颜真卿  Yan Zhenqing (709-785) Su Shi once said: "The poetry is as good as Du Zimei, the writing is as good as Han Tuizhi, the painting is as good as Wu Daozi, the writing is as good as Yan Lugong, and the changes in ancient and modern times have made the world full of things." ("Dongpo's inscription and postscript") ") Yan Zhenqing, courtesy name Qingchen, was born in Langya Linyi (now Linyi, Shandong) and was an outstanding calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. He was the prefect of Pingyuan and was known as Yan Pingyuan. During the Anshi Rebellion, Yan fought against the thieves for meritorious service. He entered Beijing and served successively as Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Prince and Grand Master, and was granted the title of Founding Duke of Lu County, so he was also known as Yan Lu Gong in the world. During the reign of Emperor Daizong, Li Xilie rebelled. Prime Minister Lu Qi "hatred" and instigated the emperor to send Zhenqing to advise him. He was retained by Xilie, who was loyal and unyielding, and was later hanged by Li Xilie. He has an upright nature, is sincere and honest, has a sense of justice, never succumbs to the powerful, and is famous for his righteousness and righteousness.

  Yan Zhenqing is a descendant of the Langya family and has a profound family knowledge. The fifth generation ancestor Yan Shigu was a famous scholar in the Northern Qi Dynasty and the author of "Yan Family Instructions". When Yan Zhenqing was young, his family was poor and lacked paper and pen, so he practiced calligraphy on the wall with a pen dipped in loess and water. He first learned Chu Suiliang's style of writing, and then learned his writing skills from Zhang Xu. He also absorbed the characteristics of the four schools of writing in the early Tang Dynasty, as well as the style of seal script and Northern Wei Dynasty. He completed the creation of vigorous and broad Yan style regular script and established a model of regular script in the Tang Dynasty.

  His regular script was contrary to the calligraphy style of the early Tang Dynasty. He used seal script to transform the thin and hard shape into plump and powerful. The structure was broad and majestic, and the bones were strong and majestic. This style also reflected the prosperous style of the Tang Empire. And consistent with his noble personality, it is an example of the perfect combination of the beauty of calligraphy and the beauty of personality. His calligraphy style is called "Yan style", and together with Liu Gongquan, he is called "Yan Liu", and he is known as "Yan Jin Liu Gu".

  Ouyang Xiu once said: "Yan Gongshu is like a loyal minister, martyr, moral gentleman, he is strict and respectful, and people are afraid of him at first sight, but as time goes by, he becomes more and more lovable. There must be many people who see his treasures in the world, but even if there are many, he will never tire of them. "Zhu Changwen praised his book: "The points are like falling stones, the paintings are like summer clouds, the hooks are like bending gold, and the weapons are like crossbows. There are images vertically and horizontally, and low and high ambitions. Since the time of Xi and Xian, there has never been anyone like Gong." Yan Ti Shu. It had a profound impact on the development of calligraphy art in later generations. Many famous writers after the Tang Dynasty drew experience from Yan Zhenqing's successful reform. Especially for cursive painting, some famous masters after the Tang Dynasty established their own style by learning from Yan Zhenqing on the basis of learning from the two kings. He is the author of "Wuxing Collection", "Luzhou Collection" and "Linchuan Collection". He has many handed down writings, including "Yan Qinli Stele", "Yuanci Mountain Stele", "Yanjia Temple Stele" and "Magu Immortal Altar". Among the handed down ink writings are "Manuscript of Memorial to Nephew", "Liu Zhong's Envoy's Note", "Self-written Letter to Suo Shen", etc.

Chronology of Yan Zhenqing (709-785)

  Yan Zhenqing was born in Dunhuafang, Wannian County, Jingzhao Prefecture in the third year of Jinglong's reign (709). Father Weizhen was forty years old and was the prince of literature at that time. My aunt must be fifty-six years old. Uncle Yuansun was forty-two years old and served as Zuo Lang at that time. Uncle Yin Jianyou was thirty-six years old and joined the army in Hangzhou at that time. The second brother Yunnan is sixteen years old, and the fifth brother Yunnan is seven years old. 

  In the first year of Emperor Ruizong Jingyun of the Tang Dynasty (710), when he was two years old, the Yuan Dynasty was changed to "Tanglong" in June and "Jingyun" in July. His father Weizhen moved to Xue Wangyou. His younger brother Yunzang was born.

  In the second year of Jingyun (711), when he was three years old, his uncle Yuan Sun took charge of the imperial edict by himself at the expense of others. In July, his father Weizhen passed away. Zhenqing stayed with his mother, the Yin family, at his uncle Yin Jianyou's house in Tonghuafang, Chang'an County.

