Huang Jishui (1509-1574) was originally named Daozhong, with the courtesy name Zhifu, and later changed his name to Jishui, with the courtesy name Zhichun, and also the courtesy name Chunfu. He was a native of Changzhou (Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province). Youmin, who had traveled to and from Wuyue Mountain with his father, had a literary name. When he was young, he served Wen Zhengming. He is the author of "The Collection of Poor Scholars", "The Collection of Baixia" and "The Collection of Gao Suzhai". There is a biography in Volume 287 of "History of the Ming Dynasty".

"Collection of Poems of Dynasties" records: "Wuyue (father of Jishui) was clumsy in calligraphy, so he ordered Chunfu to learn calligraphy from Zhu Jingzhao (Zhu Yunming), and then passed on his writing techniques." Wang Shizhen's "Yiyuan Zhiyan" said that "Yu Yongxing, the first sect of Zhengshu" (Yu Shinan), the master of the running script is Wang Luji (Wang Chong), and the rate is increased in the late festival." It can be seen that Huang Jishui's calligraphy, in addition to directly learning from Wen Zhengming and Zhu Yunming, also focused on Yu Shinan and Wang Chong. Not much of Huang Jishui's calligraphy survives, and most of it is cursive and ink. These works are mixed with cursive, scattered and ups and downs, and have the charm of Jin people. They are neither as wild as Zhu Yunming nor as Wang Chong's jujube board temperament, but we can get a glimpse of his calligraphy. From Zhu and Wang to follow the trajectory of Jin and Tang Dynasties. The thin and hard style of his brushwork is vivid on the paper, and he is a representative figure of the Wu School of calligraphy in the Ming Dynasty.