Xiao Sihua, a native of Lanling in the Southern Song Dynasty. Father, champion, and prefect of Langya. When Si Huaguan arrived at General Zhengxi, he shot from the left. I learned Gong Shu from Yang Xin and got his style. Although there are no extraordinary peaks standing on the wall, it can be said that it is a meritorious service to use the hillocks to look out and the momentum is not cut off. Wang Sengqian said: "Xiao Quanfa Yang is charming and charming. His desire is not diminished, but his writing power is weak." Liang Dynasty scholar Yuan Ang said: "Yang Zhenkongcao, Xiao Xingfan seal script, each has its own beauty." Yuan Ang wrote "Ancient and Modern Book Reviews" "It is said that "Xiao Si's calligraphy is continuous and ink, and the characters are strong and powerful, like a dragon jumping over the sky gate and a tiger lying on the phoenix tower." (Volume 748 of "Taiping Yulan"). Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, said in his "Comments on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Calligraphers in Ancient and Modern Times" that "Xiao Sihua's calligraphy is like a dancing girl bowing her waist, or an immortal roaring against a tree." Yu Jianwu's "Shu Pin" listed his books as low-grade and top-grade.


Relevant information (excerpted from Shen Yue's "History of the Song Dynasty" of the Twenty-Four Histories):
Xiao Sihua was from Nanlanling and a disciple of Queen Xiaoyi. Father Yuanzhi, named Junliu, Huang Menlang in Li Zhongshu, governor of Xu and Yanzhou, champion general, and governor of Nanlangye. He died in the first year of Yongchu and was given posthumously to the former general.

  Si Hua is about ten years old, has no knowledge of books, and enjoys traveling around the house. He likes to ride on the roof of the house, play the slim-waisted drum, and infringes on his neighbors. He is always poisoned. From then on, he became famous in a few years. He is good at reading history, good at playing the piano, and can ride and shoot. When Emperor Gaozu saw it, he promised it with a national weapon. In the eighteenth year of his reign, Sima Xing, the great Sima Xing, the king of Langxie, joined the army and joined the army in the state of Xiangguo. His father was worried about leaving his post. After serving in the imperial court, he paid homage to Yulin Supervisor, led the stone garrison, attacked and was granted the title of Marquis of Yang County, and was transferred to General Xuanwei and the Governor of Pengcheng and Pei counties. He dabbled in calligraphy and biographies, and was quite good at writing official scripts, interpreting music and rhythm, and using bows and horses. In the first year of Yuanjia, Xie Hui was in Jingzhou and wanted to be appointed Sima, but Siyu refused.

  In the fifth year, he moved to Zhongshu to serve as minister, and still supervised the military affairs of Dongguan in Qingzhou and Xuzhou, General Zhenwu, and the governor of Qingzhou. He was twenty-seven years old. The exiled brothers Sima Langzhi, Yuanzhi, and Ke gathered their party in Fagan County, Dongguan, and planned to cause rebellion. Sihua sent Xiao Wangzhi, the governor of Beihai, to behead him, and the rest of the party was peaceful. In the eighth year, except for King Yixuan of Jingling, Sima of the left army and the governor of Nanpei County. Before he could go to war, he captured the southern invaders, and Tan Daoji went to the northern expedition. After returning to the army, he was afraid of the enemy's arrival, so he abandoned the town and rushed to Pingchang. Sihua first sent Liu Zhenzhi to join the army to garrison Xiapi. He rushed to the city after hearing Sihua's words. The captives failed to arrive, but Dongyang accumulated and was burned by the people. Therefore, the imperial officers were recruited, and they were still in charge of Shangfang. In the early days of Qingzhou, I often used a copper bucket and covered it under the medicine kitchen, and found two dead birds. I thought about it and said, "It's ominous if the bucket is covered and the two dead birds die!"