  In the first year of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (712), when he was four years old, the first month was changed to "Taiji", the fifth month was changed to "Yanhe", and the eighth month was changed to "Xiantian". Uncle Yuansun became the governor of Run.

  In February of the second year of Xiantian (713), when he was five years old, his uncle Yuansun was appointed governor of Chuzhou. In December, the Yuan was changed to "Kaiyuan".

  In the fourth year of Kaiyuan (716) of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, when he was eight years old, his uncle Yuan Sun moved to Yizhou to be the governor. Soon he was framed, demoted, deprived of salary, and returned to the fields.

  In the fifth year of Kaiyuan (717), when he was nine years old, his uncle Yin Jianyou awarded the secretary a bachelor's degree.

  In the sixth year of Kaiyuan (718), when he was ten years old, his uncle Yin Jianyou moved to Caozhou to join the army. In the same year, he was changed from a bachelor of secretary province to a bachelor of Li Zhengdian.

  In July of the ninth year of Kaiyuan (721), when he was thirteen, his uncle Yin Jianyou passed away. Zhenqing followed his mother to the south and stayed in the residence of his maternal grandfather, Yin Zijing, the magistrate of Wu County.

  In the tenth year of Kaiyuan (722), when he was fourteen years old, his uncle Yuan Sunqi became the governor of Haozhou and Zhongshu Ling.

  In the 15th year of Kaiyuan (727), at the age of 19, his second brother Yunnan was selected as the commander-in-chief and was awarded the title of Lieutenant of Quaigu County.

  In the 16th year of Kaiyuan (728), at the age of 20, Yan Zhenqing took the courtesy name Qingchen and his nickname Yingfang.

  In July of the twentieth year of Kaiyuan (732), at the age of twenty-four, his uncle Yuansun passed away.

  In the 21st year of Kaiyuan (733), he passed the Imperial Examination at the age of 25.

  In the first month of the 22nd year of Kaiyuan (734), when he was twenty-six years old, he took part in the Shangshu Provincial Science Examination. His works "Zicai Fu" and "Arsenal Poems" were appreciated by Sun Ti, the chief examiner. In February, he passed the Jia Division and passed the Jinshi. There is "Inscription on the Wild Goose Pagoda". This year, he married the daughter of Wei Di, a scholar in Prince Zhongshu.

   In the twenty-fourth year of Kaiyuan (736), at the age of twenty-eight, he participated in the official selection, and was selected as first-class in the "Three Life Judgment" test, and was promoted to the outstanding department. He was awarded Chaosan Lang and Secretary Provincial Publishing House Collector. Started compiling "Yunhai Jingyuan".

  In the twenty-fifth year of Kaiyuan (737), at the age of twenty-nine, he served as school secretary. In the first month of the first lunar month, he went to Xiangzhou and wrote the "Inscription on the Monument of Zhou Taishi Yu Chi". In July, my aunt died.

  In the twenty-sixth year of Kaiyuan (738), at the age of 30, he served as school secretary. In Jichun, his second brother Yun Nan was awarded the right guard military soldier Cao to join the army. His mother, Yin, died in Luoyang, and his brothers had internal problems.

  In the twenty-seventh year of Kaiyuan (739), at the age of thirty-one, he mourned his mother in Luoyang.

  In the twenty-eighth year of Kaiyuan (740), he was thirty-two years old and continued to mourn his mother. My cousin, Cheng Chunqing of Yanshi County, passed away. On his deathbed, he entrusted his children to Zhenqing.

  In the 29th year of Kaiyuan (741), he was thirty-three years old and returned to Chang'an to wait for his post.

  In the first month of the first year of Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (742), he was thirty-four years old and changed his name to "Tianbao". On September 18, after being recommended by Cui , the governor of Fufeng County, he took the "Erudition, Literary and Ci Xiuyi" exam and passed the exam. In October, he was appointed as the county lieutenant of Liquan County, Jingzhao Prefecture. This year, his younger brother Yunzang became an official and was appointed Taikang County Lieutenant.

  In the fifth year of Tianbao (746 years), at the age of thirty-eight, in April, on the recommendation of Wang Zhi, the deposed envoy of Guannai Road, he was promoted from Lieutenant of Liquan County to Lieutenant of Chang'an County. This year, Zi Po was born.

  In the sixth year of Tianbao (747 years), at the age of thirty-nine, he moved to supervise the censor and patrol the tombs. In the autumn, the troops in charge of Hedong and Shuofang tried to defeat the envoys of the garrison. In November, he was ordered to go to the Eastern Capital to give Yang Shen the name and commit suicide.

