the opposition, this son of Xinghua had no place to stand and was eventually expelled from the capital. Day by day Not as good as one day.
  Because Empress Dowager Gao was in charge of the government and attacked the reformers, the Northern Song Dynasty regime fell into a serious political crisis. In the eighth year of Yuanyou (1093), Zhe Zong took charge of the government personally, resumed the reform method, and appointed Zhang Chun as prime minister. Soon, Cai Jing returned to the capital and served as Minister of Household Affairs. "Republication of Xinghua Prefecture Annals" said: "Zhang Chun restored the reform of military service and appointed a secretary to discuss it, but it was not decided for a long time." Upon seeing this, Cai Jing took the initiative to actively cooperate and help Zhang solve the problem. "Jing said to Chun: 'How can you explain how to implement the law in Xining?' However, it was decided to hire servants. Two methods were used to hire people. In the past ten years, Jing came to do it again, and the two of them succeeded. Depend on each other." This record shows that Cai Jing admired Wang Anshi very much and studied his new methods very much. In the first year of Yuanyou (1086), Wang Anshi died in Jiangning (now Nanjing, Jiangsu); eight years later, Cai Jing continued to promote and introduce Wang Anshi's new law, so that Wang Anshi's legacy could be inherited.
  However, this reform under Zhezong was difficult to achieve obvious results due to repeated conflicts between the old and new parties. After Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty came to the throne, he intended to revise Xifeng's political affairs. He also appointed Cai Jing as prime minister and continued to implement the new law. In the first year of Jingkang (1126), after Song Qinzong came to the throne, Cai Jing was demoted to Lingnan and died in Tanzhou (now Changsha, Hunan) on the way.
  Cai Jing has extremely high artistic talent and is known as a gifted scholar. He has performed brilliantly in various artistic fields such as calligraphy, poetry, and prose. His calligraphy ranks among the four great calligraphers of the Northern Song Dynasty: Su, Huang, Mi and Cai. When people at that time talked about his calligraphy, they often used words such as "unrivaled" and "unmatched". Even the arrogant Mi Fu once said that his calligraphy was not as good as Cai Jing's. It is said that once Cai Jing was chatting with Mi Fu, Cai Jing asked Mi Fu: "Who is the best calligrapher today?" Mi Fu replied: "Since Liu Gongquan in the late Tang Dynasty, it has been you and your brother Cai Bian. Cai Jing asked: "What's next?" Mi Fu said: "Of course it's me."
  The surviving writings include "Inscriptions on Poems in the Cottage", "Tie of Jie Fu", "Tie of Palace Envoy" and "Tie of Jie Fu".