Ten Letters in Running Script, Paper, 25.8×57.3cm, Collection of Shanghai Museum 

  Zhao Mengfu is the well-deserved leader of the calligraphy circle in the Yuan Dynasty. Zhao Mengfu's "Ten Letters in Running Script" is a combined volume of ten letters on rulers and tablets. It contains nine letters from Zhao Mengfu to his friend Shi Minzhan and one letter to Gao Renqing. Shi Minzhan, named Fenting, was from Jiangsu. He was good at calligraphy and painting. He was an official in Jiujiang and other places. He became friends with Zhao Mengfu in his early years and later got married. Renqing is Gao Fuli, a native of Henan, minister of the Ministry of Officers and Soldiers, and a relative of Shi Minzhan. Therefore, Zhao Mengfu, Shi Minzhan, and Gao Fuli have both friendship and family ties, and their relationship is very close. The ten pieces of manuscripts were originally collected by Shi Minzhan, who gave them to his friend Dai when he died. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Fu purchased them from the Dai family, and they were passed down to the Zhang family for five generations. After entering the Qing Dynasty, these volumes were acquired by Wang Hongxu, his son. He also presented it to Emperor Qianlong. Since there were many Zhao traces stored in the imperial palace, in the 16th year of Qianlong's reign, this volume was returned to the Wang family. Later, it was collected by Pan Yanling, Luo Tianchi, Pei Jingfu, Wu Yuanhui and others. The entire volume is 5,315 millimeters wide. There are many inscriptions and postscripts at the end of the volume. It is now in the Shanghai Museum. Regarding the time when the ten letters were written, some experts believe that they were written when Zhao was 46 to 56 years old, while others believe that they were written when Zhao was 42 to 46 years old. Although these experts have different opinions, they all believe that the ten letters were written by Zhao in his prime. 

  These ten letters are correspondence between relatives and friends about trivial family matters. The letters were written with a casual hand, naturally revealing the author's temperament, interest and skill. The scrolls contain truth and grass, and the reflections are even and beautiful. Compared with regular calligraphy, the fonts are more melodious and oddly upright, exuding a gentle and clear aesthetic connotation. The brush strokes are graceful and smooth, and are graceful and smooth, showing the calligrapher's unique artistic style of first round, second round and third round.


  (Note 1) After recording, he bowed his head and paid homage to the people again. At the feet of the benevolent brother of the Prime Minister, Meng Fu was honored to be granted the title. Meng Fu suddenly bowed his head and paid homage to the people. He looked at the feet of his benevolent brother, Lord Zai, and then passed Wu again and again. Why haven't you seen it before? Meng Fu stayed here. Didn't get to Hangzhou. I think the matter has been decided. Yesterday I received Xu Huibizhan. So far no thanks. How can we wait for anything? This is because Renqing is here. Scratched numbers p.s. Arrive in Hangzhou every day. There is also the convenience of being taught. Not appropriate. Meng Fu bowed his head and bowed again. December 27th. 

  (Memorandum 2) Meng Fu sat sullenly in the rain. Suddenly I got the word "Hui". But I want to know that it is Yu Xiaoliu. Nothing like this. The painting of plum blossoms and the image of Guanyin are shown, as intended. The question number is above it. But use it as a gift. Jimu enters. The road is full of obstacles. Don't dare to submit. Feeling in love with the paper. Not announced. Meng Fu bowed again. Min Zhanzai's younger brother serves as a servant. 

  (Letter 3) Meng Fu paid homage to the people again and looked at the feet of his brother Zai Gong. There is no other way to think about it. Can we talk for half a day? Don't be the younger brother of Renqing. Same with this fist. Not announced. Meng Fu bowed again. Seventeenth day. Renqing is willing to live through this. It's time to send the horses. 

  (Four Letters) Meng Fu paid homage to the people again and looked at the feet of the benevolent brother of the Prime Minister. Meng Fu came to the city in January last year. Zhizao returned to Zhenjiang after his death. Since then, there has been no further movement. I would like to send a letter to you. There is nothing to send. Just standing still. In the new year, the body will be safe and sound. All the family members are well compiled. Meng Fu only stayed in Deqing Mountain. Living with pines and bamboos all day long. There is no intention of returning to glory. Ruo Minzhan comes to Hangzhou. I can take half a day off. Then you can come to Xiaozhai for a visit. Promise Huibizhan to Meng. Why haven't you followed through on your words yet? Because of this, I wrote down a rough note. The humble woman followed her aunt's wife and opened her eyes. Not announced. People day. Meng Fu bowed again. 

