"Luochi Temple Stele" is the "Luochi Temple Welcoming and Farewell Poems Stele", also known as "Luochi Inscriptions", "Lizidan Stele", etc. It was carved from Su Shi's original work and was carved in the 10th year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1217), main book, ten lines, sixteen characters, no date and month. Hanyu of the Tang Dynasty once wrote the "Luochi Temple Stele", which was written by Shen Chuanshi, but the stele has been lost for a long time. Su Shi wrote a poem of greetings and farewells in Korean, which was later carefully copied and carved on a stone. The stone is in Luochi Temple, Maping, Guangxi. Although the pen is still a three-point pen, it is gentle but dangerous, and it is very angry. For example, in some of the words "I", "ge" does not take the hook, but flows down; the ends of the words "shi" and "xi" are all wrapped up with a sharp edge. The characters for knots are also written spontaneously. For example, the character "goose" is very large and written in running script. The characters "xi" are also many and varied. Wang Shizhen also commented: "Dongpo's "Luochi Mingci" is powerful and quaint, ranking first among his books." Hou Jingchang believed: "The writing style of "Luochi Temple Stele" is bold and vigorous. It is more lawful at the moment, but it also has momentum, which is consistent with the Tang Dynasty." Each stele master has different styles. Dongpo is good at development and change, integrating trends into the stele, and creating a unique style of Song calligraphy. Su stele also used the white cloth of the stickers to integrate into the stele. ... Since Dongpo initiated it, the stele inscriptions in the Song Dynasty formed Unique style." ("On Su Huangmi's Calligraphy Art")