The full name of Wang Xizhi's "Three Sangluan Tie" is "Sangluan·Erxie·Deshi Tie"

Wang Xizhi's "Three Posts of Sangluan" have the red seal of "Yanli Edict". Yanli is the reign name of King Kanmu of Japan (AD 782-805), which is equivalent to the Dezong Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty in China. These three posts are actually Tang model copies. It can be seen that it was imported into Japan soon after imitation. (Note: This volume has now been changed to a scroll version). It was exhibited at the "Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Treasures Exhibition" held by the Shanghai Museum in March 2006.

Wang Xizhi's "Three Sangluan Tie": "Sangluan Tie", "Er Xie Tie" and "De Shi Tie" are mounted in one volume, with eight lines of "Sang Luan Tie", five lines of "Er Xie Tie" and four lines of "De Shi Tie" Line, one piece of paper, length 26.2 cm, width 58.4 cm, cursive script, collected by the Sannomaru Collection of the Imperial Household Agency, Japan. "Three Posts of Sangluan" is a typical work of the latest style created by Wang Xizhi. The brushwork is unpredictable and the strokes are unpredictable. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said, "The smoke is falling and the dew is knotted, the shape is broken but still connected, the phoenix is ​​like a dragon, and the momentum is like diagonal but straight." This is the most obvious expression in this post.

"Sangluan Tie" has 8 lines and 62 words.

[Interpretation] Xi Zhi paused: The mourning was extremely chaotic, the tomb was first buried and the poison was poisoned, the pursuit was extremely cruel, the cry was destructive, the pain penetrated the heart and liver, the pain was so painful that there was nothing to do! Although it was repaired, it was not restored, and the sorrow became deeper and deeper, but there was nothing to do about it! ! Feeling choked before the paper, I don’t know what to say! Xizhi paused.

"Sangluan Tie" is similar in appearance to "Frequent Sadness Tie", but the transitions are more flexible and flowing, the sides of the characters are even more slanted, the ink is alternately dry and dry, and the writing is faster towards the end of the paper. It can be imagined that the author could not stop sobbing and was extremely sad at that time.

"Second Thank You Post" 5 lines,36 words.

【Explanation】 The second thank you has not met yet? Chengliang is still not quiet after the meeting. Xi's daughter loves to worship her again and misses Tai'er well. Former patients are kind. The proposals submitted should be tried to find out the provinces. Drama on the left.

"Deshi Tie" 4 lines,32 words.

【Explanation】It has been shown that it is still not good to be content with one's efforts and to be stubborn. I am also bad. I'll go out tomorrow because I don't want to touch the fog. Late. Wang Xizhi paused.

Japanese scholar Naito Mikiyoshi said: The paper used in this post is similar to white linen paper, with vertical stripes, and was copied using the double hook and ink filling method. At the end of the first line, to the right of "Zhi Ji", there is the left half of the word "Seng Quan" signed. At the end of the second line of "Two Thank You Posts", to the right of "Zai Xing", there is a small character "Zhen" signed. ‘Zhen’ refers to Yao Huaizhen, a connoisseur of the Liang Dynasty. At the seam of the paper on the right end of this post, there are three imperial seals of "Yanli Edict" Zhu Wen. The form of the seal is the same as that of "Kong Shi Zhong Tie". The middle seal is in the center, and the upper and lower seals are diagonal to the right, indicating that he was once the emperor of Japan. Hidden by the government. Japan's "China Calligraphy Collection" records: "This painting has been kept in the Imperial Palace for a long time. After the death of Emperor Houxiyuan, it was purchased from Prince Yaoshu." The prince was the pope of the Miao Court, which preserved it to this day and later presented it as an imperial treasure. ’

This calligraphy has been circulated in Japan for more than 1,300 years and is regarded as a national treasure. It has been known to the Chinese calligraphy circle for only more than a hundred years. In the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1892), Yang Shoujing first imitated his "Lin Su Yuan Tie", and ink prints were introduced after 1934.

Regarding the 'Xian's tomb' and its 'restoration' mentioned in this post, Wang Yuchi, a modern person, presumes that the Xian's tomb was in Luoyang, and its restoration was done in the 78th year of Yonghe, or when Huan Wen regained Luoyang in the 12th year of Yonghe. Han Yutao believed that the first tomb was in Langxie and the restoration was done in August of the twelfth year of Yonghe. Based on the fact that the writing style of this post is quite different from that of "Seventeen Posts", Liu Tao believes that it may have been written by Wang Xizhi around his fiftieth year (the eighth year of Yonghe reign).

The pen of this post is strong, the structure is long and the length is very changeable. It completely gets rid of the remnants of official script and Zhangcao and becomes a very pure cursive style. When writing, he writes first and then scribbles, and when he writes, he scribbles, which shows that his emotions change drastically from depression to excitement.

Han Yutao's article "Evaluation of Wang Xizhi's "Sangluan Post"" said that this post is incompetent for four reasons: first, it is an excellent essay in itself; second, the writing of this post is powerful, and it is the true face of the Right Army and the real The character of Youjun; third, "Sang Luan Tie" has both majestic and bleak beauty; fourth, this post shows the complete process from walking to grass. Therefore, "Sangluan Tie" is a rare treasure and is Wang Xizhi's most representative work in his late years, far better than "Shenlong Orchid Pavilion".

Mr. Cui Xuelu, a contemporary calligrapher, commented on "Two Letters of Thank You" and said: "The Two Letters of Thank You are straight and straight at first, and finally become a big grass. They are both solemn and harmonious, square and round, light and heavy. They all come from the heart and can be done at will. It should be a calligraphy for Youjun in his later years. It is really great. Transform your ears."