Mi Fu [fú] (1051-1107), signed his own name Mi or Qian, Fu or Fu [fú]. Calligrapher, painter, and theorist of calligraphy and painting in the Northern Song Dynasty. Han nationality, originally from Taiyuan, Shanxi, moved to Xiangyang, Hubei, and later settled in Runzhou (now Zhenjiang, Jiangsu). He has great talent, poor character, and is obsessed with cleanliness. It was imitated by people from the Tang Dynasty and stored more rare stones. Calligraphy and painting are in a class of their own. He can paint dead wood, bamboo and rocks, always coming up with new ideas, and he can also paint landscapes, creating an ink play of clouds and mountains, hidden by smoke and clouds, which is plain and innocent. Good at poetry, good at calligraphy, and good at identification. He is good at calligraphy styles such as seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script. He is good at copying ancient calligraphy to the point of imitating the real calligraphy. One of the four families of Song Dynasty. He once served as school secretary, doctor of calligraphy and painting, and wailang of the Ministry of Etiquette.

Because of his weird personality and crazy behavior, he called him "brother" when he met a stone and worshiped him endlessly, so he was called "Mi Dian". Emperor Huizong awarded him a doctorate in calligraphy and painting. Also known as "Mi Xiangyang" and "Minangong".

Mi Fu's running script "Six Notes"