  In the seventh year of Tianbao (748 years), at the age of 40, he was appointed as the censor. In August, he sent Hexi and Longyou troops to try to overthrow the military envoys in the garrison and vindicate the unjust prisoners in Wuyuan County.

  In the eighth year of Tianbao (749), at the age of 41, he was appointed as the censor. In the spring, he again served as the military envoy of Hedong and Shuofang troops to try to restore the settlement, and impeached the brother Zheng Yanzuo, the magistrate of Shuofang, for his unfilial piety. Returning to Beijing, he impeached Jinwu General Li Yanye for not abiding by the law. In the intercalary month of June, the five brothers and their younger brother were moved from the head office of Xinxi County to the left guard and led the army to join the army. In August, he moved to the palace to serve as the censor. Soon, because he rescued Song Hun, the censor Zhongcheng, he was tabooed by Yang Guozhong, a lucky minister, and went out to interview the judge in the eastern capital.

  In May of the ninth year of Tianbao's reign (750), when he was 42 years old, he wrote "The Shinto Inscription to Secretary Cheng Guojun as a Gift from Joining the Army in Henan Prefecture". On July 13th, Youyu passed away. In August, he was again appointed as the imperial censor. In December, he was promoted to censor. This year, the second brother Yunnan was appointed as Zuo Buque.

  In the tenth year of Tianbao (751), at the age of forty-three, in March, he was appointed as Wailang, a member of the Ministry of War, from serving as a censor, and was sentenced to Nancao. This year, my younger brother Yunzang passed the Imperial Examination and was granted the title of Magistrate of Yanchang County.

  In the eleventh year of Tianbao (752 years), when he was forty-four years old, in March, the Ministry of War was changed to the Ministry of Armed Forces, and he was appointed as a member of the Ministry of Armed Forces. This month, he wrote and officially wrote "Guo Xuji Stele" and "Guo Kui Stele". On April 22nd, at the request of Zen Master Chu Jin, the "Induction Monument of Duobao Pagoda in Qianfu Temple, Xijing, Tang Dynasty" was erected in Qianfu Temple. In the same month, he wrote the "Stele of Fufeng Confucius Temple".

  In June of the twelfth year of Tianbao (753), when he was forty-five years old, he was squeezed out by Prime Minister Yang Guozhong. Wailang, a member of the military department, was appointed as the prefect of Pingyuan County.

  In the thirteenth year of Tianbao (754 years), at the age of 46, he was appointed as the prefect of Pingyuan County. Zhang Hao was recommended as a scholar, and Zhang entered the court as Zuo Shiyi. Knowing that Anlu Mountain was rebelling, he sent envoys to the court to report secretly and prepare for war. In December, Anlu Mountain sent the judge Ping Lie and others to patrol the plains. Yan Zhenqing went with him to the Dongfang Shuo Temple. The main book and the seal were the "Stele in Praise of Dongfang Shuo's Paintings" written by Hou Zhan of the Jin Dynasty. remember". This year, together with Feng Shao and Gao from Bohai County and his clan brother Yan Hun, he compiled "Yunhai Jingyuan" into two hundred volumes.

  In the 14th year of Tianbao (755), when he was 47 years old and on the first day of November, he wrote the book "Mr. Dongfang's Tombstone". On the ninth day of the lunar month, Anlu Mountain rebelled against Fan Yang and led his troops southward, heading straight for Luoyang. Most of the counties and counties in Lianghe fell, but Pingyuan City was fully defended. Zhenqing sent people to Chang'an to report and recruited ten thousand warriors. At the end of the year, Anlu Mountain fell to Luoyang, and Duan Ziguang and others were sent to the plains with the heads of Li and others who stayed in Dongdu. The true minister cut Duan Ziguang in half, paid homage to the martyrs, and swore to refuse rebellion. The rebels from Hejian, Jinan, Raoyang, Jingcheng, Yejun and other places returned to Pingyuan, and they recommended Zhenqing as the leader of the alliance, with a total of 200,000 troops. Zhenqing contacted his cousin Gaoqing, the governor of Changshan, and raised the flag of righteousness together. Gaoqing killed the rebel general Li Qincuo and recaptured the military fortress of Jingxing, forming a conflict with Pingyuan. Seventeen counties in Hebei returned to the imperial court, and Anlushan did not dare to attack Tongguan in a hurry.

