Su Xun (1009-1066) was an essayist in the Northern Song Dynasty. Together with his sons Su Shi and Su Che, they are collectively known as the "Three Sus" and are both included in the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties". The courtesy name is Mingyun and the nickname is Laoquan. A native of Meishan, Meizhou (now part of Sichuan). After failing the examination, he was recommended by Han Qi to serve as Secretary, Provincial School Secretary, and Chief Registrar of Wen'an County. He is good at prose, especially political commentary, with clear and clear arguments and vigorous writing style. There is "Jiayou Collection". He specializes in calligraphy and has a lot of charm.




Su Xun's "Tao Zhong Tie", ruler, cursive script, 35.3x53.2cm, collected by the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Explanation: Xun Dun bowed his head again and paid homage to the cursory note on the road yesterday. He thought that he was afraid that the introduction would cause sin to come to Fu Jiaohan, so the family members took advantage of their hard work and thick paper to express their feelings and sentiments. They were ashamed of their feelings. The meaning of adding dizziness is very bad, so I waded through the water and did not dare to go to the city. Those who were afraid of human affairs also favored Chang'an's trip. I admired him and loved him deeply. I had deep desire, strength and illness. I inherited the preface. But when I heard that the weather in Taiwan was not clear, I quickly braved the summer heat and traveled far away. It is advisable to flood the road and Tu, I am afraid that I will not be able to get there tonight. If I forget about each other in the rivers and lakes, I will be able to accept Yan in twenty days or go to Poyang with Tu. Xuan Xun paused and bowed his head again to his brother, the eunuch, who sat on the stage.



Su Xun's "Chen Yuanshi's Night Call", ca. 1047 (the seventh year of the Qingli calendar), paper, 34.5x50.9cm, collected by the National Palace Museum, Taipei