Zhao Zhiqian's "Seal Script Songs", 32.5cm in length and 36.8cm in width, collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing.

  This volume of seal script records the three chapters of "Zhao Ge", "Shangzhihui", "Shangling" and "Yuanruzhi", with a total of 12 pages, 74 lines, and 3 characters in each line. The last knowledge: "The sixth month of Tongzhi Jiazi was Sui Sheng's calligraphy. The seal method is not authentic, but it can be understood the combination of the four-body calligraphy. It is appropriate to understand it silently. There is no boredom." The seal "Zhiqian Seal Xin" is printed below. There is no Zang seal and no record.

  According to the title, this volume was written in the third year of Tongzhi (1864), when Zhao Zhiqian was 35 years old, and it must be a work from his early years when his calligraphy style was first established. From the analysis of the title, this volume should be a model written by his calligraphy disciples, and it is of the same nature as "Xu Shi Shuo Wen Xu". This book uses Chinese seal script and official script brushwork. The starting point of the strokes is multi-directional and has the characteristics of Wei stele calligraphy. From this, we can see that Zhao's calligraphy blends ancient and modern calligraphy, mixed various styles, and finally used it for his own use. The "knot" character is slightly longer, the pen is written in the center, and it is solid and thick, with restrained energy. It is one of Zhao Zhiqian's masterpieces of seal script.

  Explanation: The summer is about to overflow in the upper place, and the summer is about to go to the north. The spring palace is cold and hot, and the virtues are traveling to Shiguan. Looking at the moon of the various countries, the ministers and the Huns obey the orders, follow the officials, and gallop forward for thousands of years. Long live the joy of Wuji. How beautiful is the upper mausoleum? The wind is cold at the lower Jin. Asking the guest why he came from the middle of the water, the osmanthus tree is the king's boat, the blue silk is the king's boat, the magnolia is the king's boat, the gold is scattered among them, the birds in the sea, the red-winged white geese, and the mountains and forests are opening and closing. Chariots and dragons are horses, traveling around the world. It is the second year of the dew. In the copper pond, the immortal comes down to drink and prolongs life for thousands of years. It is as long as expected and the life is as long as expected. On the left side of the sky, there is great happiness, Wanji and Tianwuji. Shocking, heart-wrenching, great, thousands of people still come to pay homage, you are invited to the Qing Hall, and I have never heard of it in my lifetime. Long live my life, it is also sincere. Chapter 3 of the Han cymbal song

  In the sixth month of Tongzhi Jiazi, the calligraphy and seal writing method was born. This is not the authentic method, but this kind of understanding of the combination of the four-body calligraphy should be understood tacitly without boredom.