Wei Yingwu (737-791) Tang poet. A native of Jingzhao Wannian (belonging to present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi Province). When he was young, he served Xuanzong as a Sanweilang and lived a arrogant and dissolute life. When the Anshi Rebellion broke out, he became homeless and neglected his duties, so he decided to study. The later Jinshi were the governor of Jiangzhou, Langzhong Zuosi, and the governor of Suzhou, so they were called Wei Jiangzhou, Wei Zuosi or Wei Suzhou. Wei Yingwu was a famous poet of the landscape pastoral school, and later generations often called him "Wang Meng, Wei Liu". His poems are famous for describing pastoral scenery, and they also have many excellent poems involving current affairs and people's livelihood sufferings. There are 10 volumes of "Wei Jiangzhou Collection", 2 volumes of "Wei Suzhou Collection of Poems" and 10 volumes of "Wei Suzhou Collection". Only one essay survives. The most famous poem is "Chuzhou West Stream": "I only pity the quiet grass growing beside the stream, and there are orioles chirping in the deep trees. The spring tide brings the rain late, and there is no boat crossing the wild."

  In August 2007, Ma Ji, an expert at the Forest of Steles Museum in Xi'an, saw a rubbing of "Mrs. Yuan Ping's Epitaph" personally written and written by Wei Yingwu at a friend's place. The unearthing of this stele also allowed future generations to see Wei Yingwu's calligraphy for the first time. The regular script is rigorous, elegant and simple, no less than the calligraphy masters of the Tang Dynasty.