Zhu Yunming's "Ode to Returning to the Fields with Cursive Cursive", cursive script, fourteen pages, each page is 26.5 cm vertical and 28.9 cm wide, with 3 lines on the page, totaling 79 lines. Collection of Tianjin Art Museum.

The volume is divided into two parts: the first part is written in running script, which copies two texts from "Guitian Fu" by Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty and "Le Zhi Lun" by Zhong Changtong, signed "Zhishan Individual Guest Book"; the latter part is written in cursive script, and the content of the book is "Three Kingdoms". A five-character poem "The Drinking Party" written by Ji Kang from the Wei Dynasty is inscribed "Zhishan". Both sections have five-year inscriptions and the author's seal, but there is a "Queshan Huami" seal in white at the end of the volume, which seems to be a Ming Dynasty seal. According to Yuan Yongzhi's postscript, it can be seen that the original object was a long scroll, and the current album pages were cut and mounted by later generations. Although the paper on which the book is written bears the mark of "Jinsu Shan Sutra Paper", it must be a Ming Dynasty imitation of the famous Northern Song paper.

Since there is no year mark on this volume, appreciators generally attribute it to Zhu Yunming's middle-aged work, considering that his calligraphy style has not yet reached the bold and informal realm of his later years. This volume contains a section of running script. The style contains elements of Su, Huang, Mi, and Zhao, with Zhao Ziang being the most influential, but it is not a complete imitation. A paragraph of cursive writing is still disciplined, but not unrestrained. The two paragraphs are written on the same paper and should have been written at the same time. In a sense, this volume should be Zhu Yunming's attempt to integrate the Song and Yuan dynasties into the works of the Jin and Tang Dynasties. Therefore, it can be regarded as a masterpiece of Zhu Yunming's calligraphy in his middle age.