  In the first month of the fifteenth year of Tianbao (756 years), when he was forty-eight years old, Gao Qing died heroically for his country. The imperial court worshiped Zhenqing as the Minister of Household Affairs, acting as the county's defense envoy, and still serving as the prefect of Pingyuan. In early March, Zhenqing contacted the two counties of Qinghe and Boping, and used the troops from the three counties to defeat the rebel Yuan Zhitai's tribe in the southwest of Tangyi, regain Wei County, and the army became famous. Zhenqing gave credit to Beihai Prefect Helan for entering the Ming Dynasty. Pinglu Youyi sent Liu Kenu to return Yuyang to the imperial court. Zhenqing sent people to send military supplies across the sea and took his son as a hostage. On March 29, the imperial court asked Zhenqing to recruit envoys for Hebei. On the ninth day of June, Tongguan fell. On the 13th, Xuanzong ran westward. On the 17th, Chang'an fell. On July 12, Prince Li Heng ascended the throne in Lingwu and changed the title of "Zhide" to Suzong. Zhenqing sent several envoys to wrap up the book in wax pills and state the affairs. He also issued an edict to the minister of the Ministry of Industry and the imperial censor. He still recruited interview envoys from Hebei to guard Pingyuan. He also appointed the official Yin Qingguanglu as the official. There are "Congratulations to the Emperor on His Enthronement", "Li Hua's Advice from Visiting Qinghe Traveler", "Replying Letters", etc. In October, Zhenqing sent He Lin to lead the rebel army to rescue Hejian, but he was defeated by the rebels. On the 22nd, An Lushan ordered Kangmei Yebo to attack the plains. Zhenqing led his troops to abandon the city and go south, crossing the Yellow River and reaching Jing and Xiang by water. Interviews with various channels made the accounting team unsuccessful. This year, the second brother Yunnan moved to the position of Sishan Lang, and the younger brother Yun Zang moved to supervise the censor.

  Suzong of the Tang Dynasty arrived in Fengxiang in the second year of his reign (757) at the age of forty-nine. In February, Suzong arrived in Fengxiang. Zhenqing went north to Wudang and issued an imperial edict to the Minister of Constitution. In April, when we arrived at Fengxiang, there was a "List of Ministers of Rang Xianbu". Cui Yi, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was impeached for bringing wine into the court, and admonished the official Li Heji for not being restrained in the court. In June, Wei Zhi was appointed as the imperial censor, and there was a thank you note. Impeachment of the prime minister's house was based on personal feelings. In October, Guan Chongsi, the Marquis of Yu in the royal palace, was impeached for not following etiquette and law. On the 19th, the retinue of Suzong set out from Fengxiang and arrived at Chang'an on the 23rd. He asked Suzong to offer sacrifices to the Ancestral Temple first and to cry eastward for three days before entering the palace. On November 28, he was disliked by Prime Minister Cui Yuan and demoted to the post of Grand Administrator Feng Yi. In December, Feng Yi changed his name to Tongzhou, and the prefect changed his name to the governor, with a thank you note. Passing through Yangyang, he wrote "Poem at the Tomb of the Martyr Zuo Botao". This year, the second brother Yun moved to the south to serve as a doctor, and the younger brother Yun Zang moved to the palace to serve as the censor.

  In the first year of the Qianyuan year of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty (758), he was fifty years old. On the fifth day of February, it was changed to De Sanzai as the first year of the Qianyuan year. On the 17th, the imperial court presented Zhenqing Zu Xianfu as the governor of Huazhou. On March 5, he moved to Puzhou to serve as the governor of Puzhou, to serve as the defense envoy of the state, to envoy the military officers of Puzhou, and to be granted the title of Founding Marquis of Danyang County, with a thank you note. In April, there was a "Biao of Thanks to the Ancestor Official". On May 28, the imperial court posthumously awarded Gao Qing as the Taibao of the Crown Prince, with the posthumous title of "Zhongjie" and a thank you note. Nephew Quanming went to Hebei to retrieve more than 300 family members of the soldiers who died in Changshan, and obtained the bones of his father Gaoqing, brother Jiming and others. On September 3rd, Zhenqing wrote the "Manuscript of Sacrifice to Nephew" in running script. In early October, he was demoted to the governor of Raozhou due to false accusations by the imperial censor Tang Jian. On the 9th, we passed through Huayin County, climbed Mount Huashan, and visited Jintianwang Temple. There was an "Inscription on Huayue Temple". On the 21st, he went to Luoyang, visited the tomb of his uncle Yuansun, and wrote a book "Essays on Commemoration of Uncle Haozhou Governor".

  In the second year of Qianyuan (759), at the age of fifty-one, he was appointed governor of Raozhou. At that time, bandits were rampant in Raozhou. Zhenqing cleverly captured the leader of the bandits, and the surrounding area was solemn. After seeing the "Stele of Jianfu Temple" written by Ouyang Xun, he built a pavilion to protect it. On June 9th, in addition to being the governor of Shengzhou, he served as the military envoy of western Zhejiang and the military envoy of Jiangning. There was a thank you note. It was discovered that Liu Zhan, the governor of Yangzhou, was rebellious and prepared for war. In winter, he wrote "The Inscription of the World Release Pond". This year, Zhenqing sent a special envoy to write to Maoshan Taoist Li Xuanjing "to express his sincerity." There is "Tie with Cai Mingyuan".

