Cai Jing's "Yuanyou Party Membership Monument"

The stone carvings of the Northern Song Dynasty are also known as the "Stele of Yuanyou's Party Members" and "The Stele of Yuanyou's Traitor Party". After Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty came to the throne, he listened to Cai Jing's words and listed hundreds of ministers who served as Zhezong Yuanyouzhong and had been dissatisfied with Wang Anshi's "New Law" as "Yuanyou traitors", and his list was engraved on stone and promulgated throughout the country. This is the famous "Yuanyou Party Membership Monument". There are three types: First, in the first year of Chongning (1102), the official script of Huizong Zhao Ji was engraved on the Duanli Gate of the inner palace. It was destroyed soon after. Second, in the second year of Chongning (1103), Cai Jingshu ordered all states to publish stones accordingly, and the following year they were also ordered to destroy them. Three, engraved in the court in the third year of Chongning (1104). The original book, without the name of the person who wrote it, has been destroyed. The inscription listed Sima Guang, Su Shi, Su Che, Huang Tingjian, Qin Guan and other 309 people as traitors to the Party, and they were also destroyed. Only two engraved stones have been handed down from generation to generation in the Guangxi Autonomous Region: one is between the Longyin Rock in Guilin, dated to the Wuwu Liang Code of the Fourth Year of the Qingyuan Dynasty (1198), followed by the Jizhou Raozu Xianba, with larger characters, and the stone has peeled off, and One-third of the engraved eight-point book has been completed; the other one, on the wall of Zhenxian Rock in Rong County, was re-engraved in the fourth year of Jiading (1211), with a postscript underneath. Shen Qian is the great-grandson of Shen Qian, who is listed in the "party membership", and his family has an old rubbing of this stele. "Jin Shi Cui Bian" says: "Zhao Ji and Cai Jing are both masters of calligraphy. Because of their calligraphy, this monument cannot be completely abolished."