Cai Bian was a calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty. (1058-1117), courtesy name Yuandu, was born in Xianyou (now Fujian). Jingdi. He became a Jinshi in the third year of Shenzong Xining's reign (1070) with the capital, and was transferred to Jiangyin as the chief administrator. In Yuanfeng, Li Tongzhi admonished the court and served as censor. He worships the person who lives in the bookstore and serves as a lecturer, and provides advice to others. Zhe Zongli was promoted to Minister of Rites. He returned to the Liao Dynasty, and learned about Xuanzhou with Longtuge waiting for control. He moved to Jiangning Prefecture and visited the five states of Yang, Guang, Yue, Run, and Chen. Shaosheng four years (1097). Pay homage to Shangshu Zuocheng. When Huizong came to the throne, he ordered that a scholar from Zizhengdian Palace should know Jiangning Mansion, demoted him to Shaofu Shaojian, and assigned him to Chizhou. When he was over the age of 18, he started to know Daming Mansion, moved to Yangzhou, and was promoted to know the Privy Council. He did not get along with Beijing, so he went to Henan Prefecture as a bachelor of Zizheng Palace. Pay homage to the military governor of Zhaoqing. He was admitted as an attendant, and entered the three divisions of inspecting school Shaobao and Kaifu Yitong. He died in the seventh year of Zhenghe at the age of sixty. His posthumous title is Wenzheng. There are biographies in Volume 101 of "Dongdu Shilue" and Volume 472 of "History of the Song Dynasty".
  Cai Bian, courtesy name Yuandu, was the younger brother of Cai Jing. Born in the eighth year of Qingli reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty (1048), he was born in Chihujing, Cixiaoli, Xianyi (now Dongzhai Chiling Natural Village, Fengting Town). Cai Bian was smart and perceptive when he was a child. He studied at Qingluo Caotang in Fengting Pagoda Doushan (Houyi Huixin Academy). He had a photographic memory and quick thinking. He could recite enlightenment books such as "Three Character Classic" and "Thousand Character Essay" backwards and forwards. I am also familiar with the classics of "Four Books" and "Five Classics" by heart, as well as historical records, local chronicles, miscellaneous works of hundreds of schools of thought, and national laws and regulations, and have read them thoroughly, making connections by analogy. He is knowledgeable, knowledgeable, talented and well-known in his hometown.
  In the third year of Xining, Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty (1070), Cai Bian and his brother Cai Jing passed the imperial examination and passed the imperial examination. The following year, they were appointed as the registrar of Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province. At that time, the local rich man Gu Xinyuan and others took advantage of the lean period to borrow grain. For the common people, the interest rate is twice as high as usual. Cai Bian sympathized with the sufferings of the people, tried his best to implement Wang Anshi's Green Crop Law, and resolutely opened warehouses to borrow grain to meet the people's urgent needs, curb the arrogance of the unscrupulous rich to take advantage of the situation, and save farmers from the suffering of loan sharking. Therefore, he was highly regarded by Wang Anshi and recruited He is the son-in-law.
  In the fifth year of Shenzong Yuanfeng (1082), Bian was appointed as the direct lecturer of Guozizhi and the minister of Chongzheng Hall. Soon he was promoted to the minister of living room and the censor of Tongzhi Juyuan. After that, he resigned many times because Wang Anshi was in power and was in charge. He gives up others and serves as lecturer, and contributes to the affairs. Zhezong ascended the throne (1086), Empress Dowager Gao came to serve as regent, appointed Sima Guang as prime minister, and abolished the new law. Bian was appointed minister of the Ministry of Rites and went to Liao as an envoy. He was received generously and received generous gifts. Later, he returned to the court due to illness. He used the Longtuge service system to know Xuanzhou, Jiangning, Yang, Guang, Yue, Run, Chen and other five states. At that time, Guangzhou was an important port for the Song Dynasty's foreign trade. Treasures were collected, but he could not get any of them. When he moved to Yuezhou, foreign businessmen sprinkled his clothes with rose dew as a gift to show their respect.