   In the first month of the third year of Qianyuan (760), at the age of fifty-two, due to the inspection and disposal of Huainan Jiedu, Li participated in the performance of "making trouble for no reason" and went to Beijing to serve as the Minister of Punishment. On leap April 19th, the Yuan was changed to "Shangyuan". In July, he wrote the "Begging the Emperor to Write the Inscription on the Monument of the World's Freeing Pond" and compiled the big book " The Inscription on the Monument of the World's Freeing Pond". In August, because he led a group of ministers to pay tribute to the Supreme Emperor Li Longji who had moved to the west, he was falsely accused by the powerful minister Li Fuguo and was demoted to the governor of Peng. He went to Xinzheng County, Langzhou and wrote "Xianyu's Lidui Ji".

  In the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (761), Suzong of the Tang Dynasty, at the age of 53, he was appointed as the governor of Peng. He provided disaster relief and showed sympathy to those in need, and his virtues were praised by the people.

  In the first year of Baoying's reign (762), Suzong of the Tang Dynasty, at the age of fifty-four, on the fifth day of April, the Supreme Emperor died. On the 15th, the Yuan was changed to "Baoying". On the 18th, Suzong died. On the 20th, Dai Zong ascended the throne. In May, he appointed Yan Zhenqing as the governor of Lizhou. Because the Qiang people besieged the city, he did not take office, so he was ordered to enter the capital. On the 16th, the main book was "Xianyu's Lidui Ji". On November 10, the second brother Yunnan passed away. In late December, he was appointed Minister of Household Affairs on behalf of Liu Yan, with a thank you note .

  In March of the 55th year of Zong Baoying's second year in the Tang Dynasty (763), he was appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and was promoted to the rank of Yin Qingguang Lu Dafu. The main book is "The Shinto Monument presented to Taichang Qing Wei Zhen by the Tang Dynasty". On July 11, the original name was changed to "Guangde". On August 27, I paid homage to Jiangling Yin and the imperial censor, and was promoted to Jin Ziguanglu, who served as the envoy for observation and disposal of Jingnan Jiedu. I expressed my gratitude. Before he took office, Wei Boyu took over the post and moved to Youcheng, Minister of Finance. On the seventh day of October, Zhenqing's retinue, Daizong, rushed to Shaanzhou, and Tubo entered Chang'an. In November, I wrote the "Secretary and Young Supervisor's Announcement" to my father Wei Zhen, and the "Announcement to the Madam of Lanling County" to my mother Yin Shi. In December, Chang'an was recaptured, and Emperor Daizong was asked to visit the Five Tombs and Nine Temples before returning to the palace, in order to conflict with Prime Minister Yuan Zai.

  In the first month of the first month of the second year of Emperor Guangde's reign (764), at the age of fifty-six, in addition to being the Minister of the Ministry of Justice and the Imperial Censor, he was appointed as the consolation envoy to Shuofangxingying, Fenjin and other six prefectures. Stay informed and save trouble. In February, he wrote "Tie to Li Taibao". On the 22nd day of the third month, he was promoted to the title of Duke of Lu County and was granted the title of Duke of Lu. He had a settlement of 3,000 households. In August, he wrote "The Shinto Inscription of Princess Hezheng". In November, he wrote the "Book of Shooting with Guo Pu", condemning Shangshu's right servant for shooting Guo Ying. When arranging seats, he flattered the military envoy and eunuch Yu Chaoen. He wrote and edited "Guo Family Temple Stele" in official script, "Guogong Temple Stele Yin Ji" in running script, and wrote "Li Guangbi Shinto Stele Inscription".

  In the first month of the first year of Emperor Yongtai's reign (765), when he was fifty-seven years old, the original name was changed to "Yongtai". This month, he was appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and wrote "Rebuttal to the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Wei Zhi's posthumous title of Zhongxiao". In August, he wrote a preface to the collected works of his master Sun Ti. In the intercalated tenth month, he wrote and officially wrote the "Yan Yuansun Shinto Stele Inscription" (it is said that this inscription was written in November of the seventh year of the Dali calendar (772) when his uncle Yan Yuansun and his wife were buried at the original ancestral tomb of Fengqi, Wannian County, Jingzhao). .). His younger brother Yunzang was appointed Shaoyin of Jiangling.