  (Fifth Letter) Meng Fu paid his respects to Renqing, his bachelor brother, and sat on the right. After a while, I heard that I had arrived at Tongchuan. We are very close to each other. Why don't you pass me by. I hate you very much, but you want to move your feet. I heard that my brother has an emerald stone. Loved like this. Can you give it a try to see if it will benefit you? Otherwise, you should pay the price. Wei is extremely lucky. Due to the high season, the feces will be in the shape of grass. Failure and others. Not announced. September 25th. Meng Fu bowed again. 

  (Note 6) He bowed his head and paid homage to His Excellency the Lord Zai Gong. Meng Fu would like to seal it. Meng Fu bowed his head and bowed to the people again, looking at the feet of his brother Zai Gong. It's time to pay a visit. Return without encountering anything. This is a simple lesson in vain. To live a humble life is important. Specially delicious and thick. I didn't dare to say goodbye. And fear of offending. A strong appearance only brings trouble. I feel so ashamed. A hasty reply. Thank you Shang Tu. Not announced. Meng Fu bowed his head and bowed again. 

  (Zhao 7) After recording the incident, he suddenly bowed his head and asked the people to look at the feet of his brother Zai Gong. On July 27th, Zhao Mengfu settled in Hangzhou and sealed it. Meng Fu bowed his head and bowed to the people again, looking at the feet of his brother Zai Gong. Meng Fu said goodbye for a long time. Deep admiration. People arrive. Benefit book. Just look at it today and you'll be fine. Indescribable comfort. Chengyu's brother's documents are now complete. Pay the person to deliver the money. Send blue lamps from outer Mongolia. Don't dare to give thanks. And pay people. Return to the jade and beg for instructions. Zhuzijin has only taken it. Be grateful. Have a cursory answer. With this tribute. I hope you will be well. Not announced. July 6th. Meng Fu paid homage again after remembering the incident. 

  (Letter 8) Meng Fudu bowed his head and paid homage to the people again, looking at the feet of the benevolent brother of the Prime Minister. Meng Fu has lived in Deqing since last year. Build three cabins. Stranded March. Returned to Wuxing on the 11th. Wen Qiqi has returned to Jingkou. On the 13th, the money order came. Benefit book. Review the details of the action. Extremely comforting. The separation lasted for several months. It can be said that it can be seen at once. Unexpectedly, something went wrong. Pour into the arms of thirst. It is difficult to write in the wind. Or pass through Hangzhou. You should definitely go to Turtle Creek. Attached, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you, your dear friend. Wen Xianyan has seen it. This is very meaningful. When to come back. Just to comfort my thoughts. Because of money, Shi was ordered to return to Tongchuan. I would like to ask you this. hastily. Not announced. Meng Fu bowed again. 

  (Zhaojiu) Meng Fu once again killed his younger brother. Don't think about it for a long time. Visitors from near Jingkou come here to read the book. Just check the abdomen and wait for Qingjia. On the dark day of August, I read another book. Especially comforting. Unfaithfulness comes from summer and autumn. Hair grows on the temples. The pain is indescribable. More than fifty days today. But Chuang has not yet spoken. The cover was close to death but survived. If you think the people will see and hear it, they will also sigh. Indicated by ink bamboo. Great fun. There are several words written on it. Damaged scroll. I know the evil. I don’t know if the people will forgive me if they see it. Send favors to agarwood. Agarwood ring collar mouth feeling. Nothing was given in return. Don't be surprised. The old woman extended her greetings to Mrs. Lian Zheng. Cold is near. Want venison. Don’t forget. Yu Ji cherishes all principles. Not announced. Today. Meng Fu bowed again. 

  (Letter 10) A book that relies on people to receive benefits. Just wait for the trial to be successful. Deeply comforted. It is unworthy to borrow shelter from afar. Just like yesterday. Chengyuan sent venison to receive the order. To feel it. But the family life is still small. Can it be resent without review? Pay it to Jie Xing Silu. Already destined. It is written that Lanting accepted him as soon as he met him. Tried it. Take it for granted. Otherwise. Zizhi has a book. Now I am sending you a letter to reply. I would like to convey my gratitude. Brother Renqing. The lady in the hall is looking forward to your health today. The humble woman asked the same question. Not announced. The twenty-fourth day of the first lunar month. Meng Fu bowed again.