Mi Wanzhong (1570--1628), courtesy name Zhongzhao, named Youshi, Zhanyuan, Wenshi layman, Shaohai pavilion chief, Haidian fisherman chief, Yanshan mountain chief, Shiyin'an layman, originally from Anhua (now part of Shaanxi). Later he moved to Shuntian (today's Beijing) and was a descendant of Mi Fu. Guan Taipu Temple Shaoqing, Jiangxi Provincial Envoy and other positions. In the fifth year of Tianqi (1625), he became a member of Wei Zhongxian's party. Ni Wenhuan impeached him and reduced his status. At the beginning of Chongzhen's reign, he was promoted to the rank of Imperial Servant Shaoqing. He has a fondness for stones, loves stones, and has an ancestral style. It is said that he does not have the love of Nangong (Fu) but has his own quirks. The painting was based on the model of Beizong. The landscape is fine and smooth, the craftsmanship is fine, the texture is elegant, the color is colorful and clean, and the layout is far-reaching. He also made a large-scale splash-ink painting with a vast momentum. Chen Chun, the flower master, is extremely elegant. Xing Tong, Dong Qichang and Zhang Ruitu are known as "the four great calligraphers in the late Ming Dynasty", and are also known as "Nandong (Qichang) and Beimi (Wanzhong)".

He is the author of "Seal Script and Li Ding Falun".

There are many written records. The poem on the flower path in the Zhan Garden on the right is written in large running script, which was relatively rare at the time. The writing is quick, calm and crisp. "Book History Hui Yao" said Mi Wanzhong: "He has been famous for forty years, and his writings are all over the world."