  In the second year of Yongtai (766), the fifty-eight-year-old Prime Minister Yuan Zai had exclusive power. He was afraid that the courtiers would comment on his shortcomings, so he declared on behalf of the purpose: ".. . From now on, when discussing matters, all the officials must first speak to their superiors, and the superiors must speak to the prime minister. , the prime minister will decide whether it is possible, and then report it." Zhenqing wrote in " Lun Baiguan Lun Shi Shu" to give his advice. In February, he sacrificed to the Imperial Ancestral Temple and brought the sacrificial vessels to the court without repairing them. In Yuan Dynasty, he demoted Zhenqing to the post of "Biejia of Qizhou" for slandering current affairs. On the 11th, there was "Xiazhou Tie". In March, he was demoted to Jizhou Biejia. After leaving Xunyang, he wrote the old poem "Poems on the Tomb of Martyr Zuo Botao" and wrote "Putang Bian" in the guest house in Putang. Climbing Mount Lushan in June, there were "Inscriptions on Donglin Temple" and "Inscriptions on Xilin Temple". In October, he wrote "Inscriptions on the Shinto of Zuojin Wuwei General Kang'ayi Qudagan." On November 12, the Yuan Dynasty was changed to "Dali". This year, "Yan Xianfu Monument" was written.

  In the second year of Dali (767), Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty, at the age of fifty-nine, he was appointed as a farewell driver in Jizhou. In the first month of the year, there was "Xianyu Zhongtong Monument" . In December, he visited Jingju Temple in Qingyuan Mountain and wrote "Inscription of Jingju Temple". Also written is the word "Zuguan". This year, there is a "Shou Zheng Tie".

  In the third year of Dali (768), he was sixty years old. In Jizhou, he had poetry and wine discussions with friends from all walks of life including monks, Taoists, Confucians and officials. His poems and essays were compiled into ten volumes of "Luling Collection". In April, he became the governor of Fuzhou. There is "Shu Ma Fu Bo Yu". With the help of Zuo Fuyuan, Jiang Rubi and others from Fuzhou, he compiled the old "Yunhai Jingyuan". On October 5th, his younger brother Yunzang passed away.

  In the first month of the fourth year of the Dali calendar (769), when he was sixty-one years old, he wrote the "Inscription on the Altar of the King Guo Erzhen of Huagai Mountain". In March, he wrote the books "Inscription on Madam Wei's Immortal Altar" and "Inscription on Hua Gu's Immortal Altar". In April, he wrote books such as "Baoying Temple Sutra Translation Platform Notes", "Yan Yunnan Stele", "Yan Qiaoqing Stele", "Yan Youyu Stele", "Yan Yunzang Stele", etc. This year, "Yunhai Jingyuan" was expanded to 500 volumes.

  On the first day of the first month of the fifth year of the Dali calendar (770), when he was sixty-two years old, he wrote the three characters "Xiaoyao Tower". In March, he wrote "A Monument to Xu Xiu , the Governor of Liangzhou". In May, he wrote the book "Inscription on the Tomb of Yin Jun, the Second Bachelor of Li Zhengdian, Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Caozhou", and also wrote his own "Tang Dabin ordered Yin to take photos of the stele". In December, he wrote "The Shinto Inscription of the Song Dynasty of the Prime Minister of Guangping", "The Monument of Yuan Zizhe's Legacy", "The Monument of Zhang Jingqian", etc. This year , water conservancy was built to "regulate and irrigate the fields, and the people relied on its benefits." The book "Qianjin Pi Stele" records this event.

  In March of the sixth year of the Dali calendar (771), when he was sixty-three years old, he wrote the book "The Record of the Ordination Altar of the Luzangyuan of Baoying Temple". In the third month of the leap month , the governor of Fuzhou was dismissed. In April, Shu wrote "Magu Xiantan Ji" by himself, which was divided into large and small fonts. In June, Yuan Jie, the governor of Daozhou in front of the book, wrote "Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty". Zuo Fuyuan and others compiled his poems and essays into ten volumes of "Linchuan Collection". In August, I returned to Beijing via Shangyuan County and visited Maoshan Mountain. He wrote the "Hengshan Temple Stele" and the "Cien Temple Permanent Resident Zhuangtiandi Stele". In November, I visited the tomb of Yan Han, the thirteenth ancestor, and wrote the "Yan Han Dazong Stele" and "Yan Mo Stele". I visited Huqiu in Wu County and wrote the four characters "Huqiu Sword Pool". The main book is "Poems of Qingyuan Taoist Priests Traveling to Huqiu", and there is a poem "Inscribed on the Poems of Qingyuan Taoist Priests in Huqiu".

