Xue Yao (642-703?), also known as Yihua, was born in Fenyin, Puzhou (now Wanrong, Shanxi Province). He was a member of a refined family for generations and was famous for his literature. Great-grandfather Daoheng (540-609), courtesy name Xuanqing, was a minister of internal history in the Sui Dynasty. He was a famous figure at that time. He was not only famous for his poetry, but also known as a "talented man". His calligraphy was also famous in history. "Xuanhe Shupu" records his The main book of "Henan" is "not written by others". References to his books include "Erzhu Changbei" (October of the fifth year of Kaihuang's reign). He must be a good calligrapher. Grandfather Xue Shou (592--624), courtesy name Bo Bao, was a disciple of Wang Tong, a famous Confucian scholar in the Sui Dynasty. He was one of the "Three Phoenixes of Hedong". Historically, Xue Shou was called Changli. Respect the youngest, as the young bird. After entering the Tang Dynasty, he learned about literature from Qin King Li Shimin. He served as an official in the Tiance Mansion Records Office and concurrently served as a bachelor of Hongwen Hall. His father, Xue Zhen (622-683), whose courtesy name was Yuanchao, was named Xingxing. He was a Fenyin man in the title of Xijue. He was the head of Shanghejing County and was promoted to Zhongshu Ling. Wen Zong was a generation who introduced poor scholars and rewarded junior scholars. Most of the literati in the early Tang Dynasty came from his disciples. For example, Yang Jiong, one of the four literary heroes, and Cui Rong, one of the four literary friends, became famous all over the world because of his introduction. Xue Yao was the eldest son of Yuan Chao, and Chu Suiliang was his uncle. His life story is unknown in historical records. It is known that the person was a literary friend of Wang Bo. In the early years of Xianheng, he traveled with him to Jinzhou, Sichuan. Wang Bo wrote two farewell poems to record this event. During the Dengfeng reign of Wansui (696), he met as a doctor in the Chungong Palace (Mr. Zhong of the Ministry of Rites). In the Shengong reign (697), he changed his position as a doctor. Together with his younger brother Xue Ji, who was a scholar in Zhongzhong, he became well-known in both the government and the public for his poetry. In the second year of the Holy Calendar (699), he was the official of Fengchen. He co-authored it with 26 famous people in the world, including Li Qiao, Yuan Banqian, Yan Chaoyin, Shen Jianqi, Xu Jian, Zhang Shuo, Liu Zhiji, Song Zhiwen, Fu Jiamo, etc. "Sanjiao Zhuying", 1300 volumes. On May 15th of the first year of Jiushi (700), he accompanied Empress Wu Zetian on a visit to Mount Shicong. He composed the "Poem of a Summer Tour to Mount Shicong" made by Fenghe Sheng, and wrote the poems of harmony between Empress Wu and all her attendants. There is no trace of his subsequent whereabouts, and he may have died in the last years of Chang'an (703-704). The "Sacrificial Altar Stele" erected in Dengfeng, Henan Province is a masterpiece with its exquisiteness and precision.

Xue Yao and Xue Ji came from the same school. He was a calligrapher from Chu Suiliang. He was thin, hard and energetic, with a fine and vigorous brushwork and a sparse structure. However, it was more sinister and slender than Chu's calligraphy. He enjoyed great fame at the time and was named "Huizong of the Song Dynasty" by later generations. The ancestor of the thin gold body." He did not imitate Chu's calligraphy step by step, but developed it and created something. However, it became a habit and he was the last of Chu's calligraphy.

Appreciation of works: "Summer Tour to Stone Cong Poems and Preface"


"Summer Tour to Shicong Poems and Preface" is Xue Yao's representative work and one of the "Inscriptions on the Cliffs of Shicong River". "Inscription on the Cliff of Shicong River" was inscribed on March 19, the first year of Tang Jiushi's reign (700). It is 3.7 meters high and 3.7 meters wide. It is written in regular script, with 39 lines and 42 characters in each line. It is the largest cliff inscription in Henan Province. It is divided into two parts: "Summer Tour with Stone Cong Poems and Preface" and "Autumn Feast with Stone Cong Poems". In the summer of the third year of the Holy Calendar of the Great Zhou Dynasty (700) in the Tang Dynasty, Empress Wu Zetian led her ministers on a tour of Zhongyue Songshan Mountain, climbed to the peak of Fengjun Mountain, and took refuge in the Shicong River. Wu Zetian impromptuly composed a poem "Summer Tour to the Stone Cong", and ordered 16 ministers to concord the poem with the title "Shiyou Yingzhi". Wu Zetian also wrote a preface to "Summer Tour to the Stone Cong Poems and Preface", ordered Xue Yao to write it, and asked craftsmen to engrave it. On the cliff. The 16 ministers are: Li Xian, Li Dan, Wu Sansi, Di Renjie, Zhang Yizhi, Zhang Zongchang, Li Qiao, Lao Weiwei, Yao Yuanchong, Yan Chaoyin, Cui Rong, Xue Yao, Xu Yanbo, Yang Jingshu, Yu Jizi and Shen Quanqi. Wu Zetian's banquet with officials here is missing from the Chronicles of Empress Wu of the Tang and Tang Dynasties, and this stele can make up for it. The poem has been included in "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty". The text in the engraving is slightly different, so the inscription on the stele is the correct version. "Autumn Feast with Stone Cong Preface", written by Zhang Yizhi. The content mainly depicts the landscape and scenery of Shicong River. The calligrapher of both is Xue Yao. His calligraphy is thin, vigorous and majestic. He is called "the ancestor of Song Huizong's thin gold calligraphy" by calligraphers of the past dynasties. There are very few surviving works, so they are very precious.

Ye Changchi of the Qing Dynasty commented in his "Yu Shi": "Looking at the "Preface to the Stone Gong", the turning points are too heavy, like dry frost skin, knotty grains, and like water and bamboo arrows coming out from the side, galloping thousands of miles away, one after another. At the bend, if it suddenly passes over the chin, it will inevitably catch the elbow. I said that I must learn Yao calligraphy, but it is not as good as the "Inscription on the Sacrifice Altar", and I can't miss the three-cornered wok in Henan."