  In the ninth year, there was a great famine in Qiuchi, and Feng Ren of Yi and Liangzhou, and Zhen Fahu, the governor of Liangzhou, fell out of harmony during his tenure, and Yang Nandang, the commander-in-chief of Di, invaded Hanzhong. From his disciples, he became the governor of Liang and the military affairs of the two states of Southern Qin, General Hengye, and the governor of Liang and the two states of Southern Qin. After he was done, he heard that the Dharma Protector had been appointed to the north and rushed to the west city. He sent five hundred people from Sima, General Jianwei, and Xiao Bao, the governor of the Southern Han Dynasty, to advance; he also sent Xiao Wang, the chief of the Western Army, to join him. Tabu Yuanlu gathered the people together and obtained thousands of elite soldiers. In the first month of the tenth year, we entered and occupied Kuotou. It was difficult to burn and plunder Hanzhong, and lured the troops back to the west, leaving Zhao Wen, the auxiliary general and governor of Liang and Qin states, to guard Liangzhou, and Xue Jian, the prefect of Wei Xing, to occupy Huangjin. After entering the garrison at Tuantou, Xiao Tan, the prefect of Yinping, was sent to Huangjin. Xue Jian and his deputy Jiang Bao occupied Tiecheng. Tiecheng was opposite Huangjin. They went a mile away and cut down the trees to block the road. Tan attacked the second garrison and pulled it out. In February, Zhao Wen led Xue Jian, his general Ning Shuo, and Feng Yi's prefect Pu Zaozi to attack Tan camp. Tan fought hard and defeated it. Tan was hit, and the thieves retreated to protect the west water. When Sima Xi Wenzu entered the capital, Xiao Wang's troops followed him with five hundred cavalry. Pingxi General Linchuan Wang Yiqing sent 3,000 Longxiang General Pei Fangming to go there, and they were waiting for gold, and Zaozi, Jian and others surrendered bail and gave peaches. Sihua sent troops to join the army in advance. Wang Lingji led the partial army out of Yangchuan and headed towards Nancheng. Zhao Ying, the puppet Lingjiang general, held on to the danger, but Lingji defeated him and gave birth to Qin Ying. Nancheng was empty, and because there was no capital, the army was again invited to join forces with Taobao.

  In March, he led all the troops to occupy Egonggu. Nandang sent his son He led Zhao Wen, Pu Zaozi, left guard general Lu Ping, and Ningshuo general Sima Feilong, with more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry, across Hanjin to gather firewood, and set up a pontoon bridge in between. They tried their best to attack the taboo and surrounded dozens of people. In short-hand combat, bows and arrows are useless. The thieves are all dressed in rhinoceros and leather, and cannot be attacked by swords or spears. The taboo is to cut a spear several feet long and use a large ax to pierce through the vertebrae. One spear can easily penetrate more than ten thieves. The thieves could not be taken in. Because of the great defeat, they burned firewood and ran away, retreating to Da Tao. In the leap month, when the Taipei army arrived in Fangming, Longxiang General Yang Pingxing and Zhuangzhudian Lieutenant General Liang Tanzhi went into the corner to pursue them with crossbows. The thieves were defeated again, killing and wounding many prisoners. When Hanzhong was at peace, all the land was confiscated and the Jiamengshui garrison was set up.

  First, Huan Xuan usurped the Jin Dynasty and took Huan Xi as Liangzhou. Bu was defeated and left, and Di Yangsheng took control of Hanzhong. The governors Fan Yuanzhi and Fu Xinxi governed Wei Xing, and only captured the three counties of Wei Xing, Shangyong, and Xincheng. Later, Suo Miao became the governor and governed Nancheng. He was burned by thieves and could not be solidified, so Sihua moved to the southern region of the town, added a section, was promoted to General Ningshuo, and was appointed Prince Tun Cavalry School Lieutenant. Fahu, a native of Wuji, Zhongshan, lived across the river in Nanjun. His younger brother Fa Chong, in the tenth year of Yuanjia, became the governor of Yizhou from Shaofu. The crime committed by the Legal Protection Committee was punished by the Tongfu and sentenced to death in prison. Taizu respected the law and ordered the prison officials to protect the sick and sick with the law. Taizu sent Sihua to pacify Hanzhong Benmo and send him to the historian.

  In the fourteenth year, he moved his envoys to Chijie, Linchuan Wang Yiqing, Xi Changshi, and Nanman Xiaowei. Taizu gave him a bow and harp, and he said in his hand: "What did my father-in-law do here? In his spare time, he used the harp and his writings to entertain his ears, and what he got was not called righteousness! My family always remembers their feelings, and I think the same thing. I got this harp before. The cloud is an old thing, also known as Jingyi, and I borrow it now. Because it is worn with the intention of playing and caressing, the sound and rhyme are outstanding, and it is straight and beautiful. And use a mulberry bow, the material is fast, it was commonly used in the past, and it has been a long time. He is useless and sick, and if he can't control it, he will become a husband, which makes people sigh. Good materials and beautiful utensils should be put to the best use, and the father-in-law really has nothing to give."