  In the spring of the 64th year of the seventh year of the Dali calendar (772), I sent off my old friend Liu Taichong on his journey to the west. There is a "Preface to Sending off Liu Taichong". In April, Li Chan of the Jin Dynasty prefaced the inscription "Yan Han Stele" written by Song Yan Yan, and established the "Yan Mo Stele". In May, he went to Songzhou to write the "Baguanzhai Huibao De Ji"; he went to Bianzhou to write the "Monk Stele of Kaiyuan Temple". In September, he went to Luoyang via Zhengzhou, where he met the calligrapher Huaisu and wrote the preface to "Songs of Master Huaisu in Cursive Script". On the 25th, the main book was "The Shinto Inscription of the Song Dynasty of Guangping Prime Minister". In November, he was appointed as the envoy to control the military affairs of Huzhou, the envoy of Honzhou regiment training and guarding, and the governor of Huzhou. This month, my uncle Yan Yuansun and his wife were buried in the original ancestral tomb of Fengqi, Zhaowannian County, Jingzhao County. They wrote the "Stele of Zang Huaike", "Tie to His Wife", "Yuan Jie Tombstone" and so on.

  In the first month of the eighth year of the Dali calendar (773), at the age of sixty-five, he went to Huzhou to take office. In his spare time from official duties, he convened scribes at Zhouxue and Fangshengchi to discuss "Yunhai Jingyuan" and delete and fill in the gaps. Yunhai Tower and Sangui Pavilion were built. He made friends with Seng Jiaoran and others, and wrote many poems such as "Gift to Seng Jiaoran". It is also used as a couplet with the scribes' banquet. The main couplets include "Shui Tang sent the scribes to play and presented Pan Cheng a couplet", "Climbed Xian Mountain to watch Li Zuoxiang's stone bottle couplet" and so on. In July, a monument to the freeing pool was built. In December, he wrote the book "Wuxing Shen's Notes on Patriarchal Virtues".

  In the first month of the ninth year of the Dali calendar (774), when he was sixty-six years old, his uncle Yuansun wrote the "Qianlu Zi Shu" and erected a stone in the east hall of the governor's house. "Yunhai Jingyuan" was deleted into 360 volumes, and the "Inscription of Miaoxi Temple in Zhushan" records this incident. In March, he wrote "Zhushan Couplet" with other scholars. In July, he wrote "Qi Yu Shu Tian Xia Fang Sheng Chi Stele Table" and wrote the Yin Notes on the Stele. In August, the poet Zhang Zhihe came to Huzhou from Kuaiji. Zhenqing and Zhang became sworn friends and updated his swans. This year, the "Yan Gaoqing Monument" was compiled and incorporated into the main book.

  In the spring of the 10th year of the Dali calendar (775), when he was sixty-seven years old, he wrote five poems by Zhang Zhihe and "The Fisherman's Poems". The eldest son came to Huzhou from Hebei to meet each other, and the father and son were reunited. In July, floods occurred in Huzhou, and Zhenqing recorded the disaster in his "Huzhou Tie". In October, he wrote the book "Ouyang Monument". In November, there was "Liu Zhong's Letter".

  In the eleventh year of the Dali calendar (776), at the age of sixty-eight, his poems were compiled into ten volumes of "Wuxing Collection". In April, he wrote "Inscription on the Humble Room of Cui Xiaogong's Residence". This year, he wrote "Yinqing Guanglu Doctor Kang Xixian's Shinto Inscription". His close friend Zhang Zhihe drowned and he wrote the "Inscription on the Tablet of Xuan Zhenzi Zhang Zhihe". Baizhou was renovated, octagonal pavilions and thatched pavilions were built, and poems written by Liu Yun, the prefect of Liang Wuxing in the Southern Dynasty, were written on the pavilions. Compiled "Li Xuanjing Stele".

  In February of the twelfth year of the Dali calendar (777), when he was sixty-nine years old, he wrote the "Preface to Farewell to Xinzi". In March, Prime Minister Yuan Zai was convicted. On April 12, the imperial court summoned Zhenqing back to Beijing. He wrote "Liang Wuxing Prefect Liu Yun's West Pavilion", "Huzhou Stone Pillar", "Huzhou Shooting Hall" and so on. In May, he wrote "The Yin Narrative of the Stele of King Xiang", "The Inscription of Yinqing Guanglu Doctor Kang Xixian's Shinto Stele", "The Stele of Li Xuanjing", "The Stele of Mrs. Yin Jun Yan's Family", and "The Stele of Li Baoyu" written by Yang Wan, the minister of Zhongshu. In August, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Punishment on the recommendation of Yang Wan and his subordinate Chang Gun. In November, he presented "Yunhai Jingyuan" to the imperial court. He wrote epitaphs and Shinto inscriptions for former Jingzhao Yin Duji.

