Cai Songnian (1107~1159), a writer of Jin Dynasty. The courtesy name is Bojian. Because there is Xiao Xiantang in his hometown villa, he calls himself Old Man Xiao Xian. A native of Zhending (now Zhengding, Hebei Province). Xuanhe of the Song Dynasty guarded Yanshan from his father at the end of the Song Dynasty. When the Song army was defeated, he paid gold to his father. During the Tianhui period, he was appointed as the judge of Zhending Prefecture. He served as prime minister to the right, was granted the title of Duke of Wei, and died with the posthumous title Wen Jian. When Wanyan Zongbi (Wushu) attacked the Song Dynasty and fought with Yue Fei and others, Cai Songnian served as Zongbi "and concurrently served as the general affairs officer of the six ministries of the army". In order to cross to the south and destroy the Song Dynasty, the benefactor Wanyan Liang promoted Cai Songnian, who had been an official in the Song Dynasty for two generations, to a prominent position in an attempt to influence the southerners.

  Cai Songnian was one of the important writers in the early Jin Dynasty. Although he had a prosperous official career in his life, his works revealed quite contradictory thoughts and feelings regarding the origin of his works. He claimed that he "had been living in the woods since he was a child and was intolerant of worldly things" (preface to "Flowers in the Rain"), and later "bought land under the Su family". "The thatched cottage will be built to express the remaining years" (preface to "Shui Long Yin"). However, because he was favored in his later years, he had to repay his kindness. And the national consciousness lurking deep in his heart made him feel that "the body has been insulted by pampering the gods", "low eyebrows have been accepted by machines" ("Geng Shen's apprenticeship in the leap month has returned to Yingshang, drinking alone in front of the new moon"), "going against oneself and making mistakes" , unbearable to worry about." This expression of thoughts and feelings became an important theme in his poetry. The style of his works is refreshing and beautiful, and his lyrics are particularly famous. He [Nian Nujiao] was the most popular one at the time: "Li Sao drank heavily and asked about the good things in life, what can be eliminated? People in Jiangzuo have accomplished things, dreaming about rocks and green walls. Five acres of green smoke, a hill of cold jade, and worries at the end of the year." Wind and snow. Xizhou helps the sick, and I still feel sad about the outstanding achievements. I dreamed of divination, and I felt that I came to the rocks and osmanthus, and the fragrance was ten miles away. The ice and charcoal in Lei's chest were wiped out by the spring breeze. The sun was shining, and I was leisurely and proud. There is no trace of hatred. The past and the present are consistent, and Yonghe only records the years." Yuan Haowen pointed out: "For a hundred years, Yuefu Tui Bojian and Wu Yangao were named Wu and Cai Ti." Volume 1 of "Zhongzhou Collection" contains 59 of his poems; His poem "Xiao Xian Laoren Mingxiu Collection" was originally 6 volumes, with an annotated version by Wei Daoming. Now there are 3 volumes, with an addendum of 1 volume, and the "Jiu Jinren Collection" is available.