  In the 16th year, King Yiji of Hengyang came to Yiqing, and except for the long history of Anxi, the rest were as before. In the 19th year, he was promoted to Shizhong and led the general of the former army. Before he was recruited, he resumed his previous post. Next year, he will move to Chijie and supervise Yongzhou, Liang, the four northern and southern Qin states, Nanyang, Jingling, Shunyang, Xiangyang, and Xinye in Jingzhou, along with the military officers of the six counties, the Ningman captain, the governor of Yongzhou, and the prefect of Xiangyang. In the 22nd year, in addition to the servants, he was led by the crown prince. In the twenty-fourth year, he was changed to General Zuowei. When Taizu climbed to the north ridge of Zhongshan Mountain, he saw a clear spring on a rock in the middle. The envoy played the harp on the rock, and because he gave him silver bell wine, he said: "We appreciate each other with the meaning of pine and stone." He also led Dazhongzheng in Xuzhou in the south. Next year, he will resume supervision of Yong, Liang, the four northern and southern Qin states, Jingling in Jingzhou, and the military officers of the two counties, the general on the right, the Ningman captain, and the governor of Yongzhou will remain as before.

  In the twenty-sixth year, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. The imperial edict said: "Shen Shangshu was seriously ill and could not be saved. His body and career were chaste and he established the dynasty to fulfill his duties. He was still young and was appointed by the prime minister. He was dying and was not able to last forever. He was deeply saddened. The official wanted the secrets and sent them through the fortress. My father-in-law is a talented person who uses the body of the country, and I only agree to it." After thinking about it, I went to the state and had no power to restore the affairs. There were nine soldiers in Qian's mansion. Taizu said in a joke: "My father-in-law will not be the father of Tian in the village, why should there be no one? To cause evil?" Before worshiping, in the twenty-seventh year, he was promoted to the general of the guard army.

  In the spring of that year, the captives attacked Xuanhu. Taizu would launch a large-scale campaign to the north. Si Yan insisted on admonishing, but refused to obey. Nai led three thousand fine armor to help control Pengcheng. After the captives retreated, their ancestors became the military officers of Chijie, Jianxu, Yan, Qingji, and Liangjun of Yuzhou, the general of Fujun, and the governor of Yanxu.

  In the 29th year, General Tongyang Wu and Zhang Yong, the governor of Jizhou, surrounded the army. At the beginning, the town army consulted to join the army. Shen Tan and Wang Xuanmo surrounded the sliding platform. If they failed, they were dismissed from office. Xiao Binban, the governor of Qingzhou, went with General Jianwei and the prefect of the two counties of Jinan Plain to guard Licheng. He ordered Ren Zhongren to serve as Tan's deputy and advance into the river. In May, at Fayankou, Yongsi Ma Cuixun and Jianwu General Qijun Prefect Hu Jingshi led the Qingzhou army to meet. In the seventh month, Sihua and all the troops arrived at Quecheng to control the three attack roads. Taizu dispatched Xu Yuan, the minister of Sanqi, to declare an order to supervise the battle. Zhang Yong and Hu Jingshi attacked the east road, Shen Tan and Ren Zhongren attacked the west road, and Cui Xunnan attacked the road. The thieves came out at night, burned Cui Xun's tower and the chariot, and burned Hu Jingshi's tower and attacking tools. They found and destroyed Cui Xun's attack road, and the city could not be evacuated. Thinking of words, he came and retreated. The siege lasted for eighteen days, and the siege was finally lifted. Cui Xun saw that the building was on fire and could not attack the road, so he was executed in Quecheng. Yong and Tan were both imprisoned. The edict said: "The general of the Fu army thought about what he said and announced the mission, and he was indeed unyielding. The soldiers were tired and the troops were clear, so he tried to advance. The mountains and rivers in this town are severely blocked, and the river is controlled. It is the key to victory. It has been famous since ancient times. It should be eliminated. The grant was given in the hope that it would be fulfilled. If you think about it, you can interpret Xuzhou as Jizhou, and I will remain as before. Pengcheng's civil and military affairs were distributed according to the amount, which is the town of Licheng." Xun was played by King Yigong of Jiangxia, and he was dismissed from office.

  The culprit was killed, and the generals who envoy Chijie, Jianxu, Qingyan, Jizhou, and Liangjun in Yuzhou, and the governor of Xuzhou and Yanzhou remained the same. Sihua immediately led his troops to return to Pengcheng and revolted in response to Shizu. The envoy sent a note saying: "I have been under the official position for a long time, and I have been under the national taboo for a long time. The people I have inherited do not know how wide or narrow it is. Since I am still on the road, I have gradually heard about it. I think it is said that human relations cannot tolerate this. I feel deeply in my heart." I don’t dare to say anything. I have been taught by you now, but my worries are out of my mind, my sorrow is increasing, and I can’t overcome myself. This reality cannot be covered by heaven and earth, and cannot be tolerated by humans and gods. If you lead the local people, you will all swallow your anger. What’s more, if you are an official Meng He was honored and prosperous, with righteousness and constant ambition. On the fifth day of this month, he was ordered to ride back to the court by the post envoy. He was gnashing his teeth and heartbroken, and he was already sick. Although his whole family was in the capital, none of them were in his care. He was about to send him to receive the plan. , we will obey this decree, with both sorrow and fear. Fu Cheng Yingtu sent a telegram, His Highness Shenwu Shuang was cut off, Zang Zhi was loyal and righteous, and he did not plan to do it at the same time. He followed the current and swept across Jiangdian. Nearly. Xiaguan resumed training and began to gather. He sent the auxiliary generals Shen Tan and Longxiang general Liang Tan to the two armies, and allocated five thousand fine armor. Shen Tan was the leader, and they were to attack by land and water that day. Xiaguan all led the civil and military forces, and Luo Yi Followed by. With cowardice and power, the momentum will rise and fall. There will be a period of prosperity, and joy and sorrow will be mixed." When Shizu arrived at Xinting, Tan also entered Kejingkou.

  When he ascended the throne, he was appointed as a regular servant of Sanqi and Zuopushe of Shangshu. He insisted on resigning and was not worshiped. The names were changed to Zhongshu Ling and Danyang Yin, and they continued to serve as before. At that time, there were many robberies in the capital, and seventeen of them occurred in the past twenty years. Chen Xun was blamed for this and was not allowed to do so. Next year, he will be sent out as envoy Chijie, commander-in-chief of Xu Yan, the five prefectures of Qing, Ji, and You, and the military officers of Liang County of Yuzhou, General Anbei, and governor of Xuzhou, plus a section of propaganda. Before leaving, Zang Zhi, the governor of Jiangzhou, rebelled and became the envoy Chijie, the governor of Jiangzhou, the military affairs of the three counties of Xiyang, Jinxi and Xincai in Yuzhou, and the governor of Jiangzhou. When the situation was peaceful, the three prefectures of Jing, Jiang and Henan were divided into Ying Prefecture, and the military governor of the two prefectures of Ying and Xiang was reinstated, the general of Zhenxi, and the governor of Ying Prefecture. He maintained integrity and always served as before, and held Xiakou.

  Xiaojian died in the second year of his reign at the age of fifty. He was given posthumously to General Zhengxi, Kaifu Yitong, and the three divisions, Chijie, Changshi, Governor, and Governor, as before, with the posthumous title of Muhou. Sihua Zong Qi Ling Wang, the fleas can be seen at any time, and there are twelve states in every calendar year, and Jiu Yan is the governor of the Zangjie Supervisor. Although there is no cleanliness and integrity, there is also no burden of filth. Love talents and good scholars, and many people will return to them.

  The eldest son, Hui Kaisi, has a different biography. The second son, Huiming, also had a world-famous reputation. He was known as Huang Menlang, Yu Shi Zhongcheng, Situ Zuo Changshi, and Wuxing Prefect. Later, Emperor Yuan Hui was deposed and died. The fourth son, Huiji, was appointed as a servant at the end of the Ming Dynasty when Emperor Shun was promoted to Emperor Shun.

  The source copied it from his father and younger brother, Danyang Yin, and gave it to General Zhenglu posthumously. Zibin was also encountered by Taizu. King Yikang of Pengcheng was in charge of Yuzhang, and he thought that the general would join the army and become the governor of Yuzhang. He was a lieutenant of the Li Nanman School, a servant in the middle school, a general of the auxiliary state, and the governor of Qingji Prefecture.

  In the twenty-seventh year of Yuanjia, he led Wang Xuanmo and other troops in the Northern Expedition. Bin sent General Cui Meng to attack and capture Qingzhou Governor Zhang Huaizhi in Le'an, but Huaizhi abandoned the city and fled. First, Meng and Bin joined the army and Fu Rong divided them into Le'an and Quecheng. The waterway in Le'an was blocked, so they combined to determine Chucheng at first, and then they captured Le'an again. Then he attacked the sliding platform and refused to pull out. Bin Zhui returned to Li Xia, and the story is in "The Biography of Wang Xuanmo". In the twenty-eighth year, the exiled Sima Shunze falsely claimed that he was a relative of the Jin Dynasty, named himself King of Qi, and gathered a crowd to occupy Liangzoucheng. There was also a Samana who claimed to be Sima Baibai and was named King An Ding. He ordered Qin Kaizhi, Zu Yuanming and others to live in villages and follow the rules. At the beginning, Liang Zou's garrison leader, General Xuanwei, and Cui Xunzhi, the governor of Le'an and Bohai counties, left the state, so Shunze stole the throne in vain. Cao Jinghui, the commander of the Xun Dynasty, refused to fight and was defeated, so he ran away. Bin immediately sent his troops to lead Jianwei General Jinan, Shen Tan, the prefect of Pingyuan County, Changliu to join the army, Luo Wenchang and other armies to seek compliance, but the attack could not be defeated. Xun Zhi and others first said that the city was forced to annex, and the troops should flee as soon as they arrived, but they were held fast by thieves, killing and wounding many officers and soldiers. Bin also sent Sima of the Mansion, General Jianwu, and Pang Xiuzhi, the prefect of Qi County, to lead the army. When Zu Yuanming took control of Anqiu City again, Bin sent General Zhenwu Liu Wuzhi and military leader Liu Hui with thousands of elite troops to attack Sima for a hundred years and kill him. If you follow the rules, you will lose your ground, and the crowd will get out of the way. Wenchang sent Daolian to pretend to surrender to the thieves. The thieves accepted him and showed the public with official rewards. The thieves in the city, Li Jishu and others, were willing to surrender. Daolian plotted to betray him and was killed by thieves. His step-uncle crossed the city and surrendered, so the thieves left. They attacked from all sides, and when they were hit by the chariot, they often fell three to five feet away. At that time, a level was thrown down from the south gate tower, and a rope was hung to catch the outsiders. The outsiders came up, and the thieves started to fight. Yun Xiang had already killed Shunze, so he threw his head. Qin Kaizhi went to Hebei. Bin retreated on the sliding platform and was dismissed from office. After a long time, he was reinstated as the commander of the right army of Nanping Wang Shuo. His subsequent deeds are in "The Legend of Two Fiends".

  Bin's younger brother Jian was the internal history of Changsha. After the birth of King Guangling, he established Guangzhou, which was not established as a town. He took the name of Annan to consult with the army, became the prefect of Nanhai, and conducted state affairs. When Wang Yidai of Donghai was born, Jian was still consulted by the former army, and the prefect remained as before. Shizu went to attack the culprit, and sent Liu Wan, the general of the auxiliary state and the governor of Nanhai , to attack Jian. When he stood by the scriptures, the city was captured and ambushed. Bin and Jian were executed together.

  Pang Xiuzhi was from Henan. Yi Bin was an old official, and the thief Shao was even more trustworthy, thinking that he was a guerrilla general. His ancestors lived in Xinting. At that time, none of the Shao generals surrendered, but Xiu arrived first, and everything went smoothly, so he was appointed the governor of Liangzhou. Xiu's descendants were killed by Shao, and ten of them were killed. However, Yan Yan was not abolished and was dismissed from office. Later, he was the governor of Xuzhou, led by the prince's right guard. He died in the first year of Xiaojian's reign. He was given a posthumous gift as an official, and he was given the title of regular attendant on casual cavalry. At the end of Ming Dynasty when Emperor Shun was promoted to Zimi, he became public minister in Guangxing. Xiu's younger brother Kuangzhi was also the Prime Minister during the reign of Emperor Taizong. (Biography 38, Xiao Sihua, Liu Yansun)