He Zhizhang (659-744), also known as Jizhen, also known as Vimalakia, was also known as Shichuang. In his later years, he changed his name to Siming Kuangke, also known as Secretary Waijian. A native of Yongxing, Kuaiji (now Xiaoshan, Zhejiang) in the Tang Dynasty. Grandson of Prince Xima Deren. He ranked eighth and was known as "He Ba". In the first year of Zhengsheng (695), he became a Jinshi and was awarded doctorate from the four disciplines of Guozi. He was transferred to Taichang Shaoqing and bachelor of Jixian Academy. In the 13th year of Kaiyuan (725), he was promoted to Minister of Rites, from the Palace to Secretary Supervisor. The old friend called him "He Mi Jian", also referred to as "He Jian". In the third year of Tianbao (744), he resigned and returned to his hometown as a Taoist priest. He built Qianqiu Temple and lived in seclusion there. He died soon after at the age of 86.

He Zhizhang was famous for his poetry when he was young, and during the Shenlong period (705-707) he became famous in the capital. In the early years of Kaiyuan, he was as famous for his poetry as Bao Rong, Zhang Xu and Zhang Ruoxu from Wuyue. He was known as the "Four Scholars of Wuzhong", also known as the "Four Friends of Wuzhong" and the "Four Heroes of Wuzhong". He Zhizhang, Yongrong and Shengtao, was elegant and open-minded, and was a generation of romantic people in the Qing Dynasty. He especially likes to write poems and essays while drinking, until the paper runs out. Zeng, together with Zhang Xu and Cui Zongsi, also called him "Ten Friends of the Immortal Sect" together with Chen Zi'ang, Song Zhiwen, Meng Haoran and others in "Hai Lu Sui Shi". He Zhizhang also fell in love with Zhang Xu, had a close relationship, and were related by marriage, so people at that time often called him "He Zhang". The two also often traveled together. "Everyone's house has good walls and barriers. Suddenly he forgets his purpose, writes a few lines, and flies away like insect seals. Although Zhang (Zhi) and Suo (Jing) in ancient times are not as good as those who do good things." I will provide them with notes and pass them on as treasures." (Shi Su's "Jiatai Kuaiji Chronicles") He once wrote "Longrui Palace Chronicles" and "Kuiji Cave Chronicles", and was recommended to Lizhengdian Academy to compile "Six Canons". The poems he wrote are fresh and popular, such as "Returning to the Hometown" and "Ode to the Willows", which are immortal masterpieces that have been praised by the people and passed down through the ages.

He Zhizhang is good at cursive writing. Wen Tingyun said: "Zhizhang's cursive script is strong and powerful, and the style is noble." Dou Xie's "Shu Shu Fu" says: "The lakes and mountains are blessed, and the crazy guests are romantic. The writing is exquisite, and the descendants have few enemies. Like the splendor of the spring forest, you can see it at a glance Write about worries. Yongrong is the province of Ta, high-spirited and open-minded. He takes off his court clothes and returns to his hometown, gathers his colorful clothes and bids farewell to the palace." Dou Meng's "Notes on Shushu Fu" says: "(He Zhizhang) writes with great enthusiasm every time, good books and big characters, or three One hundred words, or five hundred words, the writing of poems is based on fate... Suddenly there are benefits, and they compete with nature, which cannot be done by man." Commenting on the books of famous Tang writers, the Dou brothers mostly ridiculed, but praised He Zhizhang for "competing with nature, "No one has done it by man", which shows the reputation of He Zhizhang's calligraphy at that time. Mr. Lu's "Extended Book Commentary" said that "the writing is like flying, running inexhaustibly." Tao Zongyi's "Shu Shi Hui Yao" said that he was "good at writing and writing, and he was respected in the world. He was especially wild in the late festivals, and he would write poems every time he was drunk. The cursive lines alternate with each other, and the timing is so strange that it may not be possible to wake up and write again." Li Bai compared him to Wang Xizhi in his poem "Sending Congratulations to the Guests Returning to Yue". He said, "The flowing water of Jinghu Lake is clear and clear, and many crazy guests return to their boats to enjoy themselves. Shanyin Scholars: If we meet, we should write "Huang Ting" instead. White goose." Lu Xiang's poem "Send Congratulations to the Superintendent Returning to Kuaiji to Resume the System" "Qingmen resists the line to thank the guests, and the pen is strong and violates the rules of Wang Xianzhi. Chang'an Sujuan's calligraphy is biased, and the workers cherish it and always keep it." It is said that he is Wang Xianzhi. At that time, people also called his cursive script, together with the falling star stone of Secretary Province, the crane painted by Xue Ji, and the phoenix painted by Lang Fuling, the "Four Wonders" of Secretary Province. However, very little of He Zhizhang's calligraphy has survived, and the only cursive work that can be seen today is "The Classic of Filial Piety". In addition, He Zhizhang was also good at regular script, and his "Longrui Palace Chronicles" has been handed down from generation to generation.