He Wuzuo (1581-1651) was given the nickname Longyou, nicknamed Xianggang, the first nickname was Ruihu, and the later nickname was Xianzu Taoist. A native of Xiaolan, Zhongshan, Guangdong. In the forty-seventh year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1619), Ji Weike entered the soil and was awarded the title of a good scholar. In the early years of Chongzhen (1628), Zuochunfang of the Jin Dynasty served as a lecturer at the Sutra Banquet. He also served as a bachelor's student in Shao Zhan of the Jin Dynasty. In the fifth year (1632), he was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Rites; in the sixth year (1633), he was promoted to the minister of the Ministry of Rites and served as a bachelor and acting chief assistant (prime minister). He was dismissed from office due to impeachment. In the first year of Hongguang (1645), King Zhu Yujian of the Tang Dynasty established himself in Fuzhou and called Wu Zou as his chief assistant. At that time, there was a war in Fujian and Guangdong, and he later returned to his hometown due to illness. He is the author of thirty volumes of "Collection of Poems of Yuanqitang", two volumes of "Manuscripts of Yunjixuan", four volumes of "Collection of Jingyan Rishuo Baiji", four volumes of "Supplementary Notes to Zhouyi", "Collection of Zhonglu Pavilion" and stone inscriptions in regular script. Four kinds etc.


Plum Blossom Poetry Scroll in Cursive Script Winter Department Collection of Shanghai Museum
Ayamoto: 160.5 cm in length and 55.3 cm in width


Cursive poems on scroll "Zhongshan City Art Calligraphy Works Collection": Commemorating the 120th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen/"Zhongshan City Art Calligraphy Works Collection" Editorial Committee. —Zhongshan: Printed by Hong Kong Huachang Enterprise Company