"The Drunkard's Pavilion" was written by Ouyang Xiu and written by Su Shi. In November of the sixth year of Yuanyou's reign in the Song Dynasty (1091), the stone was carved in Quanjiao County, Anhui Province. The original stone was destroyed during the Song Dynasty and was re-engraved during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The calligraphy in the Song Dynasty version is ruffled, but the calligraphy style is far superior to that in the Ming Dynasty version. Today's rubbings are divided into four rubbings, the first three are seven lines, and the last one is five lines and twenty crosses. Nearly 20 years after Ouyang Xiu's death, this stele contains not a single word that has been neglected and not a word that has not been meticulous. The strokes of the strokes not only capture the strength of the strokes, but also show the beauty of freedom and ease. The strokes and strokes are often very stretched, as if the hands and feet are relaxed and relaxed. The pen is written with force, calmness and generosity, showing strength; but it also cleverly incorporates contrasts and intricate changes, showing agility. For example, there are four vertical strokes next to the word "酉" in the character "Zui". First, one point is used, then two points are used, and finally three points are used. The two characters "jiie" are both left and right structures, and are connected up and down. However, Su Wu changed the next character "carry" into an upper and lower structure, so that the character "扌" is placed next to the character "Nai". Zhao Mengfu's "Songxuezhai" says: "I have observed that this post is free and easy in vertical and horizontal directions. Although it is fat, it does not look like a black pig. It is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. It is really the so-called iron wrapped in cotton." Wang Shizhen commented: "Su Shu's "The Drunkard's Pavilion" , The knot method is beautiful, the charm is vivid, and it has the meaning of leakage marks in Xu Su's house." Li Changshan believes: "Wenzhong learned from Yan Lugong in his early years, and wrote the "Drunkard Pavilion" and "Yuanzhou Xueji", and did not change Lu Gong's family law." It can be said to be a wise words.
Wang Shizhen said: "Po Gong wrote "The Drunken Old Man" and "Fengle" and the two pavilion records, and the calligraphy of Yan Shangshu and Xu Li Department was outstanding. Although the structure is small and slow, he is tall and handsome, so he is the master of the family." Qing Dynasty Liang Xian's "Commentary Notes" once said: "The two steles "Fengle" and "Drunkard Old Man" in Dongpo's regular script are profound, solid and vigorous, but today only "Fengle Pavilion" is still clean."