  In the first month of the thirteenth year of the Dali calendar (778), when he was seventy years old, he applied to the court three times to request an official position, but was not granted. In February, I was ordered to visit Zhaoling and pass by Yaotai Temple. I wrote the poem "When I passed by Yaotai Temple, there was Huaiyuan Ji Master" and the book "Yao Tai Tie". In March, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. He wrote his own "Side Notes on the Song Dynasty Stele of the Prime Minister of Guangping" and "Guangping Tie".

  In May of the fourteenth year of the Dali calendar (779), at the age of seventy-one, Daizong died and Dezong ascended the throne. Zhenqing served as a ceremonial envoy with the official minister. In June, he wrote "Please Chu Fu's memorial", "Please Chu Sulian listen to political memorial", and wrote "Fufeng Wangma Monument". In July, he submitted the "Request for Restoration of the Posthumous Titles of the Seven Saints". In October, there was "Lun Yuan Emperor Qi Qian". The book "Yan Qin Li Monument".

  In the first month of the first year of Jianzhong (780) of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, when he was seventy-two years old, the original name was changed to "Jianzhong". The Yan family temple was built in the ancestral home of Dunhuafang. In June, "Yan's Family Temple Stele" was compiled and published, and it was published on the first day of July. He wrote the "Preface to the Genealogy" and one volume of "The Yan Family Genealogy". On August 27, he was appointed as Prince's Young Master, still served as a ceremonial envoy, and awarded the title of Guanglu Doctor. There is "Zi Shu Sui Shen". In October, the imperial court conferred the title of Zhenqing Ziyou, who led Cangcao, as a male from Yishui County, and the secretary, Zhengzi Shuo, as a male from Xintai County. He wrote the "Postscript to the Family Temple Stele" and "The Notes to the Fore Yin on the Family Temple Stele". In November, the "Modern Engagement Prologue" was published.

  In September of the second year of Jianzhong (781), when he was seventy-three years old, he published "Temple Enjoyment Discussion" and "Chao Hui Yue Yue Discussion". In October, Li Zhou wrote the "Stele of the Virtue and Governance of the Governor of Mingzhou" written by Li Zhou.

  In the third year of Jianzhong (782), at the age of seventy-four, on the twenty-fifth day of the first leap month, he submitted a memorial memorial to the Ding Wucheng Temple. In June, he wrote the book "Zhu Juchuan's Report". In August, he was jealous of Prime Minister Lu Qi, so he was dismissed as the ceremonial envoy and appointed as the crown prince and grand master. Zuo Fuyuan and others compiled the "Collection of Rites and Music" in ten volumes. The main book is "Yuan Dexiu's Tombstone" written by Li Hua. In December, Li Xilie, the commander-in-chief of Huaixi, rebelled.

  In the first month of the fourth year of Jianzhong (783), when he was seventy-five years old, Lu Qi suggested sending Zhenqing to advise Li Xilie. On the 17th, Zhenqing was appointed as the envoy to Huaixi and went to Xuzhou with his nephew Xian and others. His advice failed and he was detained by Li Xilie. In March, Zhang Boyi was defeated in Huaixi's reinforcements and recruitment. Li Xilie boasted about the Zhang Bujie he had received and the heads of the fallen soldiers. Zhenqing was so sad and angry that he no longer spoke to the rebel generals. In October, Li Xilie's general Zhou Zeng and others plotted rebellion and were killed. Zhenqing was moved to a Buddhist temple in Longxing County, Ruzhou. He wrote a "Note on Order" and inscribed it on the wall of the prison cell. In December, Li Xilie sent someone to consult about the enthronement ceremony, but was severely reprimanded by Zhenqing.

  In the first month of the first month of the Xingyuan year of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty (784), at the age of seventy-six, Li Xilie proclaimed himself emperor. Zuo Siyu led his troops, Cao Canjun, Zhang Jian and others to write to the court, asking three of Li Xilie's relatives to redeem Yan Zhenqing. The memorial was withheld by Lu Qi.

  In the first month of the first year of Zhenyuan (785), the year of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, when he was seventy-seven years old, the original name was changed to "Zhenyuan". On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Zhenqing was imprisoned in Longxing Temple in Caizhou. He wrote his own suicide note, epitaph, and memorial text to express his death wish. On the 19th, there was "Yicai Tie". In August, Zhenqing was hanged by Xin Jingzhen and others.

  In April of the second year of Zhenyuan (786), Li Xilie was killed by the tooth general Chen Xian Qijiu, and the Huaixi rebellion was put down. In November, Yan Zhenqing's coffin was transported to Fengqi's original ancestral tomb in Wannian County, Jingzhao for burial.