Huayan Sutra in running script, Hua Ling, 25.1×115 cm, collected by Shanghai Museum

"Huayan Shujuan in Running Script" was written by Huang Tingjian to a monk who was begging for alms in exchange for silver. The writing style throughout the volume is dense and thick, and the writing style is strong and vigorous, with beauty in the strength. It is a masterpiece of Yan Zhenqing's cursive calligraphy in his prime. This volume was once collected by Han Shineng and Qing Wang Rizhang of the Ming Dynasty, and has the seals of "Gu Xintang", "Lei Shi Yuzhi", "Qian Tang Wang Yue Cheng Chi Yun Shi Tu Secretary" and other seals. "Records of Authentic Works", "Records of Calligraphy and Paintings of Zhuangtao Pavilion" and other records. In the seventh year of Jiaqing, Li Tingjing engraved it into "Pingyuan Shanfang Fa Tie", "Haishan Xianguan Zhenzhen" and "Call Treasures of the Four Great Masters of Song Dynasty" are also included. In 1962, the Cultural Relics Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Culture transferred it to the Shanghai Museum.

*The door is drawn to Gu Song, and the monk's eyelids are heavy. The eyelids are seven or eight, and the thunder and chariot cannot hit it. Unable to move, I chanted Amitabha three or five times, recommending Li Huzi in the East Village to be born in heaven, Meng Balang in the West Mountain to be strong, and the poor children in the Futian Courtyard cried out, begging me for a penny and a lot of money.
Master Sundan was performing Buddhist rituals for Huayan, and he came with this scroll to beg for help. He said that if the egret's butt was unbearable, he would cut it with a knife. He could hold this scroll and go there. Anyone who can help him with hundreds and thousands of gifts would be able to help him. Lu Zhiti.