Liu Chongqing (1579-1632), named Yousun, Hao Erzhi, was a native of Yecheng. He was a famous calligrapher in the late Ming Dynasty and served as the right minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He grew up in a poor family, so he studied hard in the stone house of Hongmiao in Daze Mountain. He had no money to buy paper, so he picked persimmon leaves to study constantly. Later generations once praised: "With a wave of hair, dragons and snakes dance in the big swamp, and persimmon leaves are scattered in the empty mountains." Later, calligraphy became famous in the capital and the court, and there was a legend of "filling in dots with a flying pen". In the thirty-eighth year of Wanli (1610), he became a Jinshi, and was later promoted from the magistrate of Xian County to the imperial censor. He was dismissed from office because he did not rely on the eunuch Wei Zhongxian and was falsely accused of being a "treacherous party". Chongzhen was re-appointed as censor after the Yuan Dynasty, and wrote a letter to arrest Li Yongzhen, Liu Ruoyu, and Li Shi, the traitors of Wei Dynasty. Later, he served as general administrator of Dali and was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Kong Youde rebelled and besieged Lai, and Liu Chongqing went to Laizhou three times. Chen Ming said that the important geographical location of Laizhou and the loss of Laizhou would cause serious consequences of "facing the north in the middle" and "there are unspeakable things in the world." He angrily denounced "saving lives" He described the heroic scene of the soldiers and civilians of Laizhou fighting bloody battles and defending the isolated city. He asked the emperor to mobilize elite border troops to quickly rescue Laizhou, and asked himself to be promoted to the imperial censor to go to Laizhou to work with the soldiers and civilians of Laizhou. Life and death, coexistence and death, the words of love are sincere. In the end, because Xiong Ming of the Ministry of War was too strong against his commander, Liu Chongqing failed to fight hard, and he became ill from anger. He died on the third day of July in the fifth year of Chongzhen (1632) at the age of 53.


Liu Chongqing's "Linwang Xizhi's Cursive Scroll"