"Alder Wood Volume Tie" is also known as "Shu Du Gongbu Alder Wood Poetry Volume Tie". Su Shi's calligraphy of Du Fu's poems, ink version, Chengxintang paper version. Running script, nineteen lines, one hundred and fifty-nine words. Originally collected by Lan Qianshan Museum in Taipei and now stored in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

This post mostly uses positive fronts, with concentrated spirit, round structure and well-proportioned fonts. Its ink technique is the most distinctive. An Qi commented: "The calligraphy and painting in this volume are calm, and the ink is of moderate thickness. The richer ink has a vivid interest." Jin Mian's postscript of the Ming Dynasty said: "In the past, Mr. Du Zi's poems and Yan Lu's official letters were all praised for their rhythm. In addition to pointillism, Mr. Guan's calligraphy of Du's poems today, thousands of years later, is just like what he wrote yesterday, because he embodies the spirit in calligraphy and his talent comes naturally. If we only judge it in terms of the universe, it cannot be appreciated equally. Wonderful." In this short piece, Su Shi gave it shape with his pen and ink, and infused his expression with vitality with his talent, learning, and character; he recited objects to have meanings, chanted poems to gain understanding, read Du Du to have thoughts, and wrote with divine help. , making future generations "love to play and can't bear to give up".