Huang Tingjian's "Poems for Forty-nine Nephews" Volume paper, regular script, length 35.5cm, width 130.2cm, collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing

  A poem for my forty-nine nephews. And when we meet each other with wealth, how can we say farewell to each other? We work hard together and strive to be even more proud. It is advisable to be generous in receiving things, and it is important to cultivate yourself regularly. Wengweng misses you so much that I have come to you early.
  There is no name at the end of the post. The appraisal stamps are "Baishishanfang", "Approved by Song Luo", and "Treasure of Xuantong Yulan".
  This post was originally one of the volumes of "Baohan of the Song and Yuan Dynasties" and was later converted into a volume. This poem is not recorded in "Valley Waiji", and there is no examination of it by Forty-nine Nephews. The calligraphy in this post is as big as a fist, and the structure is mostly based on Liu Gongquan's method. The calligraphy is large enough to give full play to the style of the calligraphy. Putting aside his special skills, the strokes are mostly horizontal, and the calligraphy is stretched and handsome, with ups and downs, new changes, and a very upright attitude.
  Huang Tingjian's calligraphy is just like his poetry. Zhang Lei commented on his poem: "Don't practice the old deeds of the predecessors, and be good at the style of the past." It is very appropriate to use this sentence to comment on Huang Tingjian's calligraphy.
  It is recorded in Volume 5 of "Zhuang Yu Ou Ji" and Volume 1 of "The First Edition of Shiqu Baoji".