The full name of "Jin Temple Inscription" is "Jin Temple Inscription and Preface", which was written and written by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. The monument is 195 cm high and 120 cm wide. The forehead of the stele is 106 centimeters high, and is engraved with "the twenty-sixth day of the first month of the twentieth year of Zhenguan" written by Fei Bai. Carved in August of the 21st year of Zhenguan (AD 647), the stele is now in the Baohan Pavilion of Zhenguan Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. This monument has 28 lines of running script, ranging from 44 to 50 characters.

  Yang Bin's "Da Lao Oupi Brush" says: "Looking at this stele today, the main focus is on the power of the pen. I don't know why the white is divided into intervals, but there is no missing stroke in the strong and thick strokes." Da Xin of the Qing Dynasty said: "Calligraphy It is very similar to Huairen's "Preface to the Holy Religion", which shows that his mind and hand are as good as those of Youjun." Wang You, a man of the Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem praising Youjun: "The king of calligraphy in his life was surrounded by dragons and snakes. In the state, Yu, Chu, Ou and Liu all bowed down." The calligraphy on this stele is completely natural, with strong and crisp strokes, without any artificiality, which is the first of its kind in Bada Shanren's regular script.