Shen Zao's birth and death year is unknown, the character is clear, the character is Zhongzao, and he was born in Huating (now Songjiang, Shanghai). Guan Zhizhong Shushe was a member, and he moved to the Ministry of Rites to be a member of Wailang. Shen Duzi, inherited family studies, is well-known for calligraphy, is good at regular script, heirlooms, and is good at both true, line and cursive script. Representative of "Taige Style".


Regular script "Ode to Oranges" on paper, 27.6cm in length, 47.8cm in width, collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing


Regular script "Huangzhou Bamboo Houses" on paper, 81.5cm in length, 26cm in width, collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing

This axis calligrapher Tang Yu Yongxing, the brush is round and beautiful, the body is square and round, the tendons are cohesive, and the rhyme is super leisure.


  黄冈之地多竹,大者如椽,竹工破之,刳去其节,用代陶瓦。比屋皆然,以其价廉而工省也。子城西北隅,雉堞圮毁,蓁莽荒秽,因作小楼二间,与月波楼通,远吞山光,平挹江濑。幽阒辽复,不可具状。夏宜急雨,有瀑布声;冬宜密雪,有碎玉声;宜鼓琴,琴调虚畅;宜咏诗,诗韵清绝;宜围棋,子声丁丁然;宜投壶,矢声铮铮然:皆竹楼之所助也。公退之暇,披鹤氅,戴华阳巾,手执《周易》一卷,焚香默坐,清遣世虑。江山之外,第见风帆沙鸟、烟云竹树而已。待其酒力醒,茶烟歇,送夕阳,迎素月,亦谪居之胜概也。彼齐云、落星,高则高矣;井干、丽谯,华则华矣,至(止)于贮妓女,藏歌舞,非骚人之事,吾所不取。吾闻竹工云:“竹之为瓦仅十稔,若重覆之,得二十稔。”噫!吾以至道乙未岁,自翰林出滁上,丙申移广陵,丁酉又入西掖,戊戌岁除日,有齐安之命,己亥闰三月到郡。四年之间,奔走不暇,未知明年又在何处, 岂惧竹楼之易朽乎! (幸)后之人与我同志,嗣而茸之,庶斯楼之不朽也。宣德元年岁次丙午秋八月初吉云间沈藻书