Zhou Boqi (1298-1369) was born in Poyang, Yuanrao Prefecture (now Boyang, Jiangxi). When he was young, he traveled to Dadu (today's Beijing) with his father as an official, and entered Chinese studies, sacrificing his life for higher education. He once edited and compiled for the Imperial Academy. In the first year of Emperor Shun's reign, Kuizhang Pavilion was renamed Xuanwen Pavilion, and Bo Qi was appointed as the professor. Later, he successively served as a direct bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, a supervisory censor, and a visiting envoy for political integrity in western Zhejiang. He summoned Zhang Shicheng and was detained by Zhang for more than ten years. After Zhang Shicheng died, Bo Qi returned to his hometown and died at home soon after. The original biography of "History of the Yuan Dynasty" states: "Bo Qi was a erudite scholar of craftsmanship, and was especially famous for his seal script and official script at that time." The seal script was written by Xu Xuan and Zhang You, and his calligraphy was plump and lovely. In the 22nd year of the Zhizheng Period (1362), the volume "Shigu Wen" was published and is now in the Palace Museum. He is the author of three volumes of "Liu Shu Zhengyi", "Shuo Wen Yuan" and "Jian Guang Ji", one volume of "Hu Cong Ji" and several volumes of poetry manuscripts.

Zhou Boqi's calligraphy was famous at that time. "History of the Yuan Dynasty" records that "the emperor used Boqi's calligraphy and ordered the seal script to be treasured in the Xuanwen Pavilion. He inscribed the plaque on the Xuanwen Pavilion and copied the "Lanting Preface" written by Wang Xizhi and "Qianwen" written by Zhiyong. ". In the carved stone pavilion. Since I have been transferred to the official position between Xuanwen and Chongwen, my family has been prosperous." Like Zhao Mengfu, he is also a figure of the emperor who has "a name but no name".


Zhou Boqi's seal script "Gong Xue Guo Shi Er Zhi Volume" (part), paper, length 26 cm, width 284.5 cm. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing