Sun Guoting (?646-?691), whose name was Qianli, was from Chenliu (now Kaifeng, Henan); one was from Wujun (now Suzhou, Jiangsu); or he was from Fuyang (now Zhejiang). Li Youwei Zhou Cao, he led the government to record affairs and joined the army. However, he was framed in his middle age and died in Luoyang. He was once friendly with calligrapher Wang Shaozong and poet Chen Ziang. After Sun Guoting passed away, Chen Zi'ang wrote a memorial to Sun Lu of the Commandery House to express his condolences, which included: "Wow! I am suffering from poverty and illness. It is a good time to live in peace and tranquility. I can only think about the principles of life. We are a common people for a few days." But he was ill and living in Jianghu after being wronged. Although he placed his thoughts on Lao and Zhuang, he would inevitably die in a foreign land in the end.

Zhang Huaicui, a calligraphy critic during the Kaiyuan period, highly praised Sun Guoting's calligraphy: "He has articles in liberal arts and is the second king of cursive charters. He is skilled in the use of pens, handsome and strong, and very curious. However, it is said that with little function, there is talent." Materials. True and running calligraphy are inferior to those of cursive... Li, Xing and Cao are of the highest quality." "Xuanhe Calligraphy" also said that he was "good at ancient erudition, and his craftsmanship and writing earned him the name Hanmo Jian. He is aggressive in cursive writing." "Exhibition, especially the skill of using the pen. The handsomeness and sharpness are the result of natural talent and not the result of accumulated practice. He is good at copying, but often it is difficult to distinguish the genuine from the fake." It can be seen that Sun has a profound literary background, and he also has the methods of the two kings. Coupled with his extraordinary talent, he formed his own unique calligraphy system.

Mr. Tang Lu said that the characteristics of Sun Guoting's calligraphy brushes are "Dan Ya Jue Gu", which can be said to be the essence of it. His calligraphy strokes are strong and strong, and can combine the different artistic characteristics of elegance, calmness, gracefulness and strength, achieving The unity of quality and beauty. The characteristics of Sun's brushwork are: the stippling gives people an intuitive impression of fullness, roundness, light and heavy reflections, and endless changes. As he himself said: "Within one painting, everything changes like a sharp edge; within a single point, everything changes like a hair."

His representative works include his self-written calligraphy theory "Shu Pu" and cursive script "Thousand Character Essay". The calligraphy style of "Shupu" is rich and mature, with the potential of a whirlpool and a swimming dragon. Among them, he put forward the famous view of calligraphy: "It was not good in the past, but it is not good now". Since the Han Dynasty, there have been many works on calligraphy, but this article is meticulous in writing, concise and concise. It contains many insights on "holding, transferring, and using". It is an epoch-making treatise on calligraphy in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

The scroll "Thousand Character Essay" in cursive script was written by Sun Guoting when he was thirty-eight years old. The whole text is written in cursive script. The pen is subtle and unobtrusive. The skill is inherent, calm and elegant, vigorous and graceful, and the pen is concentrated and precise. Cun is a model for cursive writing learning.