Wang Zhideng's "Book of Miscellaneous Poems of Yixing" on paper, 24.8 cm in length and 15.2 cm in width, Hubei Provincial Museum

  "Yixing Miscellaneous Poems", paper, 24.8 cm vertical and 15.2 cm wide, 25 pages, each page has four lines, and there are three pages with five lines each, a total of 103 lines, the beginning of the volume reads " "Yixing Miscellaneous Poems" is sealed with three seals: "Liu Kang Appreciation" in white, "Hongdou Shanzhai Collection" in Zhu, and "Wuchang Xu Shu Approval" in Zhu. At the end of the volume, under "Wang Deng", there are two seals "Wang Deng Seal" in Zhu and "Wang Shi Bai" in white, and in the lower left corner there are three collection seals. The whole volume contains five five-character verses, two six-character verses, five seven-character quatrains, and three seven-character verses, a total of fifteen poems, all of which are poems about the scenic spots and historic sites in Wuzhong. Now collected in Hubei Provincial Museum.

  The volume of "Yixing Miscellaneous Poems" is generally good in writing. In terms of style, there are traces of learning from Wen Zhengming, the leader of Wumen calligraphy school. Influenced by him, his writing style is straightforward, smooth and natural, elegant and plain. "Frankness" is the most appropriate word to sum up Wang's calligraphy. Because "frankness" is undoubtedly the highest aesthetic state of Chinese calligraphy and painting art. It not only originates from Taoist thought, but also conforms to the principles of Confucianism. "Frankness" is between man-made and inaction, between sculpture and nature. It is an inclusive two-dimensional world. An aesthetic category that is upright and unbiased. Therefore, in the art of calligraphy and painting, "sincerity" is the common aesthetic ideal of artists. His pen is on the thin side and on the long side, and the ink flow is consistent without being weak, delicate or easily broken. The center of each stroke is powerful and beautiful, the ups and downs are sharp and natural, and the turning points evoke the beauty of the mountains and rivers, giving people a sense of thinness and extraordinary strength. The running calligraphy is casual but dignified and elegant, the rules are strict, and the stipples are not inconsistent. This volume is truly a rare gem.