  In the eighth year of Yuan Dynasty (1093) by Zhe Zong, Empress Dowager Gao died of illness, and Zhe Zong took charge personally. Cai Bianfu was a member of Zhongshushe and compiled by Guozi. He and Zeng Bu and others compiled the "Records of Shenzong" more objectively based on the "Rilu" left by Wang Anshi, and refuted Wang Anshi's words about the reform. As a result, conservative ministers such as Lu Dafang, Fan Zuyu, Zhao Yanruo, and Huang Tingjian of the Yuan Dynasty were condemned and demoted, and Bian was moved to the Imperial Academy. In the second year of Shaosheng (1095), Cai Bian was worshiped as Shangshu Youcheng. In the fourth year, he turned to Shangshu Zuocheng. In the name of "Shaoshu", he and Zhang  and others advocated the restoration of Wang Anshi's new law, bullying the emperor from above, and deceiving the emperor from below. Threats are in the same category, slandering good people. He also communicated closely with the emperor, asking the emperor to issue an order to implement it, and wanted to abolish the posthumous title of "Xuanren Shenglie" of Empress Dowager Gao, who was actually in charge of political affairs in the Yuan Dynasty.
  In the first year of Emperor Huizong's founding of the Jingguo (1101), admonishers Chen, Ren Boyu, and imperial censor Gong Fu jointly impeached Cai Bian for his misdeeds, saying: "Bian Fang's private history, in order to suppress the evil of the ancestral temple, is too much. Last year, thousands of people were sealed." Begging and beheading should be decided by Bian Qiqi." Chen also listed Cai Bian's six crimes: he wanted to depose Cai Bian because he falsely accused Xuan Ren of protecting him; all the officials who had been chased away since Shao Sheng were executed by Bian Qiqi; he was tired of winning things in the palace. Zhe Zongfang's suspicions were unknown, and he wanted to discuss etiquette and law. Bian Yun said: "Since you have violated the law, what use is there to discuss it?" The queen was offended because of this; she compiled the Yuan Dynasty's official documents, Qi Fei's words, thousands of people who were accused came out from Bian; Zou Hao disobeyed the decree, and Bian angered Zhezong, who was banished from afar, and asked his relatives to be cured; Jian Xu and Chen Jian looked at the details of the appeal, but he hesitated and did not respond. Bian was forced to do so with his heartfelt words, but he silently said that he did not dare to object. The situation will be set tomorrow, and the scholar-bureaucrats will offend 30 families. All of this was planned and carried out by Bian. Chen and others asked the Holy One to urgently impose canonical punishment to thank the world.
  Cai Bian was later demoted to the rank of Shaofu Shaojian, and was assigned to Nanjing, where he lived in Chizhou. The following year, he rose to the rank of Damingfu, moved to Yangzhou, and was called the envoy of Zhongtai Yi Palace. Later, he was promoted to the Privy Council, responsible for border defense, armament and other confidential matters. affairs. At that time, Cai Jing was in the prime minister's position, and he resigned because of his disapproval of relatives, without comment. He agreed with Huizong and Cai Jing to regain Huangzhou, Shankuo and other places, and was promoted to the Jinziguanglu doctor for his merit.
  Cai Bian opposed Cai Jing's reuse of the eunuch Tong Guan as an envoy to Shaanxi. In other political matters, his opinions were mostly different from Cai Jing's, so he was slandered by Cai Jing. He came to Henan as a bachelor of Tianzhang Pavilion. When Zhang Huaisu was defeated, Bian Su traveled with him, so he was demoted together and Xuanjiaguan. Bachelor of Wen Dian, he paid homage to Zhaoqing Army's Military Envoy, became an Attendant, entered the School of Inspection and Shaobao, Kaifeng Yitong Sansi, and moved to Zhendong Army Military Envoy.
  In the seventh year of Huizong Zhenghe's reign (1117), Cai Bian took leave and returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors. He died on the way at the age of 70. He was given the posthumous title Wenzheng as a gift to Taifu. After Emperor Gaozong ascended the throne, he was promoted to deputy envoy of Ning Guojun Jiedu. In the fifth year of Shaoxing (1136), he was demoted to deputy envoy of Tuanlian in Shanzhou. He is the author of "Explanation of Famous Things in Mao's Poems", and together with Cai Jing compiled "Xuanhe Calligraphy Collection" and "Xuanhe Painting Collection" in 20 volumes each.