Mi Youren (1074-1153) was the eldest son of Mi Fu. One Yin Ren, nicknamed Yin Ge and Ao'er, Huang Tingjian jokingly called him "Hu'er" and presented him with an ancient seal and a poem: "I have the ancient seal of Yuanhui. The seal can't bear to be with Zhulang, but Hu'er's writing can carry a tripod." , the teaching character Yuanhui succeeded Azhang." Therefore, the character Yuanhui, later nicknamed Lazy Old Man. Originally from Xiangyang (now part of Hubei), he later settled in Runzhou (now Zhenjiang, Jiangsu). They are called Da and Xiaomi after their father.

  He was well-known for his calligraphy and painting skills in his early years. In the fourth year of Emperor Huizong's reign (1122), he was selected to take charge of calligraphy. After crossing to the south, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs and a direct bachelor of Fuwen Pavilion. Emperor Gaozong Zhao Gou once ordered him to authenticate the Dharma books. However, when it comes to identifying calligraphy and painting, "there is often a tendency to cater to those who prefer it." People say that although Shanxing Shu is not as good as his father, he is like a descendant of Wang and Xie's family and has his own style. He and his father Mi Fu are both collectors and connoisseurs.

  His landscape paintings, such as "Clouds and Mountains Deep Intent", have fine clouds drawn in ink, floating all over the paper, the mountains are rolling, looming and disappearing, the trees are sparse, the houses are empty and spacious, and they are stained and stained, with the potential of wind, rain and clouds. The long scroll titled "Pictures of Wonders of Xiaoxiang" says: "The rain is about to fall at night, and the smoke is clearing at dawn, so the appearance is similar to this. The play is called Xiaoxiang, describing the ever-changing and indescribable magical interest." Dong Qichang of the Ming Dynasty once brought this picture to the When I visited Dongting Lake, I marveled at Mi Youren's sketching skills. He said: "The setting sun is setting in the boat, and the bottom of the canopy can be seen in the vast sky, with long sky and clouds, and strange and strange things. It is like a Mijia ink play." The handed down works include "The Wonders of Xiaoxiang" "Volume, now in the Palace Museum; "Yunshan Detu", in the Shanghai Museum.