"Ode to the Virtue of Wine" is on paper, running script, 28.5cm in length, 65.2cm in width, 19 lines. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

  There is a gentleman who regards the heaven and the earth as a dynasty, ten thousand periods as a moment, the sun and the moon as a canopy, and the eight wastelands as a court. Walking without traces, living in a house without a house, covering the sky and covering the ground, whatever you want. When he stops, he shakes his hands and holds the solitary hand. When he moves, he picks up the cup and lifts the pot. His only duty is to drink wine, and he doesn't know the rest. A noble gentleman, a member of the Jin gentry, heard about my rumors, discussed the reason, and stated the etiquette. The right and wrong arose, and they stood up and shook their lapels, with angry eyes and gnashing of teeth. The teacher then held the poppy in the trough, held the cup in his mouth to wash the mash, stretched out his beard and squatted on the basket, rested on the rice koji to borrow the trough, without thinking or care, he was so happy. Suddenly drunk, suddenly woke up. If you listen quietly, you cannot hear the sound of thunder, if you are familiar with it, you cannot see the shape of Mount Tai. Not aware of the cutting of muscles by cold or heat, or the feelings of lust. Looking down at all things, the disturbance is like duckweeds in the river and sea. The two noble men stood sideways, like a snail and a borer. On the 21st day of the eleventh month of the third year of Yanyou's reign (Bingchen year), it was written by Qu Zemin. Ziang.
  Self-identification of this painting: "On the 21st day of the 11th month of the 3rd year of Yanyou's reign, Bingchen year, it was written by Qu Zemin. Zi'ang." Seal "Zhao Zi'ang's family". There are 26 inscriptions and postscripts at the end of the post including Sun Xingyan (paragraph 5), Xu Youzhen, Chen Jian, Liu Jue, Yang Xunji, Wen Peng, Wang Maodeng, Weng Fanggang (paragraph 4), Ruan Yuan, etc. There are 15 seals in the collection, including Dai Zhi, Wu Yun, and Gu Wenbin.
  It was recorded in Zhan Jingfeng's "Dongtu Xuanlan Collection" and "Authentic Works Daily Record" in the Ming Dynasty, Gu Wenbin's "Guoyunlou Calligraphy and Painting Records" in the Qing Dynasty, and Pan Zunqi's Chaolu "Sanyu Hall Calligraphy and Painting Catalog".
  In the third year of Yanyou (1316), Zhao Mengfu was 63 years old.
  This volume is the full text of Liu Ling's "Ode to the Virtue of Wine" written by Zhao Mengfu for Qu Zemin in the Western Jin Dynasty, with a total of 19 lines. Qu Zemin failed the test. Liu Ling is one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove", and his "Ode to the Virtue of Wine" fully reflects the mentality of the literati in the Jin Dynasty. Due to the social unrest and the political persecution of some literati by the rulers, some literati used wine to drown their sorrows. Or they use alcohol to avoid trouble and vent their dissatisfaction with current affairs through drunken rants.
  The writing style of this calligraphy is free and easy, and it is also the style of his own family. He is fat but not boneless, thin but not exposed. As Peng said in the postscript at the end of the post: "You can pick it up at your fingertips, and the first one is Buddha. If it must be called 'Lanting', there is no need to talk about Songxue." Various inscriptions and postscripts in the Ming and Qing Dynasties also highly praised this volume. There are minor discrepancies in the "Selected Works of Zhaoming" published by his literary school. (Writer: Zhang Bin)