Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Sitting Alone" 

Wang Xizhi's cursive version of "Sitting Alone"

"Sitting Alone Tie" written in cursive by Wang Xizhi, Song rubbings from Yang's Haiyuan Pavilion collected by the Palace Museum

Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Sitting Alone" from An Siyuan's collection

Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Sitting Alone" clarifies the Tang version 


Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Sitting Alone" (with explanatory text)

Wang Xizhi's cursive script "Sitting Alone", 4 lines, 35 words. 

Interpretation: Zhibi Naer. Exactly! You are sitting alone, but you are worried about the city. If you are far away, you cannot send people. And I have no intention of returning to you for a long time. If I go away, I will look south at you.         

   The main meaning of the post is: I feel sad to know that this is the case there. You are the leader of the party, and you are particularly unhappy about this. They are too far apart to send people there. I no longer intend to stay for a long time, so I would like to resign and I will come south to visit you. 

According to the meaning of the post, Wang Xizhi was still serving as the internal historian of Kuaiji when he wrote this Tongchi Slip, so the writing time of this post could not be later than March of the 11th year of Yonghe (355). There is a sentence in the post, "I don't have any intention of returning for a long time, so I will leave", which seems to be shortly before Wang Xizhi resigned. This post is also included in "Daguan Post", "Jiang Post", and "Qingqingtang Post".

   Wang Xizhi (321-379, or 303-361), courtesy name Yishao and Danzhai, was originally from Linyi, Langya (now part of Shandong), and later moved to Shanyin (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang). He was promoted to general of the Youjun Army and was an internal historian of Kuaiji. , was a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and was revered as the Saint of Calligraphy by later generations. Wang Xizhi was an official and became the general of the Youjun Army. He was the internal historian of Kuaiji and was known as "Wang Youjun". He was born into a prominent family in the Jin Dynasty. When Wang Xizhi was twelve years old, his father taught him the theory of brushwork. As a child, he learned calligraphy from Mrs. Wei, a famous female calligrapher at the time. After that, he crossed the Yangtze River and traveled to famous mountains in the north, learning from everyone's strengths. He learned from Zhang Zhi, a master of cursive calligraphy, and learned from Zhong Yao in his official calligraphy. Observing and learning the "methods of gathering together people to prepare a family", reaching the height of "Guiyue Group's products are the best in ancient and modern times".